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N0o ~500 NE~ AN 0~~~ ~V~ ~~ON O~ A ~AR~ O~ ~Z~Z~ ~~RY ~ ~E C~ OF B~SF~D, ~~~, DESX~D AS "ST~ NO. 1," ~ PAY ~ ~~ ~EB~SS OF ~ ~H~S, a pet~t~ ~as ~led ~ the Co~c~l of C~ty of ~rsff~eld ~ the 12th ~y o~ A~t, 1963, reques~in~ ~at cer~n ~~b~ted ~rr~tory ~erein ~ser~d be an~xed and ~co~o~ated ~n ~e C~ty of ~rs~ield, and ~E~S, sa~d ~t~t~ ~as s~ed by t~ ~ers o[ one- ffo=r~ of ~ l~d~ by a~ea, ~d by assessed val~ as sh~ ~ th~ ~st eq~l~d asses~t ~oll off the C~ty of ~, and ~E~S, ~e te~to~ ~scribed ~ sa~d pe~t~ ~s ~E~S, t~ sa~d te~ito~ ~s not ~o~ a part of any o~r city, aud ~E~S, prior to ~e ~ hereoff t~re has been ~2t~ eons~t, si~ed by the ~rs off ~ze than ~o~rds ~e val~ o~ ~ te~towy, t~t said territo~ be subjected ~t~ a~ter ~ e~let~ off s~h an~ti~ eq~lly ~2h e~e ~o~rty ~n the C~ of ~rsfield ~o pay ~ b~d off s~d City ~retn ~scr~d, as pro~d for ~n ~d~uce No. 893, N~ Ser~es, ~n Or~uce No. 950, Ne~ Ser~es, In Owd~ance No. 111l, N~ Sew~es, and in Owd~ce No. 122~, Ne~ Ser~s, all o[ ~e C~ty off Ba~rs~eld, ~d ~y and all o~r ~n~bte~ess liab~l~y o[ ~ City outst~d~ or authorized ~ and a~r the ~ of c~leti~- of' sa~d ~xat~on'," ~nd ~s -~c[l"h~B~ ........ dete~es t~t sa~d c~sent ~s s~d by ~e o~ers off ~ze ~han. ~spece ~th :~e pro~s~s o[ Sect~ 35319 of the Co~ off ~ S~ of Cal~ffo~a, and ~HEREAS, the Council o£ the City o£ Bakers£ield did, on the 12th day o£ AUguSt, 1963, pass a a~solution being No. 64.-63, in compliance with the provisions o£ the Annexation o£ Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, and amendments thereto, being Title 4, Division 2, Part 2~ Chapter 1, Article $ of the Government Code the State of California, specifically describing the boundaries o£ the ~erritory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and desl~nati~S such territory by =~ appropriate name, and Nonday, the 23rd day o£ September, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersffield, Califfornia, as the day, hour and place when and the City Council ~ould hear protests mede by any person o~nin~ real property within the afforesaid territory, and ~SiERF~S, said Resolution was published at least but not oftener tha~ once a reek in The Bakersffield a newspaper off. general circulation published in the City off Bakersfield, and also in The Otldale News, a newspaper off circulation published outside off the City off Bakersffield, bu~. in the county ~ere said territory is located, said publications having been completed at least L~enty days prior to the dace se~ ffor said hearing, in compliance with Section 3~311 off the Govern~nt Code, and ~HEREAS, the City Clerk off the City off Bakersffield caused vrttten notice off such proposed annexation to be g-r-yen mail at least tventy days beffore the public hearing on sa-~d proposed annexation to the persons entitled thereto, in complY-ante ~.~h mabdivisions (a). and (b) o£ Sec~.ton. 3$31[ o£. ~.ei,d_Go_~.~a~.t .. Code, and ~IEREAS, at ~he time set for hearins protests, a majority protest was not nmde against the proposed annexation by any o~ners o£ property w~tb~n ~he ~erritory proposed to be annexed. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by ~he Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION l. That ~he City Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves ~he annexation to and inclusion within ~he incorporated l~ntts of the City of Bakersfield, of ~tat certain uninhabited territory designa~ed as "STINK NO. l"; and it is hereby further ordained Chat said ~erritory be and ~he 8ama is hereby annexed to said City; ~hat said territory is described as follows: A parcel of land situate in ~he County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Sections 2, 3, and 11, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M.: BesinninE at the northwest corner of Parcel A, as said parcel is shmm on the "Altered Hap of Tract No. 1916, recorded Hatch 24, 19610 in Book ll of Haps at pase 174 In the office of ~he County Recorder of said Kern County, said northwest corner being a poin~ on ~tm easterly right of way line of Sou_th Real Road, and also said northwest corner be~g a point on ~he current corporate boundary of fJ~e City of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance No. 1473, New Series; THENCE (1) southerly along the corporate boundary and along the said easterly right of way line and the southerly prolongation thereof ~o intersect the sou£herly of way line of Ming Road, as said southerly right ~.f way l~ne is shown on ~he mp of Tract No. 2720, recorded June 15, 1962, in Book 12 of ~ps at page8 196 and 197 in the office of the said County Reco~:de~.