HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1491 ORDINAl;CE I'~0,_., 1491 i~EW SERIES ~F0~, DE~)[G~D A~ "HUGHES ~. 1," A~ P~VID~N~ F0~ %~1~ T~aTIOi~ OF ~ID TERRI~RY ~ PAY ~ ~g~ X~EB~D~SS OF ~ CITY. WHEILF, AS, a pe.,-.il:.i~.., was filed wi~:h l:he Council of Ci~.y of ~kex'sf~eld ~ ~he 19~h day of J~e, 1963, req~s~::i.n~ ce~;~h~ ~m~nhab~ed ~eT~fltoTy ~he~e~n described he an~exe~ ~o and ~ncorpo~ated w~n ~he Ci~:y of Ba~rsf~eld, and ~AS~ said p~l:~ was s~ed by =he ~uers of four2h o~ Che land~ by a;.'.~a~ and by assessed value as sh~ las~ eq~l~ze~ assessing: roll oZ the County o~ ~, c~ti~uous ~rritory to b~ annexed= and ~E~S~ ~e said ~er~-[~ory does not fo~ a p~rt of o~her =~Cy, and ~ER~S~ pr~o~r ~o the ~e ~reof there ~s been filed in t~ off~ce of the Clt~ ~].e~k of the City of ~r~field, a ~r~;ten c~sent~ si~ed by the o~ners of more ~han two-~trcds the ~al~ of the terr~to~:y: that sa~d Zerrito~y be s~h-ject~d ta~on a:~t~r the c~l~!eti~ of such anne~.t[~ eqtmlly wii:h proper~y in the City of Da~rs fie ].d to pay the b~d of said C~y ~he=e~n ~scr~beds as pro~d for ~n Ordb. mnce 893, Ne~ Series, in Ordinance ~o, 950~ New Series, in of ~e c~y off ~kersfi~ld~ aud any and ali other [n~b;:e6n;.s~ llabili~y of =he City outs~nd~u~ or authorized on an~ after: ~a~:e of c~pl~tton of sa~d :~nnexaticn~ and ~h!~ Co~n!l respee~ ~.~h ~e pro~f.~i,:.~:~,u/of f:acti~ 35319 of the ~HE~EAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, o~ the 19th day of June, 1963, pass a ~esolutton bein8 No. 44-63, in compliance w~th the prov~stons of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, and amengments thereto, being T~tle 4, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Article § of the Covernment Code of the State of California, specifically describ~ ~he boundaries of the territory so proposed to Be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and dasi~nating such territory by an appropriate name, and setting Monday, the 29th day of July, 1963, at the hour of eight o'clock P.M. ~n the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Trux~un Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the day, hour and place when a:,d where the City Council would b~ar protests made by any person' owning real property w~thin the aforesaid territory, and WHEHEAS, said Resolution was published at least twic~, But not oftener than once a week in The Bakersfield Californian, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Bakersfield, and also in The Oildale News, a newspaper of general circulation published outside of the City of Bakersfield, but in the county wb~re said territory is located, said publications hav~n~ been completed at least twenty days prior to the date set for said hearing, in compliance w~th Section ~5311 of the Coveroment Code, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield has caused written notice of such proposed annexation to be ~Lven by mail at least twenty days before the public hearing on said proposed annexation to the persons entitled thereto, in compliance with subdiv~sions (a) and (b) of Section 35311 of said Covernment Coda, and WHEREAS, at the time set for hearin~ protests, a majority protest was not -~de a~ainst the proposed ~,~exat~on by any owners of property w~thin the territory proposed to be annexed. NO~, TR~R~FOKE, B~ IT ORDAINED by the Counci'l of the City of Bakersfield, as SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Bakers£inld hereby approves the anne~tion to and inclusion ~t~n the ~ncorporated 1Mrs of the City of Bakersfield, of that certaflt u~n~abited territory desi~tated as '~IUCHES NO. l"; and ~t Is hereby further ordained that said territory be and the same ~s hereby annexed to said City; that said territory is dascr4bed as A parcel of land situate ~n the County of [em, State of California, · and bein~ a portion of Section 13, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, and also a portion of Section 18, Township 30 South, Ea e 28 East, N.DoX., and as said Sections 13 and 18 are sho~n on the~rn County Sales Nap No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Ha~Sin", filed for record Na.y 3, 1889, ~n the office of the County Recorder of said ~rn County. Be.s~.~min~_ at the northwest corner of Lot 6 in said Section 18, boun; .... ~ ..... -~.