HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1523 & F~A~?C.~E TO CONSTRUCT AND RELOC&TE RA~OAD · ' ~SF~, CO~Y O~ ~N. Wh-ERE~, the Souths~n Paci~io Co~pan~., a o~o~ation, did on ~a successes ~d ass~s, a ~elooate, main~ain and ~a'~e additl~al ~f~oad ga~e, across a p~ton t~2 ~he .said ~ail~oad $~acks, as ~d f~, ~ nboessa~ in o~de~ ~at S~ Southern Pacific i2s b~Iness'in aaid'~i$~ of Bakersfield, ~t~, .~0RE, ~ IT RES0~ t~t the~e be and the~e is suocess~s and east,s, a ~ano~se ~d t~ ~ight ann ~tvilege ~d p~issi~ ~o !a2 do~m, o~st~uc~ a~ ~elocate, ~insain ~d operate City .of B~e~sfield ~sc~d ae fo~s: Description of Cente~ Line of ~ack " _to~b~ C..0as~m~ted' ove~_ ".x". Begizming at a point on the northeasterly line of. the Southern Pacific CcmPan~,a 100 foo~ wide land in the Ci~2 of Bakersfield, distant eigh~ fee~, moz, e c~ less, wes~o~ly ._~cm l~s wi.th the soathe~ly p~olongation of the con~e~ line of "X" Stx~et .as said street is storm on pfo.~tion of ~l~e .official map of the CttF of Bak~.~s- ield in tB~ S~ of Section l~, To~ush~p 2~ Range ~8 Eas~, D~, Eern County, Califoz, nia~ t.~ence aou~heaste~12 along the arc of a e.u~ve of 337.3~ foo~ ,~adiu~ a d~star~e of ~7 fee~, m~e ~ less, to ~ point on ~e east line of Street' at a poin~ 11.~ fee~ south of t~ south line of 3~d S~ee~, acoo~ding to s~d That this £~av. cbtse to ].a~ dram, cons~uo~ maintain and op~a2e sa~d ~o~d ~aeks ~s ~an~ed sub~ec~ · . ~o such ~a~s ~ o~d~s ~ ~ be ~ t~e ~ '~ b~ the Co.cf1 of the Ct~ ~ Bakersfield. ~. To ~he u~e of sald ~a~l~oad t~ao~ fo~ of ~eigh~ fo~ hi~e. 3. T~ said rat~oad ~acks m~ ~ laid to ~ade of ~he street o~ ~,hich it ~sses. ~. T~$ i$ m~ be o~ated ~de~ such Pes~lctions as n~ to interfere w~h the ~e of said s~ee~ b2 ~ public, a~ ~. T~ this ~~se s~ll b~ Pev~able of the Co~cil of the Oi~ of Bake~sfleld. -2- T H~Y C~tTTFY that the fo~egoing 0~dinanoe was passed ad.ted ~ the Co~o~l of the C~t~ o~ Bakersfield the~eo~ held on t~ 13th da~ roll.ins vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: BALFANZ, DOOLIN, NOES: COUNCILM~.N. :. ~.~,~, ~ ~.ARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCK-~R, STIERN, WHI'I'rEMORE _naSmT, c o u_~.c!~ ~ .._~_,,~1~,~~ ABSTAINING~ COUNCILMEN~ ~ Council of the Citly o~ Bake~sfieldo APPROVED :t3:gL.s 13_.th da~ of April , 196~ NAY~ of th~ttj of Bakersfield APPROVED: T'rOR.N~¥ for th~ C~tY of~r~tlm~field. Af vt! of os tng r tnar es STATE 01~ C~?J~0RNIA, ~ County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IR~rlN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, actin~ and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................. .]:.4...t...h.. ..... .d...a.y......o..f.....A.~..~_~..]:. ...................... 19..6...4... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........... ..A..p...F..~.i......1..3..:. .......... .: ................... , 19..-6...4.., which ordinance was numbered ..... ~.._5..~._3. ......................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDIANANCE GRANTING SOUFHEI~ PACIFIC C~PANY A FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT AND RELOCATE RAILROAD TRACES ACROSS "I~' STREET, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. ,.l~th day of ...... ..A.]~..r...~l :' ' ::": ...... ::' · ............... '9' ............. ' 19'6'"4' .... ............ ........ ............. ·~' :: Notary Public iu';and, for the County of l~ern, State of Cali~orl~fa ~ ~ .. '~.~_?ALTER ~¥. ~.~t~Tl~f, Notary l~hl~ ¥.:.,..~_~f,...:/ -,