HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1568 ORDINANCE NO, !~68 °' NE~ SERI~.S AN ORDINANCe. AMENDT_NG TZTLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNXCZPAL CODE OF THE CZTY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGTNG THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTATN PROPERTIES IN THE CTTY OF BAKERSFIELD COF2~NLY KNOWH AS 2117 TO 2125 "F" STREETS ~U~EREAS, ~n accordance wtth the procedure sec £orCh ~n the pz~v~sions o£ Ti-CIe 17 o~ the ~ci~X ~de o~ the C~Cy o~ ~kers~teld, ~ P~nntns Co~ss~on and Ct~ ~c~Z ~v~ held c~e ~ ~nd use zon~n~ o~ Chose certain p~perCies ~n the City ~~S, the Ci~F ~c~l ~8 de,stained a~e~ due ~onsiden~ton o~ seid ~t~ and the ~c~n~~s o~ the P~~ C~tss~ ~rein on ~tle, rose--er v~h the reasons a~anced at ~he hear~s ~or ~ chn~e o~ z~ of sai~ p~per~y, ~h~ a z~ c~e should be authorized. ~o ~u~~ BE IT O~I~D by ~he G~c~l o~ the o~ ~he C~y o~ h~rs[~eld, be and ~ s~ ~8 hereby ~mended by chan~.n~ ~ hnd use zon~ o~ ceftin p~er~ in sa~d C~7, ~he b~~es o~ vhtch proper~y afc sho~ on ~he mp here~o a~ched ~d Mdc ~ ~r~ hereo~0 G8 ~o~: ~ng~ng ~e zon~ bo~F~eo ~ an hilttple F~I~ ~el~tng) Z~e to a ~ed ~e~hl) Zone, ~ ~hose eer~n p~per~ies ~n the C~y o~ Bakersfield c~ ~1~ ~ as 2117 to 2~25 "F" S~reets, being ~ ~r~cu~arl~ described as Lots 6, 7, 80 9, and ~0 of Block 198~ as on ~he ~p o~ ~he C~ of ~akeFs~eld~ of ~) Sta~a o~ Ca~o~ as recorded Ap~l 26, 1889, tn ~p Book ~ Page 2~ In the O~ce of the C~Cy RecoFde~ of said C~n~. X HERE~ CERTIFY Chac the £oregotn~ Ordinance was passed and adopted by Cite Council o£ the Ctt~y o£ Bakers£teld ac a regular meeCin~ Chereo2 held on the 28ch day o2 June, 1965, by the 2ollo~tn~ vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, ~,.~'..COUNcILM~N; DOC)LIN, ;:.~'..~ING, PARK, RUCKL=R, STIERN, W1'i~ Ma tan S. lrvin Council o2 the City o2 Baker82~eld 24th ST. C-O C-I ...... C-I C'l C'l C-I C-~ C'2 _~~ R-~ R-3 R-a c-~ C-~ c-~ c-~ c-~ C-~ 22 nd ST.  R-4 R'3 to C-I R-4 C-I C-I C'2 C-2 '--~ R-3 C-I P l st ST. "1 R'4 R-4 C-I C-I C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 '-1 R-4 20th ST. , R-4 R-4 C-I C-II C-2 C-2 C-2 i  C-I C-I C-2 C-2 C-2 19th ST. Aff't avit of lostittg rilhtatt es STATE O1~ C,~TJ~ORNIA,~ County of Kern ) ss. MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and say~: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................................ .J...u..n...e.....2...9. .................................... ,19.6...5.... she posted on the Bunetin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....................... .~n,~...2~ ........................ , 19.~K., which ordinance was numbered .............. ].5~R ............... New Series, and entitled: AN OP, DINANCE A~ENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE IUNICIPAL C0~)E OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COSIONLY I~OWN AS 2117 TO 2125 "F" STI~2~TS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .3.Q.t~..,da of .................. J.B~t~. ................... ,19.~5... Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California ~. OI'I:ICIAI. SEAL. ~ ~ WALTER W. SMITH " NOTARY PUBLIC-CALi~ t':;¢NIA PRINCIPAL OFI I~E. IN -: KERN CO U N~:'~ WALTER W. SMITH '"-" My Commission ExpJres June 8, 19~9