=.~y,.a_s ~e_as_urea perpendicular, to the westerly .~__~_~_~_~ o.~_Fa~a_ueccx.o~. ~u, _sa~d parallel line also bein_~ the 2==~=.~_~y_r_~_.~ o; way ~p~ of South H S~reet (County Roa~; .~o.~. ~ & .140), of 60 feet in ~dth. said nor~h~=*'~~ _=e.~nS a point on the current cot or~te bounder ....... ....- P y of the Cit of ~axersfield as defined by Ordinance No. 1122, New Series; y TR~NC~ (1) ?.o_utherly along the last na~d parallel line, and along cna current corporate boundary, to the northwest corner ~f. Lot 15 .~u_s.a*d..Section 18, said northwest corner of ,ay lin, of --= ~ne ~ouncy aoao ~o. ~52), of 60 feet in ~idth; TRENC~ (2) ~esterly, departing fr~n the current corporate boundary, along the ~esterly prolon~ation of the northerly boundary _of .s.aid .Lo~.t l§ to intersect the ~esterly boundary of said · HENGE (3) cont,.suing ~esterl.y along the easterly prolongation of the northerly boundary of Lot: 17 of said Sect:ion 13 and along the northerly boundary of Lots 17 and 19, said northerly boundary also being the southerly r~tght of ~a~ .~ine_ o_~ said ~'hit.e Lanes to lnteFsect a point 2.:)o.:~p ~'eet:s more or ~esss west: of the north~-ssterly right of way line of the Asphalts Branch of the Sout:heFn Pacific Company, as assured along said southerly right of ~ay, said last ua~ed point being the most northwesterly  orner of a parcel of Land deeded to the S & F Cotton _omp~n. y record_e_d July 30, 1953. in Book 2111 at · o£ tb~ Official Records of said [em County; ' THENCE (4) S.44°18' l., along the boundary of said parcel, 703.36 feet, more or less, to the soutlnqest corner thereof; THENCE (5) S.45°42'E., along the boundary of said parcel, 167o~.9 feet Co the southeast corner thereof, being a point the northwesterly right of way line o~ the Aspb..a';~.c Branch of the Southern Pacific Company; THNNtE (6) southwesterly alonl; said right of way an arc O.t~tar..~..~. of 36.80 feet (said arc having a radius of 5,6~9.65 fleet) to the northeast corner of a parcel of land deeded to Jess Smith & Sons, recorded February ?, 1961, in Book 3346 at page 774 of the Official Records of said Kern County; THENCE (7) N.45°37'~., alon§ the boundary of last named ~areel, 166 feet to the northwest corner ~hereof; THF. ECE (8) S.44°23'1., along the boundary of last named parcel 480 feet to the southwest corner thereo£; THKNGE (9) S.45°37tE., along the boundary of last named parcel 164 feet to t~e southeast corner thereof, sa.~.d son~ho east corner being a point on the said northwesterly right of way line of ~he Asphalto Branch; THENCE (10) southwesterly alon~ the said northwesterly right cf way line to intersect the veste.rly .ri~ht of way of U.S. 99 High~ay (State Route VI Ker 4-C) Bakersfiel~.. By-Pass; THE~C~ (11) northwesterly along the said State Route righ~ of line to intersect ~ha southerly boundary of L~t 23 said Section 13; THBNCE (12) westerly along said southerly boundary of Lo~ 23 to intersect a line parallel ~rith and distant 30 fee~: easterly, as measured perpendicular to ~.he boundary of said Section 13; said parallel li~.e the easterly right of ~ay line of lible Road Road No. 50), of 60 feet in ~idth;. THENCE (13) northerly and parallel with the west line of said Section 13, to a point, more or less 43~.28 f~_e~. northerly and 30 feet easterly of the West qual~e..~: [,.'.;. L."/:.' corner of said Section 13, said point being '~-he corner of a parcel of land deeded to 5. DaRuch:.~ Au~mst 29, 1957~ in Book 2837 at page 128 of the Records o£ said Kern County; THENCE (14) easterly along the northerly boundary of said p;~r~.el distance of 417.69 feet, more or less, to iuti~';ect westerly ~ight of way line of a.~oresaid State ~oute VI Ker-~-C, Bak~rsfield By-Pass, Lot norcner~y ~ouaoary oE l0 of said Section .T~NC;. (16) easterly along said northerly boundary of Lot .~.0 ;:c intersect th® ~sterly boundary of Tract No. 2~63 as sho~n On the "Altered Nap of Tract No. 2263", October 8, 1962, in Book 13, of Naps at pages 57 au.~..%8, tn ~e off:~ce of ~he said County Itecorder; wes~ co~;~ o~ Parcel "C" o~ sa~d Altered ~p o~ No. 2263; ~NCE (18) N.89'~7'[~"E., 359.297 feet al~ ~e north 1~ of Parcel "C" anS. ~ easterly prol~at~ Ch~;-eof~ ~n~e=seu~ t;.'