HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1557 oa~~ h-o.._l~?. ~ SEaIES AN ORDINAN~ ADDII~D SF.~TION 1~.0~.752 ~ ~ ~~P~ ~ (S~ED L~ZT ON P~~ ~ ~~N~ SECTION 11.~.~5~ OF ~ ~ClPAL BE IT O~I~D by ~he Co~c~l o~ ~he C~y o~ hkers~ield SEGTIOH 1. ~ S~~ .0 .752 be and ~he s~ ~s here~ ad~d ~o ~he H~tc~pa~ ~de o~ ~he C~F o~ hkers~eld ~o read ~.0~.752 Speed l~c on ~an~a~ DF~ b~ee~ H~. ,Ven~ Sven~ and ~e~chee S~e~. A pr~ hc~e speed o~ m~les per h~r ~8 he.by de~em~ned and declared ~o be ~he prim hcie speed a~ vhtch veh~cle8 my ZF~e~ on Fanor-~ ~tve be~ ~ p~l~ion of t~ ~s~ cuFb line o~ ~he ~r~herly ~emtn~ o~ H~. Vernon Av~ and ~he p~I~C~ o~ ~ ~s~ cu~ line ~e~Cchee S~e~. SECTION 2. o~ ~kersfteXd be and C~ s~ ts hereby ~nded ~o r~d as ~oll~s: speed of ~orCy-~ive m~les per hour ~s hereby deCe~tned and dec.red Co be C~ pr~a facts speed aC ~h~ch vehicles ~y travel on Pano~ Dr~ve be~e~ C~ p~l~~on o~ the west curb ~ne of ~rC~rly ~eminus of ~ L~n~ Dr~ve and Cl~ prolo~~ o~ the ~sC curb ltne o~ the northerly tetanus o~ MC. Ve~on Avenue. ~' HEREBY (ERTl:FY ~ha~ ~he foregoing Ordinance ~s passed and a~p~ed by ~he C~cil of ~ ~t~y o~ ~rs~teld a~ a ~~r ~e~g ~~E held ~ ~ ~ ~y of April,- 1965, by ~ ~oll~n~ AV~S, ~otn~oLam, BALFAIqg~, DOOUN, MARGHBANI~, M~AN, IIUCREII, I'rtllllN, ~I~IOES.. COUNCI...~EN~ _ABSENT,, COUNCILMEN, ~,~,LAINING~ COUNCILMEN~ -Cll~ CL~I[ and Rx-O££1cio-Clerk o£ the Council o£ the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this ~ day of Apr~l,~l~65 .R.V. Karlen Af avt! of osfing ®r tnar es STATE OF C.~?JFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..................... ~lllJ....~.t,[l, ..................................... ,19.~5.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............. ~II;[1...~.$,ll, ......................... , 19..fi5., which ordinance was numbered ...........1...5...5..7. .................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 11.04.752 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE (SPEED LIMIT ON PANOR~U& DRIVE BETWEEN MT. VERNON AVENUE AND WENATCHEE STREET AND AMENDING SECTION 11.04.751 OF THE MUNICIPAL C(H)E (SPEED LIMIT ON PANORAMA DRIVE) Subscribed and sworn to before me this .., . ..... .1...3...t...bday of ............. A.D..r..i...1. ......... ~9 ........... ?.'--. · _;';,