HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1552 ORDINANCE NO, 1552__. NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GRANTING THE NOHEXCLUSIVE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE TO LAY AND USE LINES, ~XRES, TRANS~NG~ DXSTRTBUTXNG AND SUPPLYING RADIO AND TELEVXSXON ANTENNA SERVICE ALONG, ACROSS AND UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS AND PLACES WITHTN A DESIGNATED SERVICE AREA OF SAXD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BE XT ORDAXNED, by the Counctl o£ the Ctty o£ Bakers£ield, as £ollows: Sectton l. DEFINITIONS. Unless f.t is apparent from the context: t:hat it has a different: mean~, each of the following t:erms, phrase8~ words and t:heir der~vat:~ons shall have the meaning g~ven here~n wherever ts used tn t:his franchise: (a) tuCtty**: The City above named, a municipal corporation duly organized 'and ex~sttng under and by vtr~ue of the laws o£ the State of Californ~a. (b) "Council": The Council of the City of Bakersfield as es~ablished tn the Clmrter of the City of Bakersfield. (c) **Franchtse Property"~ All property owned, installed or uoed under authority of t:his franchise by the Grantee. (d) '*Grant:ee'*: The person or corporation to whom or which this franchise ts granted by t:he Council, and the law£ul successor or assisnee thereof, and who or which has filed with the Ctt:y an acceptance and bond referred t:o in Seetions ~(a) and 16 hereof. (e) *'St:Feet": The surface of, and the space above and below any public st:feet:, road, hts~way, freeway, Lane, alley, court:, sidewalko parkway, or drive, now or hereafter extsttng as such wit:h~n the City. (f) 'Community.Antenna Televis',on System," herein- after referred Co as "CATV***' Coaxial cables, wave guidess or ocher conductors and ocher conductors and equipment for providing televisions radio or ocher service by cable or Chronsh les facilities as herein contemplated. CATV applies only Co the of general broadcast programae nonconnerc~al or non- paid progrmns of a public service character. CATV does nsc include the transmission of any ocher pay televisions and such Cransmtssion is hereby specifically excluded from Chis franchise ordinance. (g) "Subscribers": Any person or enCtCy receiving for any purpose the CATV service of Grantee herein. (h) "Service Area": The area wiChin which Grantee is pemtCCed Co serve subscribers under the provisions of this franch'tse. (i) s!Operactng Licensee": Any person or entity conducting all or par~ of a Co~,~iCy Antenna Television SysCem under license of, or Crano£er from Che Grantee pursuant Co Section 6(c). (J) "To~al Gross Receipts': Any and all compensa- tion and ocher consideraCion received directly by the .Grantee and its Operating Licensees from Che operation of its CATV service wtChin Che corporate limits of the CiCy of Bakersfield as such corporate limtCs now exist or may be hereafter es~ablished. ,.Fa ,CHXS GRA T- ........................... Section 2. NATURE AND EXT~HT OF ~qAHT. The franchise hereby granted by the City auChorizes GranCee, t:o en~f~e in the business of opereCin~ and providing a CATV System within the city limits of ~he City o£ Bakersfield. (a) To erect, install, construct, replace, repair, reconstruct, rain,sin and re~ain: (1) television antennA· supportin~ structmres and appurtenances in such streets or ocher public places as n~y be authorized by the Director of Public Works· and (2) poles, wires, cable, coaxf~l cable, conductors, ducts, conduit, vaults, m~uholes · ampl~£ters· appliances, attachments, and ocher proper~y as may be necessary and appurtenant Co tb~ CATV System, ~n, along and across streets vi~hin ~he City viZhin ~he service area desi~nated in Section 3 hereof and, in addition, so to use, operate and provide s~mtlar properties rented or leased £rom o~her persons, filths, or corporations for stroh purpose; and (b) To maintain and operate said franchise prop- ,rotes for ~m collection, Crensm~sston, amplification and distribute, on of electrical or radiant energy for television and radio reception; and (c) To provide, use and operate