HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1558 ORDINAHCE ]gOo / 155.8. HEt~ SERIES ~ICI~ ~ OF ~ CI~ OF ~~F~ ~ C~HG~ ~ ~ USE ZONING OF ~T ~IN ~OPE~ IN ~ C~ OF ~~F~ ~~D ~~Y OF SO~ ~S~R A~~ SO~~ OF ~ ~P~ B~ OF ~ ~U~ PAC~IC ~I~, '~ING M~ NO~ ~ SO~ SIDES OF ~A A~ ~ LYING ~STE~Y OF ~ ~o 1738, ~EREAS, in accordance with the precedure set forth in the provisions of. Title 17 o£ the Municipal Code o£ the CL~y Bakersfield, the Planning Commission and City Council here held hearings respectively, on a petition to change ~he land use zonin~ of that certain proper~y in the Olty,of 'Bakersfield located easterly of. South Chester Avenue, southerly of the Asphalts Branch of the Southern. Pacific Railroad, flanking both north and south · .sides of ~neva' Avenue and .lying westerly. Of Tract No. 1738, ~and Lv~KRKAS,' the City Council has determined after due consideration of said motion and the ree~endattons of the Planning Commission herein on file, together With ~he reasons advanced at the hearings for a change of zontn~ of said property, f~at a zonin~ chan~e should be authorized, NO~s THEREFORE0 BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City Of Bakersf.ield as ~ollo~s: That Section 17.12.020 (zoning m~p) of the Municipal.Code of r~e City si BakerSfield, be and the same is hereby amended by cb_Anging the land use zoning of certain property in said City, the boundaries of ~hich property are shoMn on tb~ map here~o attached and mode a part hereof, as follows: Chan~tn§ the-Zonin~.Boundarte.s from. an Rol (Single-.F. am.ily Dwellin~) Zone and a C-1-D (L3,ntted Comm~-rctal -- Architectural Design) Zone to a C-2-D (CommercLsl -- Architectural Design), or more restrictive, Zone, of that certain property located Easterly of South Chester Avenue0 Southerly of the Asphalts Branch of. ~he Southern Pact[it Railroad, £1ankins both North and South sides of Geneva Avenue and lying ~esterly of Tract No. 1~38, being more particularly described as PARCEL NO. 1: Be. gtnntns at the intersection of the West line o£ the Southeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 30 South, Ranse 28 East, Mount D~ablo 14eridLans and the East Line of South Chester Avenue; thence North 28° 22' 23" Mest alons the East line of South Chester Avenue a distance of 294.59 feet to appoint in the Southeasterly right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Asphalts Branch; thence North 40° 35t 06" East along said right-of°way line 288.975 fee~, more or less, to a point in the westerly boundary of Tract No. 1738, as per Map recorded November 19, 19~, in Map Book 8, PaNe 167 in ~he Of£tc.e of the Recorder of the County of Earn, State of Californ~a, ~hence South 0° 000 25" West alon§ said West boundary line a distance of 83.53 feet; thence Sou~h 28° 220 23" East alon~ said Meat Boundary line a distance of 494.22 feet to a point in the North line of Geneva Avenue; thence West alon~ the North line of Geneva Avenue a ~an~ent dts.~ance of 131.185 feet, more or less, to a beginning of curve; thence on a curve concave to the SoufRmast, 8a~d curve hev~u~ a delta an~le of 16° 480 l~' and a raditm of 358 £eet, a dis~nce of 10S feet; thence on a curve concave to the Northeasto said curve having a del~a au~le of 78° 330 21" and a radius o£ 20 feeto a distance .of 27o~2 feet to a point in the East line of South chester Avenue, thence NoL~h 28~ 220 23" West alon~ said East line a distance of 41.74 feet ~o the point of be~,tnntr~; but excepttn~ therefrom an alley 20 feet width alon~ tim Easterly line, and a portion of South. '~" Street. PARCEL HOo 2: l~giuntng at the intersection of tb~ Sou~h line of 4 of the Southeast 1/4 o~ said Section 7 vLth the East lt~e o£ South Chester Aven~.; thence North 89° 520 30" ~8~ alon~ the South line of the Nortbrest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 7, a distance of 261.094 ~eet ~o the Southvest corner of Lot 5.2 of Tract Ho, 1738; thence North 28°22, 23" West along the West line of T~ect No, 1738 a distance of 12~,871 feet to a · O 0 point in the South line o~ Geneva Avenue, thence South 89 52 30" West alou~ the South linc of Geneva Avenue a ~aUSent distance o~ 178.465 fe~c to the beginntns of a curve concave to the South- vest havin~ a delta, angle of 10° 470 2s", a radius of 27'o feet an arc length of 50,85 feet to the begtnnins of a_compound curve Concave southsas~erly having a delta ansle o~ 107 27 27 and a radius of 20 feet, vtth an arc lensth of 37.51 fee~; thence South 28° 220 23" Eas~ alons ~%e East line of South Chester Avenue a dtsUnce .of 86.404 feet to the point of beginning. This ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and a£ter the da~e of its passage. ! HEREBY CERTIFY ~:ha~: ~:he foregotn~ Ord~.nanca was passed and adopt:ed by the Council o£ the C[~:y o£ Bake~:sf[eld a~: a ~'egular meet~.ng ~:he~'eof~ held on ~:he ~ day of l~ay, 1965, by ~:he foll. owt~8; ~""'~'~--"~'jr~P, lf. and-Ex'.Olaf leto Clerk c~f t:he ~.. ,~-, Country]. o~ ~:he C:l. Cy o£ Bakers~.eld r,-... ~~~~~~~~~,.- ' ' ~..~- 4 ~ APPROVED: Af av ! of STATE O1~ C~,T,TI~ORNIA,~ County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on.....t...h...e._.4...1;...h._.d..a.~....o..~....M...a.Y.~ ................................. 19~....5.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....l;...h...e.....3...r..d......d..a.~.....°...f...-...M~..~.~ ............ , 19....6...5., which ordinance was numbered ........ .~...5...5..~. ..................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY 'CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT 'CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED EASTERLY OF SOUTH CHESTER AVENUE~ SOUTHERLY OF THE ASPHALTO BRANCH OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, FLANKING BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH 'SIDES OF GENEVA AVENUE AND LYING WESTERLY OF TRACT NO. 1738. Subscribed and sworn to before me this '~ '. WALT~ll W. S.'-'dITH, Notary PubHe ~.]ly Commission Expires June 8, 1985. -.---WILSON ROAD C-2 'r' ~ R-I · ,~, R-I R-I R-I ~ C-2 D R-I R-I to C-2-D ,., PATRICIA AVE. R-I C-I-D ~ to R-I C-2-D c-t GENEVA AVE. R-I to C-:~'D R-I R'I R'I A DR. R'I