HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1493 ORDINANCe- NO. 1493 NE~ SERIES AN ORD~'NANCE APPROVINC ~T~ON OF A PAR~ OF UNI~B~ ~I~Y ~ ~ CI~ OF ~~~, ~IFO~', DES~~ AS "S~SET P~VID~ FOR PAY ~EREAS, a petition was filed wi~h ~he Council o£ the C~ty of ~l=rsfield = ~e 2~th ~y off J~e, 1963, tequest[~ ~hat certain ~i~b~ted terr[2ory therein ~scr~bed be ~exed ~o and ~ncorpora~ed ~lthin ~e C~y of ~rsfield, ~d ~B~S, sa~d pe~[~ ~as si~ed by the o~ers fo~2h off ~e ~d~ by area, and by assessed val~ as last eq~lized asses~n~ ~oll of ~e Co~ty of ~, and ~E~S, ~e ~rr~ory ~scribed in said ~n2~us ~err~oFy ~o be a~exed, and , I~~S, 2~ said ~erri~ory does no~ [o~ a o2he~ c~y, and ~~S, on ~e 2~h day of J~e, 1963, ~hare f~led ~n ~he off~ce of ~he C~ty Clerk of ~he C~y of a ~22en consent, 8~d by t~ ~ero o~ more ~han ~ val~ off ~he territory, ~ sa~d terri~ory be sub, eckerd ~ion aider ~he c~p~2~on o[ such ~nexa~on eq~lly property ~ ~he C~y o~ h~rs~leld ~o ~y ~he b~d of said C~y t~re~n ~scFibed, as pro~d for ~n ~d~.nance No. 893, New Ser~es, In Ordnance No. 9~0, Ne~ Ser~es, in OFd~.uanca 1112~ Ne~ Series0 and ~n O~dinance No. 1229, New Ser~es, City o~ Ba~rsf~eld, and any ~d al1 o~r tndeb2edness of ~he C~Cy ou.2s~andins oF au~orized ~ and after ~he ~ha~ sa~d c~sen~ is s[~ed by ~he o~e~8 of more ~han oE the val~ of ~ ~err~o~y, and c~pl~es ~.n e~m~y respec2 ~ pro~s~8 off Sec~ 3~319 of ~he Go~~n~ Co~ of the Sta~ of Cal~fo~a, and / ~EREAS, the Council o£ the City of Bakersfield did, o,~ the 1st day of July, 1963, pass a Resolution being No. 48-63, compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Unt~J~abited Territory Act of 1939, and amendments thereto, bein~ Title ~, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Govermnent Code tie State of California, specifically describing the boundaries the territory so proposed Co be annexed to the City of and desi~natt~g such territory by an appropriate name, and settir, g Nonday, the 12Ch day of August, 1963, aC the hour of eiEht o'clock P.H. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the day, hour and place when and the City Council would hear protests ~de by any person owning real property ~.tthin the aforesaid territory, and HREREA$, said Resolution ~as published at least t~ice, but hOC oftener Chart once a week in The Bakersfield Cali_~o~mien, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Bakers£ield, and also in The Oildale ~ews, a newspaper of circula~ion published outside of the City of Bakersfield, bt,.~ ia the county where said territory is located, said publtcitt.ov..~ having been completed aC least t~ency days prior to the da~e sec for said hearing, in compliance with Section 35311 of the Government Code, and ~AERFAS, the Ct. ty Clerk of the City of Bakersfield caused ~ritten notice of such proposed annexation co be §')--~e.n by m~__il at leas~ t~nty days before the public hearing on said proposed anne~mtion Co the persons entitled thereto, in cor~pl~.an,;e with subdivisions (a) and (b) o~' Section 35311 of said Cova~nmenC .... C~.-,- ~a~..~ ................... --. ......................................... .~tF.~S, at the tim-., set for hearing pro~s2s~ ~riCten protests were ~.iltd ~ainst the proposed annexatio~. ~.