similar properties rented or leased from ocher persons, firms or corporeCions for stroh purpose; and (d) To en~age in the bus,ness of the distribution And sale of such energy to subscribers within ~he City .............. -1traCts 'of. Ch,-City o£-Bakers£teld--a~-~hey-aow-a~a.and .as_ . .. f~ey may become. (e) The grantee shall nsc en~age directly or indirectly in Ch, business of selling, leasing or renting television or ocher receivers which make use of signals transmitted by ~ts systen, nor shetl the f~rentee ens~f~e in ~ r~a~r of 8~h receivers or ~he sale of par~s for ~ S~ee ~o a co.oral,on, par~ersh~p, or scar assoch~ o~ ~ural persons. ~h~s proh~b~t~ l~se a~ly ~o ~he o~cers and d~rec~oro o~ ~he sr ceeo co g~ral and l~ted partner of any par~eroh~p ~n~. ~d ~o any person or c~~on o~ persons or o~her ~nce o~ ~ersh~p o~ ~ ~ran~ees and l~oe apply ~o any a~l~a~ed or 8~s~dh~ co~ora~[~ ~ed or c~lled by ~e ~n~ee or by ~s o~cerso d~rec~ers or s~ock~lders, and s~ll lt~se apply Co any co,oration or entity which acts ~n ~he capacity o~ a ~Idi~ c~y or eon~ll~ c~any o~ ~ sran~ee. (f) ~e ~ran~ee s~l no~ ~se d~ly or d~cCly ~ ~he ~siness o~ se~1i~ ~ s~ce for ~ose of a~er~s~S on any o~ ~ s~ls ~ranm~ed by ~s sys~. ~ sran~ee s~ll no~ o~s~e any a~erZ~si~ wb~so~er on ~he (~) ~r~n~ee s~l no~ de~ver Co ~s s~scr~bers ~y ne~ork p~sr~m o~ any k~nd which ~s ~o be b~a~as~ s~l~ously by ~el~s~ s~ons located ~) Gran~ee s~l~ del~ver Co its subscribers' s~l of all tel~st~ s~a~ons located ~ ~he -" ~~~--.and a m~n~~~-.o~r..s~~s ~ ..... clud~ a~ least ~e education1 s~at~on. ~he s~l o~ such ~el~isi~ s~a~ons, ~ran~ee ~l~ver ~he h~b~s~ q~lt~y s~al which ~h~ s~e ~b~ ar~ ~ill all~ a~ ~he ~ and ~ no ~en~ per£ormance standards be less stringent than Chose reco,,-~uded b7 the Nations! ConnmmiCy Television AssociAtion, Inc. Section 3. DURATION OF GRANT° (a) This £ranchise sh~ll be e££ecttve on the £trst (31st) d~y a£ter the enactment of Chis ordinance, provided the GFant:ee has 4:iled vith t:he City Clerk CuenCy (20) days aft:er such dace of enactnumt: a instrunent, addressed to tha Council, acceptin~ Chis £ranch~se and agreein~ to comply rich all of t:ha provisions hereof. (b) The term of t:his £ranchtse shall be fi£t:y ($0) years conuneneing on the ef£ecttve date hereof; provided, Chat upon ~itten not:ice given by t:he City or Grantee to the other, the t:erms and conditions of this franchise may be subject: to renegot~ation, l~negot:iAtions shall be directed tovard ef£ecttng alterations in t:he terrain and conditions of t:ha franchise in order Co reflect those technical and economic chan~es which h~ve occurred durlr~ Cite l~£e of the franchise. This £ranchise m~y be t:erminated by the City Council in the event t:he Council shall have found, after notice and hearing, ChaC: (1) the Grant:se fa~ls t:o comply rich any provision b~reof; (2) any provision hereof becomes invalid or .................. unen£o~b~- and · the-Coun~L-exprasaly., finds_ £ha.C_ ..... such p~ovtston const:iCuted a consideration materiAl to the grant: of this £ranchise; or (3) the City purchases t:he property of the Grantee, as provided by lay; provided, hovever, $. :;..%.a2 ghe gran2e~ aha11 be g~ven ghJ.::':'j.: (30) days~ no/:~ce o£ any ~rm~.n~t/.on p~:oceed~ng~. " (c) Th~ Gran.~ee ~lmll no~ t~nce ~ons~c~on o~ ope~:'a~on ~c!er ~hf.~ ~raurh~se ~.~il ~he ~ppent~ o~ ~he foli~ing events: (1) t~ ~'~.~z. aceap~:~.~ce hereof by ~ ~ran~ee a~cept~n~ all of the =e~s ~nd condi~t~s of th~s franchise and a~r~e~.n~ to be bo~d ~ereb~ delivered ~o th~ tit)" Cle~k tn a fora appN~ed b~ the Cit~ A~t.ornay; (2) the ftl'~n~ of s-are~y bond' or bonds ~th t~ City Clerk~ a~ ~:~:qu[~ad b~ Section 15 ~f ~his (3) the Gra~ea ~b..ll file ~s~h the C~ty Cl~:k a c~ac~ be~een ~rantee and the Pacific Telephone and TelegTaph C~anI a~d a contract be~e~n ~ran~ee and the ~a~.i'~.c Gas & Elect;~ic C~an~: or suuh ot~= o~3 add'ii:~.o~l u~t~l~t~ colonies as ~ be ~o use the factiit~e~ of such ut~.l~t7 or ut~l~C~e~ ~n ~s o~ez~t~.o;~s~ sa~d contrac~ ~o be app~ed by Failure of Gran~ee ~' '" co~&~ ~ith ~he c~dit~ons precedent as s~:~ted b. ere~=.abov.a ~_n Section 3(c) w~thin one h~dred e~.Eb~,y (180) 6ay~ afb:e= ~he e:ffe=~ive ~e of Unless otherwise spe~.