HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1569 ORDINANCE NOo_~ 1569 NE~ SER~ES. AN ORDINANCE ADDIN(~ SECTXON' ~L~TXCXPAL CODE (SPEED LX~IXT ON EAST'~ LASS) BE IT ORDAINED by the Council o£ the CtCy o£ Bakersfield as SECTION ~. ~ ne~ Sec~ IX.0~.76X be and the s~ ts hereby added ~o ~he ~c~l Code o~ ~ C~y o~ ~rsf~eXd ~o read as ~oll~s: ll,0~,76X S~aed..Ltmt~ on ~C ~~e ~ne ~~ Aven~e and ~_ _Eas~ C[~ ~ic~, A pr~ ~cte speed o~ for~-~ve m~Xes per hou~ ts hereby deCem~ed ~d d~lared Zo be ~ p~ ~ac[e speed a~ ~h~ch vehicles my travel ~ ~s~ B~dase ~qe ~e~ ~ p~l~Sac[on o~ the ~sC curb line o~ ~v~ Ave~e and the easte~ e~Cy X~ line, I HEREBY CERTIFY that the £oreEotnE Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council o£ the City o£Bakerafield at a reEularmeettnE thereof held on the 12th day of July , 1965, by the follmeing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HO'~KING, PARK, RUCKER, STI~-RN, WHITI'EMORE. NOES,.C0UNC__.__~.'M.~N, ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN~ l/arian S. Irvtn CI~ CLERK and Ex-Officio Clerk oE the Council o£ the City of Bakers£ield APPROVED .l[:.~.~,:~ day of Julv , 1965 __ APPROVED: of r nsr es STATE O1~ C,~?,TI~ORNIA,~ ss. County of I~ern } MARIAN S. II~¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............................ J.~][..~ ........................................ ,19..§~. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .................... J.~]~][...],2 ............................ , 19~.~..., which ordinance was numbered ............. .X...5...6..9.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 11.04,761 TO THE I~UNICIPAL CODE (SPEED LII~IT ON EAST RRUNDAGE Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~'utar~' Public in and for the Couut~, o/ Kef., ~tatc of California ~ WALTER W. SMITH KERN COUNTY - WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, ~969