~ THENCE (2) easterly alon5 the said southerly right of way line of N~ng Road and alon~ the corporate boundary, ~he northwest corner of the "Additional Dedicetio,~' parcel of Street right of way as shown on the map o~ said Tract No. 2720; THENCE (3) S. 0° 3~' 09" ~., 30.00 feet along ~he west boundary ..................... o£ .~a~ p. ar. ce.l. ~o. ~.h_e_.aou.thw. est ..c_.o. rn.er thereof; THENCE (4) continuing S. 0° 3~' 09" ~., departing from the corporate boundary, 16~.69 feet to a point ? ~he north line of Lot 26 of said Tract No. 2720, TI~NCE (5) N. 88' 48' 49" ;., 29.§2 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 26; THENCE (6) S. 0' 34' 09" W.. 130.00 feet to the southwest co,er of sa~d ~t 26; ~NCE (7) N. 88' 50' 1~" ~., 232.00 feet to t~ easterly of way 1Lne of said ~al ~d, of 60 feet ~n ~ld~; ~NCE (8) southerly al~ ~e said easterly right of ~ay ~ntersect t~ easterly pro[~att~ of ~ sou~h oE Lot 3 oE said Section 1Z, as said Lot 3 ~s s~ ~ ~e "Sales ~p o~ ~ C~ty ~ud C~y ~ Sec~l= 11'~ ~i~d Jan~ 23, 189~, ~n ~ o[~ce ~e said ~ty ~cor~r; ~CE (9) ~sterly al~ ~ said easterZy prol~sat~on and south l~ o~ ~ts 3, ~,6 and t~ ~sterly o~ ~e said sou~ l~ne o~ ~t 6 to Intersect ~e ~sterly r~t o~ way 1~ o~ St~ ~l ~n ~t o~ said 'Sa~s ~p"; ~E;CE (10) soue~seer~y al~ sa~d ~sterly r~t of way line intersect ~e ~sterly bowery o~ said ~ct~ ~; ~ENCE (11) ~r~er[y al~ ~e said ~sterly bowery o~ Sec~ 11 ~ ~ northwest co.er ~CE (12) ~sterly aZ~E ~e sou~erly bowery oE said Sect~ 3 to iu~rsect a ~ ~ral~l ~th ~d dist=t ~NCE (13) northerly al~g ~st ~==~d ~ral~l line to the no=therly bo~~ of ~e s~east q~rte; of said Secti~ 3; ~CE (~) easterly al~g said not,fly bo~~ to ~=tersect easterly b~~ of said Sectl~ 3; ~CE (15) c~t~u~ easterly al~g the not,fly b~~ ~e soul, st q~rte; (S.~. 1/~) of said Sectl~ to intersect a point ~ ~ ~sterly ri~t of ;ay of said St~ Ca~l; ~CE (~6) sou~sterly alo~ the said ~sterly r~t of ~ay of of ~ Sti~ Ca~l to l~tersect ~e nort~;ly b~ry s~-~lf (s. 1/2) of ~ Sou~-~lf (s. 1/2) of said Sect~ 2; ~EN~ (~7) easterly al~g t~ last ~d ~rtb~rly bo~~ ~e north~st co,er of ~t 10 of ~act No. 2337 as sandlot ~0 ~s sh~ ~ ~e ~p of ~act No. 2337 reeor~d De~ber 31. 1959, ~n Book il of ~ps at ~ge 35 ~n the o~fice of ~e said Cowry '' '~CE '(1~-' S."l~°'-nl~ ~" ~..' 5~.~8 ~e~t; .......................... ~N~ (~9) ~. 22' 11' 32' ~.. 33.258 feet; ~CE (20) N. 75' 08~ 19" ~., 9.960 fleet to ~tersect t~ easterly r~t of ~ay ~ne of St~ R~d, of 60 feet ~n ~N~ (21) s~~stetZy al~g sa~d eas~;ly ri~t of ~ay l~e off said St~ Road to intersect ~ s~rl7 o~ the Nor~-~[~ ~. ~/2) of ~e s~east (S. E. ~/~) ~f t~ sout~est q~rter (S. ~. /~) 1 of THENCE (22) easterly along last -A~-d southerly boundary to a point in the ~est l~ne of Tract No. 2638 as sa~d Tract No. 2638 was reeordad December 7, 1961, :In Book 12 of Maps at page 109 In ~/~ office of the said County Recorder; THENCE (23) southeasterly_ along sald westerly line of sald TFacZ No. 2638 to the southwest oorner ~b~reof, also t/m northwest corner of Tract No. 2833, as shown on t~he map of said Tract Nos 2833 recorded March 22, 1963, in Book 13 of Maps at pages 136 and 137 in Zhe office of ~he said County Recorder; THENCE (24) S. 15° 13' 32" E., 291.08 feet to the souZhwest corner of said Tract No. 2833; THENCE (25) S. 89° 22~ 08" E., alon~ the southerly boundary of sa.