£1cel~y pz*escr~bed he~, sc~c~on o~ chis ~r~h~se: (~) ~ hOC ~c~s~sc~c w~ch used ~ ~e pFesenC Cerise ~l~e Gr~tee a~ll hoe be rel~ed o~ ~ts obl~t~ to p~tl? G~ to enfo~e p~t c~l~e (c) ~y ~ght or p~r conferral, or ~ ~oaed G~ ~s subject to tr~s~er by ~erat~on o~ (d) ~e Gr~tee a~ll ~ve no ~co~ae ~tao~er a~at t~ G~ ~or any loss, ar~a~ ~t o~ any pr~a~ or ~qu~~t o~ th~s ~ch~ae or ~ en~o~~t t~o~. (e) ~s ~r~h~ae ~es not ~l~e tb~ Gr~tee of ~y requirer of t~ G~t~ ~rter or o~ ~ ~t l~ted ~o, any ~qu~ent re~t~g to at.et ~, at.et e~avat~on pe~ts, or t~ use, ~al or (a) No privilege or exacts. ~s ~ranCed or contend by Chis ~nch~se e~epc C~se specifically prescribed ~~. ~) ~ said fr~ch~se and privilege ahil be 7. 8ubordina~e to any extstins £ranchtoe or lae~ul occupancy o£ any public htshvay, street, road or other public propez~y £or the purpose o£ erecting0 operatins and mtn- taininS poles, lines, conduits, cables, 8~s pipe lines and other necessary £txt~wes used in connection with the purpose o£ said existing £ranchise or £ranchtses or any extension Chereo£. (c) This franchise is a privlleSe to be held in personal tEust by ~he ori§inal Grantee. It cannot in any event be trans£erred in parts and' it 38 not to be sold, tEans£erred, leased; assi~ned, or disposed o£ as a wholes ettJzer by forced sale, merger, consolidation or othezvise, without prior consent o£ the City, and then only under ouch conditions as may be therein prescribed; p~ovtded, however, that no such consent shall be required for any trans£er in trust, mortgage, or other hypothecation, as a wholes to secure an indebtedness. Section 6. RIGHTS RESERVED TO CITY, (a) There is hereby provided and reserved to the City every right and power ~htch is required to be herein reserved or provided by any p~ovtsion o£ the Charter o£ the City or o£ any ordinance of tb~ City, and ~he Grantee by its acceptance of ~hts franchise agrees to be bound thereby and to comply with any action or requirement of ~b~ City in its exercise of any such rtlSht or power. .................... (b). Net.thor the.granttn~ of this franc.h, tse nor any p~ovtston hereo£ shell constitute a vaiver or bar to the exez~ise of any gove~utal riSht or power of the City. (c) This £ranohise sh~ll be nonexclusive and neither the granttnS of this £rauchise nor any of the provisions 8. contained herein shall prevent: t:he CtL7 from srent:~ any ident:Lcal or similar franchise ~o any person or co,petit:ion ot'~er ~.han ~he Grant:eeo either wit:h~n or w~t:hout: t:he designer:ed area. Sect:ion 7, ESTABLISI~iEIqT OF SKIt'VICE. InsUllat:ton of a CATV Syst:em shall be connenced vtt:htn one hundred eighty (180) days after Zb~ e££ect:lve dat:e of Chis £ranchtse, and ext:enolons and service pursued with due diligence ~hereaft:er. Failure to 8o connence and diligently pursue ~o eomplet:ion sh~ll be grounds for terminat:ton of t:hts franchise. Sect:ion 8. ABAHDOSHEHT OF SEltVICEo (&) After t:he Nrant:ee shall ha~e est:ablished service pursuant: t:o t:his franchise ~ t:he franchise area, such service shall not: be suspended or abandoned unless such suspension or abandonment: be aut:horized by t:he City Council. (b) #henever t:he Nrant:ee shall £ile w~t:h ~he City Council a wt-Lt:~en appltcat:ton allegins t:hat: public tnt:erest:, convenience and necessiL~y no longer require t~at: t:he GranCee ~urnish service as aut:hortzed or required by, or pursuant I:o t:hts franchtse~ ~he City Council shall, a~ a public hearinS, t:ake evidence upon t:hat: quest:ion and shall rake a £indinf,, wit:h respect: ~heret:o. Not:ice of such hearing shall be given by ~h2 Nrant:ee t:o each subscriber in such area at: least lift:sen (15) days pr~or ~here~o. If the Cit:y Council shall find ~hat: public int:erest:, convenience and neeesott~y no longer require ............. t:hat:' t:he-Nrant:ee frunish such servtce,...~hen t:he. C~y Council shall, aft:er hearing as provided b~rein, aut:hor~ze suspension or abandon~-nt: of such service upon such reasonable t:erms and condit:tons as ~y be prescribed by t:he Git7 Council. 