~" any o~ner of property within the territory proposed to be annexed. NOt/, THEREFORE, BE IT OI~DAINED by ~e Co~c~]. o[ the of ~rsf~eld, as foll~s: SECT~N 1. ~a~ ~ C~y Co~c~l of ~ C~y of Ba~rsf~e!d hereby approves ~e ~exat~ ~o ~d tncl~on ~th~n t~ Incorporated ~ts of the C~ty of Ba~rsf~eld, of t~t cer~n ~hab~ted territory ~sis~ted as "S~SET NO. 3"; and ~ ~s hereby further ore,ned ~a~ sa~d te~2ory be and ~ s-~e ~s ~reby a~exed sa~d City; ~ sa~d terr~to~ is described as foll~s: A parcel of land s~t~te ~ t~ Co~ty of ~, State of Cal!.fo~a~ and bein~ a port~ of ~ northeast q~rter of Sec=i~ 35, 29, South, ~nEe 27 ~st, M.D.M; BeE~i~ at ~e ~ntersect~ of tb~ south r~t of way lit~ of ~ster ~e (Co~=y Road No. 1228), of 60 feet ~n w~dth, and the ~st r~ht of way l~ne of Real ~ad (C~ty ~ad No. 1086), of 60 feet ~n ~dth, sa~d ~nZersect~ be~nE a point ~ ~he c~rent co,orate b~~ of ~ C~ of Ba~rsf~ld; ~CE (1) ,~sterly~ ~part~nE fr~ t~ said corporate bo~mdary~ and alon~ the sou~ r~ht of way l~ne of ~ster S.89~52'30"W., a dis~ce of 434.31 feet, ~re or to in~rsect the c~terl~ne of the StOne Canal; ~NCE (2) N.2~21~02'~., al~ ~e sa~d c~rl~ne of =b~ Ca~l, 200.11 feet; ~EN~ (3) N.14'33~E., 109.92 feet, ~re or less, to the te~tn~ of C~rse (10) of Ord~nm~ce No. 1445, itew ~r~es, be~nE a point ~n the cu~t co=porate ~NCE (4) N.89'52~30'~.~ 388.42 feet, and al~E the corporate bo~y to ~ wes2erly r~ht of way l~ne of Real ~d; ~~ (5) sou~erly al~ said ~sterly r~= of way lt.~m the co~po~a~ ~~ry 300 feet~ more or less~ 2o the point of be~~E and c~ta~n~nE 2.94 acres of land, ~re or less. Sa~d ~2o~ ~d ~e propecty located ~ere~n, slmli~ ~rsfi. eld, be subjected ~o ~~ eq~lly w~Ch o~er In the C~2y of Ba~=sft. eld to pay the b~d [n~bted~ss of ~.e C~Zy of Ba~rsf~eld~ ~scr~bed ~n ~e afore~nt~oned c~sent of the miners of property, located ~herein, the issuance of bo~ds ~o represent said indebtedness bein§ provided for tn Ordinance No. 893, New Series, in Ord~uance No. 950, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1112, New Series, and tn Ordinance No. 1229, New Ser~es, all of sald City, ~d any and all o~her [n~b~e~ess or l~abll~y of ~e C~ty ou~s~nd~ng or au~ho~lzed ~ ~d afar ~he ~2e of c~ple~ of sald a~e~t~on. SECTION 2. ~ts o~d~ce shall bec~ effec~ ~h~.r~y ~ys fr~ and after ~he ~ of ~Zs passage. ........ o0o ........ ! HEREBY CERTIFY ~hat ~he forego/rig Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Baker.-field at a re~zlar m~ettn§ ~hereo£ held on the 12Ch day of Ausust, 1963, by the follo~in§ vo~e: Council of the City of Bake~.sf[eld. Af hav ! of j osfing ( r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Kern ; ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, delmses and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............. ~l~...~.~.t~l...~ll~....O~l../L~iF~tl~., ................... ,19..0..3.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinanco passed by the OouncL1 of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............~..h..e......~..~...t..h..._.d_a~....o...f.....A...u.~[.u...~..t.. ....... ,19._6...3.., which ord~Auce was numbered .........~[4~ ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO TEE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "SUNSET NO. 3," AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED II~DEBTEDKESS OF SAID CITY. ..,:,!:[...,.[.:. Subscribed and sworn to before me this " ..-1..3-.-t-.h_~:d. ay of August, , 19...6...3... l~otar~ F~lc. in and fo~ the Oount, y of Kern, Sla~e " --' Wat,~En w. SM1TIt, 1~o~ l~ublM · .....