HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1553 O~DINANCE NO. 1,553., NE~ SERI~.S AN ORDINAN~ OF T~ CZTY COI~ClL OF THE CITY OF ~~~ A~R~IN~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ CO~~ BB~ ~ CI~ ~CIL ~ ~ ~ OF ~~S~TION OF ~ ~I~~ S~ ~ES~ ~TI~ SYS~. ~ ~y C~c~l o~ ~ C~ o~ Bakersfield does or~ SEC~ON 1. ~2 an ~u~n~ ~o ~he C~cZ be~een ~ C~ty C~I o~ t~ C~y off Bakersfield and ~ Board off A~ts~ra~on, Cal~o~ia S~a~e ~loyees~ ~~n~ Sys~ Is hereby au~r~zed, a c~y off sa~d ~n~en~ be~ a~tached hereto, ~r~d "~b~ A,'~ ~d by s~h ~fferenc~ ~de a par~ he~off as ~ho~ he~n se~ ~ ~n full. ~C~ON 2. ~ ~yor off ~ C~ Co~c~ ~s he~ authorized, ~~red, and d~rec~ed ~o execute sa~d ~n~n~ flor and on be~l~ o~ sa~d A~ency. SEC~ON 3. ~ts Ordnance s~l~ ~ effEec~ ~0 ~ys afl,er ~he ~te o~ ~s a~p~, and prior Zo ~he e~ra~i~ o~ ~0 ~ys ~ ~he ~ssa~e ~he~off s~ll be posted a~ ~east 5 ~ys on ~he City ~11 Bulle~ Board and ~hence~or~h ~d ~h~rea~er ~he s~e s~ll be in ~11 ~o~e and effect. ·lllS IS ~0 C~F~ thai .the £oregotn~ Ordtnarme passed and adopted by the Council o£ the City of[ Bakersf[teld at a resular meeting thereof[ held on the 2$rd day of[ Febz~azT, 1965, by the f[ollowtng vote.' AVES: COUNCItMEN: ~4AN~, IX)OLIN, MARO'I~NY.$, MOSSMAN, ;UCKER, STIERN, V~,-IITTEMOm: NOES~ COUNClIA*, '---~;: ~A-~$TA I t'l -":..'G. COUi. JC:tMEN~ Hartan S. Irvin ~-~ and Ex-O~f~c~(~ Clerk ~f the ~' ~, Council of[ the City o£ Bakersf[teld. ~'3~_'~ ;~r. , ~ - '. :~~'~__.~ ~,~y o~ Feb__, 1965'~e' ' ' Kenneth W... l. loa lan6/ o~ney AUT O Board of Adm~nistrat~on State amployees~ Retirement System Sacramento, Call£o~n~a ! hereby certtfy~ That the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BAEE~E~ adopted on February 23, 1965, by an affimattve vote of at least t~o- thirds of the m~-hers of said governing body, Ordt~mce No. .. ~New Series, approving the at~ached Contract Amendment between the governin~ body of sa~d Asency and the Board of~ A~ntnistration o£ the State m,ployee8~ Retirement System, a cert~£1ed copy of sa~d Contract Amendment in the form furnished by said Board of Adm~nistrat~on being at~ached hereto. Name 6~ Agency " EXHIBIT A -~ TO CONTRACT BETWEEN TBE BOARD OF AD~h'XSTRATXON STATE E~fl~>YEES* RETIRENE~ SYSTEH AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD The Board of Administration, State Employees' Retirement System, heret,~fter referred to as Board, and the CITY COUNCIL of ~he CITY OF BA~SFXELD, hereinafter referred Co as Public Agency, having entered in~o a contract under date of July 17, 19&4, ef£ective Au~st l, 19~ and as amended effective January 1, 1950, November 1, 19§7, and October 1, 19§8, which provides for the par~c~pation of Fubl~c Agency in said System, Board and Fubl~c Agency hereby agree as follows: A. The following exclusion shall be added to Paragraph 3 of 8a~d contract: EXCLUDE BDURLY-PAID~ES~ ENTER SUCH EHP~NTONORAFTERAPEIL 1, 1965 B. Th~s amendment shall be attached to said Contract and shall become effective on the F~rst day of _, 19 . our hands t:h~.s day of . BOARD OFAm~N~STRATION STATE ENPLOYEES' RETXREHE~ SYSTE~ . CITY COUNCIL OFT HE CITY OFBAKERSFIELD ~resid~ng Officer ' BY William E. PAyn~, ExeCUtive Officer ...... A~test: Clerk ' STATE OF County of Kern M2~-RIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .................. .F...e..b...r...u..a...r.y,...2...4.~ ..................................... ,19....6...5. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...................F...e..b...r...u..a...r.y.....2..3..~ ................. , 19..6...5..., which or~i~ance was numbered ............. .1...5..5...3. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AUTHORIZING AN AMENDl~ENT TO .THE CO17rRACT BETW]~EN THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE EMPLOYEES" RETIREMENT SYSTEM. .~"'.-SfiBsar~bed~'hnd sworn to before me this .-.. ~- ,-' -. f~'.:'. 24th day o~f~ Februa.r.y. ,1965 ................. ...... ?~' ~. Notary' Publ~' in ~nd for the County of l{er=, State oi California %' ~':.'- -. - '.....-" W~.LTEI~ W. S-M'I'e_II', Rot .