HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1520 ORDXNANCE N0._.~.~520 ~ SERIES AN ORDXHANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNXHHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALXFORNXA, DESXGNATED AS 'PACItECO NO. 4'* AND FROVI:DING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAXD TERRITORY TO PAY THE BOND~ XNDEBTEDI~SS OF SAID CITY. ~ItlEREAS, a petition was £iled w~th the Council of City of ~rs~teld ~ ~ ~ ~y o~ Ja~, X96~, t~t ~r~ ~b~d ~t~ ~ere~n ~8cr~bed be a~e~d ~d ~o~ra~d ~n ~ City o~ ~rof~eld, ~d ~~S, 8a~d ~t~Z~on was 8i~d by t~ o~e~s o~ o~- fo;~ o~ ~e hnd, by aha, nd by assessed val~ as sh; on the hst eq~ltzed aasesmnt roll of ~ Co~ty o~ ~, and ~S, ~ teffi~ ~scri~d tn said ~tit~on e~ti~ tefft~ to be amend, and ~E~S, t~ said ~rritory ~es =t fora a ~t o~ ;.ny o~er city, and ~~S, prior ~ tb~ ~ ~reof ~;e has been in t5~ of[ice o[ the City C~rk of ~e City of ~rs[~eld~ wtt~ c=snc, sl~ed by ~ ;ers of m;e t~n ~-thi;ds o~ ~e vel= of ~ ~ffitory, ~t said tertiary be subjected ~t~ a~t ~ ;let~n of such an~ntion eq~Xly ~Ch pEo~rty ~ ~e City o~ h~rs~leld to ~y the b=ded o~ 8~d City t~re~ ~seri~d, as pro~d for in ~d~nce 8~30 Nee Ser~eso In Or~~e So, 950, N~ Ser~es, ~n ~o Ill2, N~ Series, and tn Ordi~ce No, 1229, Ne~ ~;~e;, of ~e Ci~ of h~rsfield, and ~y and all other ~ndebCe~uess liability of th City outs~nd~8 or eu~rized on and' afte~ the .... ~te of..c~tion o~. $~id amnt~=, and ~is C~ll he;eby ~te~ne8 ~t said ~sent is si~ed by t~ ;ers of ~e ~-~ird; o~ ~e val~ of ~ ~rriCo~, and e~lies in eve;y ~s~et ~ t~ p~st~s of ~etion 35319 of the ~ve~nt Co~ o~ t~ S~ o~ Califo~, and ~HEREAS, ~he Council of ~he City of Bakersfield did, on ~he 3rd ~y of Feb~, 1964, pass a ~solu~on be~ No. ~n e~l~ee ~ ~e ~v~8~8 off ~ Ae~t~on off Un~n~b~ed Dl~s~ 2, ParZ 2, ~p~r ~, ArC,ale 5 o~ ~e .Go~rnme~2 Code ~ S~ of Califo~la, spec~ff~cally ~scribtn~ the bom~dar~es ~ ~rr~tory so pro~sed to be anne~d ~ ~ G~ty o~ nd ~si~h~n~ such ~to~ by an appropr~ahe n~e~ a~d ~y, ~ 16~ ~y off hrch, 196~ at ~ ho~ of 8:00 ~rsffield, ~lZ:fo~ a8 ~he ~y, ~ and p~ce ~en and ~here ~ Cl~y Co. oil ~uld ~er pro~s~s M~ by ~y person ~al p~rty ~n ~ a~oresa~d re.itoh, and ~~S, 8a~d ~solu~ion was published ak leas~ ~ ~ off~ner ~n once a ~ek ~ ~e h~Fs~eld Ca~[o~n~ano ~s~per o~ ~neral eircu~ion ~blished ~n the C~y off fteldo ~d also ~n ~ ~l~le N~s, a news~per of general t~ cowry ~e~ said ~r~~ is lo. ted, 8~i~ publ~ea~ons b~vius been c~ted at ~ast ~nty ~ys pF~F to the ~B~S, ~ C~ty C~k of ~e City of Ba~rsf~eld has ea~ed ~$t~ not$ce o~ s~h pro~sed a~t$on to ~ gSven by ~1 mt ~ast ~nty ~ys ~ore the ~b15~ hearinE on sa~d pro~sed a~t~n ~ t~ ~rs~s entStled thereto, Sn cool,ante ~ s~vts$ons (a) and (b) of Sect~n 35311 of saSd ~~S, at ~e ttm~ set ~or hear~s protests= no witt~ pro~sts ~te filed aEaSnst t~ p~osed anderson by any ~er o~ property ~t~n t~ territory p;oposed to ~ annexed. 0 HOW, THEREFORE, BE XT O~Bt~ by the Council o£ the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation to and fl~clusion w~thin the incorporated lhn~ts of the City of Bakersfield, of that certain uninhabited territory desls~atod as "PACHE~O NO. 4"; and it is hereby ordahaed that said territory be and 2he same is hereby a~.~exed said City; that said torritory is described as follows: A parcel of land situate 4n the County of Kern, State of Cali£o~n~a, and bethE a port~on of Lots I and 2, in Section 19, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, M.D.Mo, as said Lots I and 2 are shown on the '~nrnCounty Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. HaEEtn", filed for record May 3, 18_89, in the office of the County Recorde.r of said Kern County, and more particularly described as follows. Be~tnnin; at the intersection of the westerly boundary.of the East- half (E.I/2) and the north l/ne of said Lot 1~ said point of intersection heinE a point on ~b~ current corporate boundary., of . the City of Sakersf4eld as defined by Ordinance No. 1495, New Set,es; THENCE (1) easterly, departtn~ from the said corporate b'o=ndary~ alon~ ~b~ said north line of Lot 1, be~ ch~ right of way line of Pacheco Road, of 6.0 feet~n to intersect ~he northeast corner of sa~d Lot 1; THENCE (2) southerly alonE the east line of sa.