HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1544 ORDINANCE NO. 1544 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE A~ENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF TSE NI~ICIPAL CODE OF THE C~_TY OF BAKE~FIE~ BY CtM~CING THE ~ USE ZO~IN~ OF ~T P~~ ~~Y ~ AS ~706 ~ 1728 ~P~S, ~n accor~nce wf~ the procedure se= forth fn the p~fsf~s of T~tle 17 of the ~fcfpal Code of the Cft~ of Bakersffeld, t~ Plann~E C~fssfon and Cft~ C~cfl' have held hearfnSs respectfvely, ~ a ~tfon of the P~nnfn~ C~ssf~ to c~nse the land use z~fn~ of t~t cer~ p~per~ co~l~ as 1~06 ~o 1728 Calffo~fa Avenue~ and ~~, ~e Cf~ Co~c~l ~s dete~ed after due c~s~derati~ of said ~tfon and ~e reco~~tf~s of the P~nn~n~ Co~lssfon b~n on ffle~ ~se=~r wf=h the a~a~ed at the h~rfn~s for a c~e of zonin~ of said t~t a z~ cb~e s~ld be ~uthorfzed. N~ ~~ BE IT O~AI~D bF t~ Co~c~l of of ~kersffeld as foll~s: ~t Se~tfm~ 17.12.020 (Z~f~ ~p) of ~he ~cfpal Code of the Cfty of Bakersffeld~ be an~ =he s~ fs hereby a~ded c~n~ the land use zon~ of cer~fn p~pert~ in said t~ boweries of which proper~ are s~ on ~he ~,p hereto at~c~d and rode a part hereof~ as foll~s: C~n~fns the z~ b~rfes fr~ an R-4 (Multfple ~el1~) Z~e to a C O (Profession10ff~ce) Z~e of =er~ p~perty =o~n}~ ~ as 1706 to 1728 ~lffo~ Arena, be~ more partLcularly descrfbed as ~ts ~, 6, and 7 of Block 396 in the Cft~ of Bakersfield as per mp ~corded N~er 25~ 1898, ~ Book 1, PaEes 13 and 14 of ~ps fn ~he Offfce of ~ ..... ~order~ Cowry of Ke~ ~.~te of. ....... o0o I HEREBY CER~'I:FY that the. foregoing Ord~_nance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a ~egular meetin~ thereof held on the 30th day of November, 1964, by the following vote: Council of the City of Ba'kersfield. .... · -~ AI~~.~ day of N~ber, 1964. Af av ! of r nar es STATE OF C~?JFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRYIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..................... ..D...e...c....e~....b..e...r.....1..~. .................................... 19...6..4... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........... ..N..o...v...e..m...b...e..r......3..0..~ ....................... , 19~...4....., which ordinance was numbered ........................................ New Series, and entitled: An Ordinance amending Tltle Seventeen of the Munic~pal Code of the C~ty ot' Bakers1'ield by changing the Land Use Zoning o1' that certain property commonly known as 1706 to 1728 Cali1'orn~a Avenue. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... ..]: ....... day of ..... ..D...e...c....e~...b...e...r. ................... ,19....6..4... .g, _' f Notary Publiq. ih, and for the County of l~ersl, State o! Califorllia -:;~'/. . , .· ~,; .'~ ~. '. ~ ~ ..* ~: ~¥ALTEIt ~ C.~T]T, ~Totnry l~pbli~