~d Tract No. 2833 to a poinZ ~n the easZerly boundary of southwesZ quarter (S. W. 1/4) of said Section 2; THENCE (26) 8ou.t~. erly alon~ last. named easterly boundary to the sour~ qua~Zer (S. 1/4) corner of said Section 2, said south quarter (S. 1/4) corner also being a poluZ on ~ nor~Jaerly prolon~ation of the westerly boundary of aforesaid LoZ 4 of said "Sales Map of Kern CounZy Land Company ~u Section 11"; THENCE (27) southerly alon~ the said northerly prolon~aZion to the northwest corner of said Lot /4; and conZinutng southerly along the westerly boundary a distance of 200 feeZ f~em the 8aid northwest corner of LoZ 4 Zo a northwest corner of that grant deed recorded March 18, 1959, in Book 3100 at paf~e 257 of the Official Records of said Kern County; THENCE (28) easterly, parallel Zo the norZherly boundary of sa~d Section 11, alon~ a northerly lh~e of last named deed 349 feet, more oF less to a point in the easterly boundary of ~J3aZ ~ranZ deed recorded February 28~ in Book 921 aZ paf~e 166 of Zhe Official Records of said Kern C~unZy; THENCE (29) northerly along said easterly boundary of last nan~cI ~ranZ deed and alon~ the northerly prolon~ation of 8~Ld easZerly boundary to ~n. tersecZ the norZherly boundary of said SecZion 11, THENCE (30) easZerly along last named nor~xerly boundary to a poinZ in a l~ne parallel W~th and d~s~ant 30 feet westerly as me_asured aZ ri~ht.angles to the cen~e~!~[ne of Lymric Way and t~e southerly prolon~ation ~hereof, as sa~d Lymric Way is shown on aforesaid map of TracZ .................. No_.. 2.833; THENCE (31) northerly along said parallel line to ~ corner of Lot 14 of said TracZ No. 2833, sa'~d nor2heast corner_ being a_ poin= on the norZherly boundary of said '~wac= No. 2833; THENCE (32) easterly alor~ tb~ north line of said Tract No. 2833 and along ~:he southerly boundary of Tract No. 2221 as shmm on ~p of said Tract No. 2221 recorded April 16, 1959, in Book 10 of Haps at page 135 in the o£fice of the sa:~d County Recorder, and along the easterly prolon~ation thereof to the northwest corner of said Parcel A, the point of beg/xm~g and contain/nE acres of land, mo~e or less. Said territory, and the property located therein, shell, upon the completion of the annexation of the s~ to the City of Bakersiiield, be subjected to taxation equally ~r~th other propert'y in the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of tha City of Bakersfield, descr/~hed ~n the aforementioned consent of the o~ners of property, located therein, the issuance of bonds to represent said ~ndebtedness being provided for in Ord/~ance No. 893, New Series, in Ord/~muce No. 950, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1112, Ne~ Series, and in Ord/xmnce No. 1229, Ne~ Series, of said City, and any and all other indebtedness or liabil-~ty the City outs tand/ng o~ authorized on and after the date of completion of said annexa~.~on. SECTI~ON 2. This ord/xumce shall become effective thirty days fro~ and after the date of its passage. .......... O00 ! HEREBY CERTIFY ~hat tb~ foregoing Ordinance was passed end adopted by the Counc~.1 of the City of Bakers fie .1d at a reEular meet/n~ thereof held on the 23rd day of September, by the £olloutng vote: BALF,~.~,~.Z, DOOLIN, MARCHBANI~, MO~MAN, RUCI~P., ~IEP. N, ~.iITIT:MOI~E CZI~ CLEI?~ and gx~-O~'J~[c~'c~ Clerk off Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 23rd day of Septe-~er, '1963. .Af av ! of j ost ng r an es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being daly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, actinf~ and qualified City Cleric of the City of Bakersfield; and that ~n~..t.~.h..e.~..2..4.~.t..h..~.d..a.~..~..~..S~-.p.~.t..e.~.m.~.b..e.~?.~ .................... , 19--6-.3-... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council .of said City at a .meeting thereof duly held on ...... ..t..h...e..~.2...3-r..d..~..d...a.~......~...f.....S..e...p...t..e...m...b..e...r.~..~.~ 19..6...3..., which ordinance was numbered ...........1...5..0...0. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "STINE NO. I, AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY· Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~.~..~[t,b,day of ......... ff~eab.er.~.., ........ ,19....~__~. :.-'. ,' _.- ~, :-' Notsr~ Public in '~nd for the County of Kern, State of Ge]l{ornla : -_ :~- :