~ ~s2 1~ of Parcel Bt 8a~d ~act No. 2263; ~;C~ (].9) N.0*02'41?:W.~ 2.076 feet to the north~st co,er Parcel "B" of sa~d Altered ~EN~ (20) S.89'5~40"E., 471.487 feet to ~e nort~ast co:~er of sa].d P;~c~l "B", said not,east co.er ba~n~ a on a c~ve, c~ca~ to t~ east, ~v~n~ a rad~ 1402.823 ~eet; TaENC~ (2D southerly al=~S sa~d c~ ~rou~ a cen=ral ansle of 3'48~03", a d. istance of 93.0~9 feet to a po~n= of tans~cy; T[~NC~ {22) S.89=56~50'tE.~ 60.00 feet to ~ntersec~ the ~st l~n,.~ of Parcel "A" of sa~d Altered ~p of ~act .No. sa~d ~n~ of [nteTsect~on be~ the be~nn~n~ of a c;~, concav~ Zo the east, ~v[n~ a radius of 1342.823 feet; , ~~ (23) not,fly al=~ said c~ ~hrou~ a cen~;al ~le 0~~" a d:[st~ce of 6.081 feet ~o the co.er of sa~d Parcel "A"; · ' ~N~ (24) S.89~41~16"~. ~ 200.00 fee= to =he northeast of sa~d Pa=ce1 "A", sa~d northeast no.er beans a point ~n Che ~asterly bowery of said ~act No. ~CE (25) easterly, ~ral~l w~th ~he southerly bowery ~f northwest q~m~'zer of sa~d Seet~ 13~ ~o ~n~ersect the eas~rly b~ndary of t~ not,west q~rter of Sect~ 13, sa~.d point of intersect~on also be~n~ the ~sterly bo~.~ry of Lot 13 of sa~d Section 13; T~NCE (26) northerly al~ the ~sterly bo~dary of Lot 13 Zo ~n~ersect ~e northerly bowery of t~ sou~ ~.lf sa~d Lot 13; '~;;[~0~ (2~) easterly al,yn~ ~h~ nor~her].y bo~~ of the south half of ~s 13 and 14~ and al~ the north l~ne of Lust 16,~ the nor~eas~ core,er of sa~d Lo~ 16 ~ said Sect:~ 12~ 9[[~X~CE (18) nor~rly ~1~.~ the last ~d parallel ].]~e ;:c t~.~: northeast co~a~= of Lo~ 15 of sa~d Se==~ 13= not,as= =o~:'r~r o~ Lo2 1~ be~n~ a porn2 on the corporate botmclary of the City of Bakersftelcl as defined by Ord.~m~nce 1322 New Serles; T,W~,NC]~ (29) easterly aloD.~ the easterly prolonF~ation of I:he ~oundary of said Lot 15 to intersect the eastez'ly ]~oundary of said Section 13; THENCE (30) continu~n~ easterly alon§ the westerly prolongatlor, ~f the nortl~.r!Iff Boundary of Lot'6 in said Sect'~on 13 Ch° nor~:h~esl: co~er of saict LOt 6, the true ~=~nt of beginning., =ou~a-~nin§ 181.12 acres of land, more leEso Sa:..'.d 2e~ri~:ory, and the property locagecl therein= shall= ~pon the completion of.' the annexation of the same =o t/~e C.~ty of Bake~sfie!d, be subJe¢:~e~ to ~axation equally w~tl~ ol~her .D~ope~2 ~n t'~he City o£ Bakersf::~ld =o pay ~he bonded indeb~edness ,~£ ~he (;~.ty of Bake~:sfie].d, ~eoc..~'ibed '.n the aforementioned consent o£ $:he o~,~ers o~ propeFl'.y~ located there-~n, the isst~ance of bonds to represent said ~debtedness being proved°el for in Ordin~nee 893, New Ser~s, in Orc~mance No. 950, New Series, in Orcl~.~anc~ No. 1112, Ne~7 Series~ ~.~.d. ~[n OFd~nance No. 1229, l{ew Ser.~.es, all of sa'~cl C~t:y~ and any az~.cl all other indebtedness or l~abili~:]~ of t. he C~ty ouZ~tanding o~: authorized on and after the date of comple~.~on of sa~d SECTION 20 Th~.s ord/nan~.~e ~hall become effec~:i%~ thirZy days and after.', t.h~. frame of ~.~s passage. ........... 000 ........ Z HEREBY CERTIFY that ~he foresoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of ~he C~ty of Bakersf~.e.!d at a regular meeting thereof held on the 29~h day of July, 1963, by Che following vote: AYES. BALFANZ, IX)OLIN, MA.qCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STIEIIN, WHII'rEMoIIE A3$TAININGt -.~ chis 29ch day of July, 1963. of os ng r ar es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .t...h...e.....3...O..t...h.....d...a.~,.....o..f.....J...u...1.]f.~. ............................. ,19...6..3... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Councii of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on......t.h.e.....2._.9...t.~.....d_a.y_...o...f.....J_..u..1.y.~ ................... ,19...6...3.., which ordinance was numbered ...... ..1..4...9...1. ................... New Series,-and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TEP, RITORY .To THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "HUGHES NO. 1," AND PROVIDING FOR Tm~. TAXATION OF SAID TERNITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~. S/)t..h. day of ................. ~.Y.~ ................ , 19... 63 · .. ~---:---T-~ ..... · ~' · l~otary h~l~ i~. a~d foe ~ Cmuu~ of Kern, ~a~ of ~lif~enl& '::.~:~ ...WA_LTEP, W. S1FIT1T, Notary Publle "".:~ "'-. ./~' .'5--"