HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1555 ORDI~CE NO ~ 655. .~ SERIES AN O~DI~NCE A~ENDING SECTION ~.08.020 (c), SECTION 6.08.0~0 (a) (~), S~CTION 6.08.0~0 (a), S~CTION ~. 08.080 ~D SEC~ON 6.08.110, O~ C~R 6.08 (S~.~ A~ US~ ~) OF ~ ~CIPA~ ~DE OF ~ CI~ OF ~ IT O~I~D by hhe Council o~ 2he City o~ Bakera~ield as roll,s: ' S~CTION 1. ~ Sec~i~ 6.08.020 (c) of C~p~er 6.08 o~ ~he Code o~ 2he Ct~ o~ ~sEield be and ~he s~e ts he,by ~nded ~ad as (c) To ad~t a sales and use ~x ordi~nce ~hich ~oses a .972 o~ one (1) per cen~ ~x and p~ides a ~asu~ therefor can be a~1ntste~d and collected by the S~a~e Board o~ Eq~ltza~ion tn a ~er t~ a~pts itselE as ~11y as p~ac~ical to, ~d ~quires ~he l~st possible d~ia~ion ~, the existing and a~is~ra~ive procedures ffo11~ed by ~he S~e Board ~q~lization in a~tntstert~ and collec~g the ~lt~o~ia S~Ze Sales and Use ~axes; SECTIO~ 2. ~ Section 6.08.0~0 (a) (1) o~ C~p~er 6.08 o~ ~he cipal Code o~ ~he Ci2y o~ Bake~s~ield be and ~he s~ ts hereby ~nded to read as (a) (1) For ~b~ privilege of selling tangible proper~y a~ re~atl a ~ax ts hereby imposed upon all revilers Zhe C1~ at the rate o~ .972 o~ one (1) per cent o~ the receipts o~ ~ ~tatler ~ the s~le o~ all ~angible person1 "'p~r~y--sold--a~ ~il in ~he ~y-.o~. ~kers~te[d on-and opera~ive ~2e o~ ~his c~pZer. S~C~ON 3. ~ Section 6.08.050 (a) o~ C~p~e~ 6.08 o~ ~he ~ictpal Code o[ the City o~ ~kers~teld be and the e~me is hereby a~nded to read as (a) An excise tax is hereby imposed on the storage~ use or ocher consumpCion in the City of Bakers£ield of tangible personal properCy purchased from any reCailer on or afCer Che operative date o£ chis amendment, for sCora§e~ use or other consumption in Cha city at the rate of .972 of one (1) per cent of the sales price of the property. The sales price shall include delivery charges vhen such charses are subject Co S~aCe sales or use Csx regardless of the place Co which delivery is made. SECTION 4. That Section 6.08.080 of Chapter 6.08 of the lluntcipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 6.08.080 Sus~ension of e. xts. tin~ o. rdinances. AC the time Chis chapter goes into operation, the provisions of Ordinances Nos. 716, New Series and amendments thereto, and 877, New Series and Amendments thereto, shall be suspended at3d shall nsc a~ain be any force or effeC, t until and unless for any reason the State Board of Equalization ceases Co perform the £unctions ~nctdenC to the administration and operation of the sales and use tax hereby imposed; provided, however, thaC tf for any reason it is determined thaC the City of Bakersfield is wiChouZ power to adopt Chis chapter, or the State Board of Equalization is vithouc ps, er Co perform the functions incident to the administration and operation of the taxes imposed by this Ordinance, the provisions of Ordinances Nos. 716, Ne~ Series and amendments I:hereCo, and 877, Ne~ Series and amendments thereto, shall, not be deemed Co have been suspended, buC shall be deemed Co have been in ~ull force and e~[ect at Che race of '90/100 of one (1) per cent continuously from and after January l, 1957, to July 1, 1959, and at the rate of .985 of one (1) per cent from 2. and after July 1~ 1959, to and tncludtn~ June 30, 1960; and at the rate of .977 of one (1) per cent from and after July 1, 1960, to and including.June 30, 1961; and at the rate of one (1) per cent from and a£te~ July l, 1961, to and including September 30, 1961; and at the rate of .967 of (1) per cent from and after October l, 1961, and at the rate of .972 of (1) per cent from and after June 30, 1965. Upon the ceasing of the State Board of Equalization to per- form the Eamctions incident to the administration and operation of the ~axes imposed by this chapter, the provisions of Ordinances Nos. 716, New Series and amendments thereto, and 8??, New Series and amendments thereto, shall a~ain be in f~ll force and effect at the. rate of one per cent (1%). Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as relievin~ any person oE the obligation to pay to the City of Bakersfield any sales or use tax accrued and owning by reason of the provisions or Ordinances Nos. 716, New Series and amendments thereto, and 877, Ne~e Series and amendments thereto, in force and effect prior to and including December 31, 1956. SECTION 5. That Section 6.08.110 of the Huntcipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby ~r~ended to read as follows: 6.08.110 EFFECTIVE DATE. The amendments to Chapter 6.08 of the ~tunictpal Code of the City of Bakersfield contained in this Ordinance No. 1,555 , New Series shall become effective July li 1965. T HEREBY CERTIFY tha~ the £oregotng Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of[ the City oJ~ Bakers£[eld at a regular meeting ~hereof~ held on the 1st day of Hatch, 1965, by the folloving vo~:e: CITY CLERK and E~-OfJ[tcto' Clerk oJ[ t:he Council of the City o£ Bakers£teld. '.' · ,-% APPI~VED :' .~- " · ltoa~l.~nd C :l.t'y Att:om~ey Aff av ! of r nar es STATE OF C,~?JFOttNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ M.A,I~IAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, a~ting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ ~..h..e......~...rt..d.....~,.9..y....Q~....j~,.Ch, ................... ,19..~.§. she posted on ~he Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... .J;II~...J,.~.J;...~,Y....q~[..~K]~]X ...... , 19...(~.5, which ordinance was numbered ............. .~...5...5..5.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6.08. 020 (c), SECTION 6.08. 040 (a) (1), SECTION 6.08. 050 (a), SECTION 6.08. 080 AND SECTION 6.08. 110, OF CHAPTER 6.08 (SALES AND USE TAX) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .,.~..'. ~.. .. /" ..~-:f.-~-.-n.-d.]...daY. of .............. ~.#.?...c..h.. .................... ,19....6...5.. : ~ ~otary Public iz~ and for the County of Kern, State o~ California