9. Section 9. RKGU~TION OF RATES AND SEKVICE. (a) The City Council shall have the power and r~shC aC all times ~or the duraC~n o£ Chis' £ranchise 8nd privilege Co require Grantee co eon£onn Co ~easonable ~ules and re~ulaCions adspeed by the Cl~y Councils tn- clud~u~ Cha power ~o re~ul~ce and eo~ablish reasonable raCes and charges by Grantee £or services zendered under Chis £ranchise and privilege and co establish reasonable rules and re~ulaCions governing per~orn~qnce o£ Che syscem. The esCebltshmenC o£ such rules and re~ulaCions shall be discretionary w~ch the City Council. (b) The said CATV SysCem shall be tnsCelled -nd matn~iued in accordance wt~h Zhe accepCed 8~andards o£ the indusCry Co the e£fecc ChaC ~he subscriber shall receive Che best siena! co h~s TV sec. The City may es~ablish, in accordance w~h Che praccice of Che Ce~e- vision indusCrye minimum acceptable s~ndards of signal quality. TB~ provisions of ~hts subsection are a '~naCerial provision hereof" as Chess Words are used in Section (2) hereof. Section lO. LOCATION OF FRANCHISE PROPE~TYo Franchise property shall be constructed or installed only aC ouch locations and in such manner as shall be approved by the DtrecCor of Public Works, acting in .Che exercise of reasonable d~screcion. ...... Section ll~- REMOVAL-OR~A~9ONMEh~ OF ~RANC~K PROPEKTY, (a) In the event ChaC the use of any franchise proper~y is discontinued for any reason for a continuous period o£ t~elve (12) month8 or ChaC £ranch~se property h~o been installed in any street without comp~ying with the requirenents o£ this £renchtse, or the £reuchtse has been terminated, cancelled or has expired, the Grantee shall promptly remove £rom the street all such proper~y other ~han any which the City Manager may permit to be abandoned in place. In ~he event o£ any such re,oval, the Grantee shall promptly restore the street or o~her area £rom which such property has been removed to a condition satis£actory to the Director o£ Fubltc Works. (b) Franchise property to be abandoned in place shall be abandoned in such mnuner as the City ~anaser shall prescribe. Upon permanent abando~nt of any franchise proper~y in place, th2 Grantee shall sul~nit to the City an instr~nent, satisfactory to the City Attoreey, transferrtn~ to the (~tty the ownership of such property. Section 12. The Gran~ee shall, at its own expense, protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate in the same street, alley, or public place, or remove from any street, alley or public place, any franchise property when required by the City traffic conditions, public safety, street vacation, freeway and street construction, change or establishment of street grade, installation of sewers, drains, water pipes, power line, st~ml lines, and tracks or any other type of 8truch~Lres or improvements by governmental agencies when acting in a governmental or ........ p~a~3~apacttys · or a. ny-o.tb~r 8~ructuE~8~.or_.pub~c...~prov.9- .... merits; provided, h~dever, that Gran~ee shall in all such cases have ~ privileges and be subject to ~he obligations to abandon franchise property in place, as provided in Section 8. Section 13. FAILURE TO FERFO~e( STREET WORK. 11. Upon failure o£ the Grantee to commence, pursue or conplete any work required by lay or by the provisions of this franchise be done in any street, within the tine prescribed and to ~he faction of ~he Cit~y Manager, the City Manager may, at his cause such work to'be done and ~he (~rantee shall pay to the City the cost thereof in the itemized _~n~amt8 reported by the City 14anager ~o the Gran~ee, vithin thirty (30) days after receipt of such iteln~zed report:. Section 14, AHHIIAL PAY14EHTS TO THE CITY. (a) By its acceptance of this franchise, ~he (~rantee agrees to pay to the CiL~y annually in lawn money of the United S~mtes three per cent (3%) of the to~al gross receipts collected or received, or in any manner Mined or derived by the Grantee in each calendar year, or portion ~hereofo during the te~n of this franchise, from the properties, operations and business referred ~o in Section 2 hereof. (b) Checks for all such payments shell be made payable to the City Treasurer, and shell be ~o the C~y Treasurer on or before 14areh 1 of each year for the previous calendar year or portion ~hereof. (c) Each payment shall be accompanied by a s~atement, in duplicate, verified by the Grantee or by a general officer or other duly authorized repreo sentat~ve of the Grantee, 8how~ng in such form and ............ ;le.~a-~-l-- as- ~Jae. C~.ty-.Aud~or may ~equir2.~rfl~n. t:L~p2 .tO ..... tine the facto material to a determination of the due. (d) The paym2nt ~de to the City by the Grantee pursuant to ~his section for any calendar year sha~ be " in lieu of any license, fez or business tax prescribed by the City for the s~me period, but only to the extent of such payment. Section 15. BONDS. (a) The Grantee shall wi~.b_tn the period specified in 'Section 3(c) file with the City Clerk and, at all times thereafter, maintain in full force and effect an acceptable corpoz~te surety bond, in duplicate, in the amount of FIVE TE~USAh'D DOLLARS ($5,000.00), e£fective for the entire te~n of this franchise, and conditioned that in the event the Grantee shall fail to comply with any one or more of the provisions of this franchise then there shall be recoverable jointly and severally from the principal and surety of such bond any ~nmnges suffered by the City as a result thereof, including the full amount of any compensation, indemnification, or cost of re,_oval or abandonment of property as prescribed by Sections 14, 18 or 11 hereof which may be in default, up to the ~ull amount of the bond; said condition to be a continuing obligation for the duration of this franchise and thereafter until the Grantee has l~quidated all of its obli~ations with the City that tony have arisen from the acceptance of this franchise by the Grantee or from its exercise of any privilege herein granted. (b) The grantee shall, at all times during the existence of the franchise issued ~ereunder, maintain in ~ull force and effect, £urntsh to the City, and file with ............... the Clerk-.of the City-o£ .U~ke~csfie].d,. at.its ~ .cost .and.. expense, a general comprehensive liability insurance policy, in protection of 2he City of Bakersfield, its o£ftcers, boards, co ..... ~ssions, a~ents and employees, in a company approved by and in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, protecting the City and all persons against liability for loss or damage for personal injury, death, and property damage, occasioned by tb~ operations of grantee under such .6ranchtse with minimum liability limits of $100,000 .6or personal .~.njury or death of any one person and $300,000 for personal injury or death of two or more persons in any one occurrence, and $50,000 for ~Am~ge to property resulting from any one occurrence. (c) The Grantee shall within the period spect.6ted in Section 3(c) file with the City Clerk a Faithful Performance Bond in the amount o.6 $100,000 conditioned on Granteems .6ully installing the comaunity antenna television cable th~ouEb_out the service area as it nora ~.xists, within etsh~een months of the e.6fecttve date o.6 this ordinance. The surety shoal1 be liable .6or the per.6ozmance of Grantee, except for delays of ',nstallation of cable caused by acts beyond the control o.6 Grantee, such as acts of God, .61oods, fi. res, earthquakes, strike in equipment Supplier plants, dete~mtnations of boards, commissions or govermnental agencies other than the City o~ Bakers;ield and on events over which the Grantee has no control. The aforementioned bond is to be in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney. (d) Neither the provisions o.6 this Section 15, any bond accepted by the City pursuan~ thereto, nor any damages recovered by the City thereunder shall be construed th~. liability of the Grantee under this .6ranchise or for damages, either to the .6ull amount o.6 the bond or other- wise. Section 16. I~T~EMNIF~TION TO CITY. The C~antee shall inde.