HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1483 O~DINANCE NO. ' 1~83 NEW SERIES AN O~XHANC~ AMg.~D!Ng CHAP~R 3.95 .OF THE MUNICIPAL' CODE OF THE CXTY OF BAKERSFIELD. BE XT ORDAINED By the Council of the City of Bakersfield tha= Chapter 3.95 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 3.95 · OFFICE OF A~DXTOR CONTROLLER Sections: 3.95.010 Office of Auditor Controller created. 3.95.020 Auditor Controller. City Auditor, Purchasin~; Duties of. .. 3.95.030 City Treasurer - Division of Office of Auditor Controller. 3.95.040 Duties and responsibilities of Auditor Controller. 3.95.050 Ordinances in conflict repealed. 3.95.060 Effective date. · . 3.95.010 Office of Auditor Controller created. There is hereby created the office of Auditor Controller who s~ll be appointed by the City Manager. 3.95.020 Auditor C.,.,ontro!ler~ City_Au4.itor; Pur,,chasiug. Pursuant to City Charter Section 39. the Auditor Controller shall perform the duties of City Auditor and Purchasing, in addition to those set forth herein. 3.95.030 City Treasurer - Division of Office of Auditor Controller. The City Treasurer shaZ1 be a division of the office of Auditor Controller under the general supervision of the Auditor Controller. 3.95.040 Duties and.respon, stbtlitie.s o.f. Au..ditor Controller. The Auditor Controller shall be responsible for the '- -'f-~ flow-i~g': ............. (a) Duties as prescribed by City Charter: All duties to be performed by the City Auditor as prescribed by the City Charter shall be performed by the Auditor Controller. (b) CenCral AccounCing System: Supervise and be responsible £or Che ~sinCenance o£ a senera! accounting sys~n Che ciCy; keep accounCs ~or aplF~Ol~riaCions conCa~d in t:he ciCy bucl~e~' which w~ll indicate ~e ~un~ o~ ~he appropri'~ion, amoun~ paid ~here£rom, ~he unpaid obli~a~ions asains~ i~ and the unen- ...... ~umb'ered ba'lence ;--require .reports and receipCs, and disbursemeacs ... from each receivin~ and spending a~ency of the city government Co be made daily or aC such intervals as may be expedient; and ocher duties as required by the City Char~er, City ordinances and laws oE the State of California. (c) Financial Reports: Submit Co the City Hanaser for transmission Co ~he City Council a monthly s~a~emenC of receipts and disbursements and such o~her financial reports required Co indicate the financial condition of the city. (d) Annual Financial S~CemenC: Prepare a complete financial statement and report aC ~he end of each £iscal year. (e) Treasury NanagemenC: Supervise ~he collection all ~xes, special assessments, license lees, franchise fees, ocher revenues of ~he city and Co audio such accounts as are necessary co de~ermine the amounts due ~he city from such revenues; have custody of all invested funds for ~he city as provided by Charter or S~aCe Laws,, (fi) Central Purchasing.Prosram: Supervise and administer a central purchasing pro,ram for use by any office, department or agency of the city government. 3.95.050 Ordinances in conflict repealed. All ordinances or pares of ordinances of the City of Bakersfield in herewith are hereby repealed. 3.95.060 Effective da~e. Tb~ amendments Co ~his chapter shall...be.c..o~., e£.fecCive. ZhirCy days. fr..om .and after the passage. ~his muendmenC by ~he City Council. ......... o0o ......... 2. I HEItEBY CERTIFY r/~at ~he foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by t/~e Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof bald on ~ 17t, h day of June , 1963, by ~he follow~ vote: ~Aq/ES: ~B/t~F/d4Z, I~, DOOLtN, MAP. GHBAHKS, MOSSMAN, RUG1CER, STIE~.~. - CITY CLERK'and Ex-Off~cio Clerk Of '~-~ Council of r/m City of Bakersfield. of os ng ( r an es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern ~. ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, actinl~ and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield ; 'and that on ....... ..~..h...e.....1...~.~..h.....d...a.y......o..f.....~_..u...n..e..~. ............................. , 19._...6...3she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a f~ll, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....~.h...e._...l_.7.~..h......d..a.Y_..o_..f.._.J...u._n...e_~ ................... ,19...6...3.., which ordinance was numbered ............... ..1_4_..8..3.. ........... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.95 OF TwE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, .... ~Su~be~ribed and sworn to before me this ~-;i,-~-. · ]:8 t-:li?,~s'~,, ~ June, · 63 ~_ ~-/-., .: ......... ~:.u,~ ................................................ 19 ......... ~'/..~....., ~.~..',, .._ ~ - · i~ ~ ---.------. ..... ~ ............................. :~ ~ ~ Notsr~ Pa'die in and for the County of 'rem, State of' California