HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1504 ~t. ER..~,.$, the Council of the City of BakersfEeld has auchorEzed the craac~on of a posit~on classification to be as CPmC o,£ Admi. u!s~raCive Aides and ~t.E..R.F~..s~...an oppo.rcunicy recently presented itself co h~.~e a y.o.u~....~..~an of ou:~$~andin§ classificatior~ to f~li_ this p. o.s. it!on.: .~., .R...F~...S~. the City Nana~er has undertaken to develop certain new lines of research £~om his office which requ:%re the t,~-dia~,e employing, nc of an Administrative Aide, and .~t.ERF~.S.~ in order co tmdercake Chis iproJeeC the ~.ar~ae'.-' of the City of BaksrsfieId has hired the above n~nCioned youn~ man as a CemPorar. y employee,. : . and ~IEREAS, said authorization o£ the City Council an Administrative Aide and the need of the City Mana~e~ ~o certain lines of research has created an emersency need fo~ ~reatilon of the position of ld~atnisCracive iii, 'NO~, THE~FORE, BE IT ORDAIh~D b~. the Council o! City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTXO. N.. l; Thac Section $o68'o110(a) of the ~h~n~cipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the san~ is hereby amended co add a new position of ~he follou~n§ class title, class n-m~mr, and range numbe~ under the ca~a§ory of employees designated as "Clerical, _ _ Fis hal .and Adnxtn~.sCraCiva" .:. .............. : Ct.ass Class ,~ .m~5.~ Title N ~mber 039 A .~a_~n~s trative A~de 24 SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordi~nce w~thin the meaning o£ Section 24 o£ the Charter o£ the City o£ Bakers£teld, Cali£ornia, said ordinance is necessary to provide £or the daily operation o£ a municipal function, and sh~?.[ be effective on and after October 31, 1963, ......... 000 ......... ! HgREBY CERTXFY that the £oregoir~ ~mergeucy O_-'d~.nanee was passed and a~p~d by t~ Co~mc~l o~ t~ C~ty o~ Ba~s~e].d at a ~lar ~et~ ~e~eof ~ld ~ t~ 28th ~y off October, by t~ foll~ng ~te': L~£Y'~LERK and Ex-O~~~~%f Co~c~l of the C~ty of Bakersf~.e!d. A~~D th~s ~th ~y~0~to~r, 1963. , ' .., ~ ~ ~ .:'. . 'q .. _ ~" ' ,' Q Affi av ! of osfing r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......... .t...h...e._...2...9..1;..h....~.a.~....O..f....~;~.O]~ .................... ,19.~};~_ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held ~n..~..t-h..e.-..2..8...t..h..~..d..a.y.~...~...f......~....t...~...b..e...r.J ............ ,19..6...3_.., which ordinance wa~ numbered ........ ..1..5...0..4. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.68.110 (a) (EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION) (IF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO ADD THE POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE. Subscribed and sworn to before' me this 29th da~f 0ctobe.r.~ 19 63 .~...... f...~ ..... l~otary .]~ublie in and for the Count~ of Kern, 8tare of California : WALT'~.R ;7. ~¢: I'£II~ Not,~ry · ~" ~ My Commission Expires Juae S, ~ ·