~d Lots 1 said east line beinE the westerly r~ht of ~ay l=ne of ~nion Avenue, also known as U.S. Highway 99, of 115.5 feet in w~dth, to the northeast corner of "~he sou~h 7 acres of 'the East-half (E.1/2) of Lot 2" as in that certain Grant Deed recorded March 26, 1951= in Book 1788 at pa~e 508 in the Official Records of said Kern County; THENCE (3) westerly alon~ the northerly boundary of the said sout.~ 7 acres, and parallel to the south line of said Lot to a polut in a line parallel w~th and distant 360 feet ~esterly~ as measured at.right anEles to the ce~tterI:~.ne of said Union Avenue, sa~d point of intersection heine a point on the current corporate boundary as defined by said Ordinance No. 1495, New Ser~es; ~ENCE (4) continttin~ westorly alen~ the northerly boundary of ..... __ ....... ~._he_.said sovth 7 acres.and pa.r. allel to ~_he south of said Lot and alon the said corporate " to intersect fl~e westerly boundary of the East-l-~--ha_f (E. l/Z) of Lot 2; THENCE ($) n_orthe, fly alon~ the westerly boundary of the Ease-half (E.1/2) of Lots 1 and 2 ~o ~he point of beEi.,m4_n~ and contain~ 11.48 acres of land, more or less. Said territory, and the property located therein, shell, upon the completion of ~he annexation of the same to the City of Bakersfield, be subjected to taxation equally ~th other property ia the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield, described in the aforementioned consent of ~he o~ners of property, located therein, the issuance of bonds to _~ep~e- sent said indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance No. 893, Ne~ Series, in Ordinance No. 950, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1112, Ne~ Series, and in Ordinance No. 1229, New Series, all of said and any and all other indebtedness or liability of the City out- standing or authorized on and after the date of completion of said annexation. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after the date of its passage. ........ o0o ....... ! HEREBY CERTIFY ~Rmt the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of ~e City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of Harsh, 1964, by the follo~ing vote: Ayes: "Councilmen: Balfanz, Dool~n,. Marchbanks, Mossman, Rucker, St lern,. Wh~ttemore Noes: - Councilmen: None .Absent: .Councilmen: None Abstaining: Councilmen: None -~.-. Council of the C~ty of Bake~sfield. ./~ .?, Aff avit of osting r in r es STATE OF C,~?,~FORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on......~...h..e......~..7...~..h......d..a...Y._.o..~....M...a...~..c...h..! ......................... 19....6..4.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....~..h..e.__]-..6...~..h._..d..a...Y.....°..~.....M~..~.c...h.. ..... , 19..6...4..., which ordinance was numbered .............. ~..5..2...0. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATI~ OF A PARCEL OF UNINIIABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ · CALIFORNIA~ DESIGNATED AS "PACHECO NO, 4" AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRIT~/Y TO PAY T~rl~ BC~DED INDEBTEDNESS. OF SAID CITY, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..-: ~."-.-...'...],.?-~..h. day of ............... ...M~....~..c...h..~ ................. ,19.....6...4. · ...-_~' ...- .............. :, ........ ~. - Notary Publ|~c:.jn and for t',e Coullty of Kern, State o! Cal|forn~a o.. _'.~