HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1509 ~ ORDINANC~ NO. 1509__._~~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CREATINO THE DIVISION OF RECREATION AS A DIVISION OF THE CITY I~A~ER~S OFFICE AND SETTXNO FORTH THE DUTIES A~D RESPONSXBXLXTXES OF THE CXTY ~q~AG~ XN RESPECT B~ IT ORDAXNED by the Council o£ the City o~ Bakersfield as follows: 1. That this. Ordinance No. 1~509 , Ney Series, is he~el~ deo~a~ed ~o be an eser~ency ord~uance under Sectioa 23 of the City. Charter to provide for the daily operation o£ a munic~_pal department in that neither tb~ Charter nor any existins ordinance provides for the oparatf~m o£ the recreational se.rv~ees supplied · by the city. 2. That there is hereby added to the Hunictpal Code the City of Bakers£ield Chapter 3.96 entitled Division of Recreation. 3. That said Chapter 3.96 shall contain the follo~-~ng provisions: CHAFFER 3.96 DZVZSXON OF RECREATXON 3.96.010 Creation of Division hereby created for the $overmsent of the City a division sE the City Hanaser*s Office to be known as the Division' of Recreation. 3.96.0~0 'Supe..rvision oE..Dlvision of Reere~ation. The Division of Recreation shall be under the diree~ supervision of the City Hana~er or his authorized representative. 3.9~.030 O,£ficers _and ~mployee.s' of Div~si,on of _Recreation. Under the direct superv~sion of the City Hauase~ al.1. permanent e~.loy~es of the Division of P~ereat~on shall their existing titles and civil service status. 3.96.040 Administration of Divis~m of. Recreation. The City Nanaser shall direct the adn;Lnistratton of the Division of RecreaCion and lc shall be his duty co (a) Reoounend policies on recreation service for approval o£ Che CiCy Council. (b) Prepare oF cause Co be l~epared Cl~ annual budgeC £or. the Division o~ Recreation £or approval by the Cloy Council. (c) Cooperaco v~Ch ocher govermuencal a~ep~ies and civic ~roupe in the advaneemenC of a sound recreational (d) Advise rich the City Council on development of recreation areas, facilities, programs and services. (e) Reco~nend the adoption of standards on areas, facllities~ prosram and financial support. ZnCerpreC oho policies and functions of the Division of Recreation Co the public. (~) Recommend for emplo~t required personnel as sec forth by the City o£ Bakersfield and supervise such personnel ~n the perfo~nance of their various duties. (h) Promulgate rules or regulations for the conduct of · activ~t~es ~r~Chia city perks and recreational areas for the preservation of property and the orderly use of said property. 3.96°050 Duties of Director. of Rec. reaCion. (a) The Director of Recreation shall be responsible for the administration of the Division of Recreation in accordance v~Ch Oho policies set forCh by the City Nana~er. ............. 2 -' o ! HEI~BY CERTIFY that the £ore$oin~ Ordinance ~as passed and.adopted by the Council of .the C~ty Of Bakersfield at a re~tlar =setinS thereoE held on the 16th day o£ December, 1963, by the follo~n$ vote: ~YE~ '~ DC)OLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, ~i'IERN, WHITrEMOIIE NOE~ ABSENT~ ABSTAINING~ CiT~-CLERI~ and Ex-OffiCio C~_erk Of Council of the City of Bakersfield. Aft't av . of j ostmg ( r a es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified. City Clerk of the .City of Bakersfield; and that on...~.b~...~7.~;lk..0~y....Q~...I~;~r4 ....................... ,19~.3_ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fall, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on-..:~l~...~J~..0~y_.Q;~..~.c~ab~ ......... ,19...~.~, which ordinance .was numbered ............. .1...5...0..9.. ............ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE (IF THE COUNCIL (~F THE CITY 'OF BAKERSFIELD CREATING THE DIVISION OF RECREATION AS A DIVISION .OF T~r]~ CITY [MANAGER'S OFFICE AlqD SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY MANAGER IN RESPECT.