~ntfy the City, its officers and its employees, against all claims, demands, actions, suits and proceedl~s by others and against all liability to others, and a~atnst any loss, cost and expense resultin~ therefrom, including reasonable attorneys~ fees~ arisin§ out o£ the exercise or enjoy- me..nc of this f=anchtse, irrespective of the amount of the bond designated in Section 15 hereof. Section 17. INSPECTIO~ OF PROPEI~TY AND RECORDS. (a) At all reasonable times the Grantee shall permit any duly authorized representative of ~he City Manager to examine all franchise property, to§ether vtth any appurtenan~ property of ~.he Grantee situated within or without ~he City, and to examine and transcribe any and all maps and ocher ~ecords kept or maintained by =he Grantee or und~-r its control ~hich crest of the operations, affairs, transactions or property of the Grantee with respect thereto, If any of such maps or records are not kept in the City~ or upon reasonable request made available in the City, and if the City t~ana~er or City Attorney shall detemine tha~ an examt,~ation thereof is necessary or appropriate to the performance of any of his duttes~ then all travel and maintenance expense necessarily incurred i~ making such examtn~.tion shall be paid by the Grantee. (b) The Crantee shall prepare and furnish to the City Managers aC Cite tim~s and in the form prescribed by ........................ ~he~..Ct~y_Mana~er, su..~.h_ r.e.p..o_r.~.s .i.~i~h ?_e_si}.c..~. to its operations, affatr~, transactions or property as may be reasonably necessary or appropriate to the Performance of any of the duties of the City Manager in connection with thcs franchise. Such repo=ts ~y include, but are not limited to, a complete set of as- built records and plans of all facilities installed within the franchise service area. Section 18, Not~eithstandinl~ any other provisions contained herein, this franchise is granted solely and exclusively under the C~rter of ~he City of ~kersfteld and ~der no other authority. Sectt~ 19. ~e ~rantee s~11 provide free of c~rEe one settee drop and ~ se~wice for all public and non-proft~ private se~ols, city police and f~re statics, city recreation centers~ and any additio~l ~nicipal bu~ldinEs desi~ted by the City Co~all, pr~ided t~t such locations are ~ssed by ~ransmiss.~on cable ~tntatned for the semite of payi~ sWvscr~bers. 8ecti~ 20. Any proposal, submit=ed by the Grantee as required by the ~t~ flo~ctl ~n tis NoC~ce To Bidders For flo~ity ~Cen~ Fra~h~.se Within The C~y of Bakersfield aeneid hereto s~11 become a parc of chis ordi~nce as tho~ fully set forth herein and be enforced on the thirty-first ~y ffr~ and after its passage. ][ HEREBY CERTIFY fchat the £oregoing Ordinance ~as passed and adopted by ~he Council of the City oE Bake~sE~eld at a ~la~ meet~t~ ~ereo~ held on ~he 23rd ~y o~ Pebbly, 1965~ by ~he foll~?~ng vo~e~ ~1~ lJAgsld~'f, DOOLIN, MAIICHBANK~o MO~MAN, IIUCI~I~ ~I'IERN~ WI. IITT~I~II ABSENT.. ABSTAINI.~IGs Council o£ ~he City of Bakers[teld. R o V.. Karlen - -- ~OR-of Che C~.~.y 0~"~B.~kers ~'~'~[~"d''='=''=' APPROVED: STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .t...h..?..-.2..4...~...h.....d...a..y...~..~..f.....F-`e...b...r..u...a...r..y..! .............. ,19...6...4.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held ~n...t...h..e.....2...3...r...d--.d..a.~.....~...f......F..e...b....r~~....a.~.rX..~ 19..6..I}..., which ordinance was n,,mbered ............. ..1..5...5...2. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE (IF THE CITY (IF B~KNRSFIELD GRANTING THE NONEXCLUSIVE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE TO LAY AND USE LINES, WINES, COAXIAL CABLE AND APPURTENANCES FOR TRANSMITTING, DISTRIBUTING AND SUPPLYING RADIO AND TELEVISION ANTENNA SERVICE ALONG, ACROSS AND UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS AND PLACES WITHIN A DESIGNATED SERVICE AREA OF SAID CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....2...3.?...cl..day of ............ .F...~...b....l~...a...~.y., ............. ,19..6...5.... .~--~,-~. '~ .~'~.r~ ~Pub]ic in and for the Couuty of ~,erll, State o! California ':~ "// · ~ ' .'"- _W_AL~ W. B~,ll'/'tI, 1Volley Pub