HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1565 ORDXNANCE NOs, ,,].565 ,, NEV~ SERXBS AN ORDINANCE OF THE COtINCXL OF'THE CITY OF BAKKRSFXELD AI'~RD'J'NG CN. AFTER X3.$6 OF' NffiqICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING THE "UNXFOIOi ELECTRICAL CODE, 1962 EDITIONf* BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of tb~ City of Bakers£teld that Chapter 13.56 ia amended to read aa Chapter 13.56 ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: 13.56.010 Adoption of uniform electrical code. 13.§6.020 Deletion of sections of uniform electrical eode. Supplement to uniform electrical code 0- fiat rate fees, 13.56.040 Residential and co~rctal installations Amendment of uniform code. 13.56.050 Plans and specifications -- Industrial and con~rctal buildings. 13.56.060 Amendment o£ National Electrical Code -* wire clearance over svt~nin~ pool. X3.56.070 Chief electrical inspector. 13.56.080 Rules and regulations. 13.56.090 Liability of city for damages. 13.56.100 Penalty for violations. 13.56.010 Adopt!on of ,unifom elecC, r,t,cal code. Except as herein othe~ise provided, that certain electrical code known and desisnated as 'Untfom El~ct~ical Code, 1962 Edition*t, published by the Pacific Coast Electrical Bureau, three copies of which have heretofore been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Bakers- field, for use and examination by the public, is hereby adopted as the Electrical Code of the City of Bakersfield. and each provision and portion thereof is hereby referred to and made a part of this ..... chap~er_~o, the. same e£fec~_.is ii ~ully set. forth, herein .... 13.56.020 De[et,ion o~, 8,,ect, ions o,! uniform elec, tr.~.cal code. Sections 10. 11 and 13 of the Uniform Electrical Code, 1962 Edition. are hereby deleted. 13.56.030 SupDI, ,enent to untfom electrical code *o flat r,a, te £ees, ~ following m~pplement is hereby added to Sect~n 3 of the Unl£om Electrical Code. 1962 Edition. For Single Family D~elling on new construction workB the £ollowtng £1at rate Table shall apply {including service conductors. all Outlets. range, dryer and any miscellaneous circuit servicing A.r. ea o£ .Construction Fee 0 co 500 sq. £c. $ 5.00 ea. 500 co 750 sq. £t, 7,50 es, 750 to 1000 sq. ft. 10.00 ea. 1000 to 1250 ~q, ft. 12.50 1250 to 1500 sq. ft. 15.00 ea. 1500 co 1750 sq. ft. 17.50 ea. 1750 co 2000. sq, ft, 20,00 ea, 2000 to 225o sq, ft, 22,50 ea. 2250 to 2500 ~q. ft. 25.00 ea. 2500 to 2750 sq, ft. 27.50 ea. 2750 to 3000 sq, ft, 30,00 ea, 3000 to /4000 sq. ft. :..." .. 35.00 ea. Each additional 1000 sq, ft, or fraction thereof add $5,00 to above, For nnll~L-famtl'y' building on ney construction work the following flat rates shall apply, which viii include issuing perm/t, 'service panel, a~ all outlets, range, dryer and any ocher miscellaneous circuits: .A. rea of Cons~.ruc, t$on Fe._~e 0 to 750 sq. ft. $ 5.00 each unit 750 to 1250' sq. fO. 7.50 each unit Over ~250 sq. ft. 10.00 each unic 13.56.040 .Residential and comaercial .,inst.. lla~_ions--,Ame~, ~c .o,f uniform co, de. Subdivisions B and C of Section 6 of the Untfom Electrical Code. 1962 Edition. are amended to read as Sect{on 6 B. ltesidential. Add the follo~rLng: ..... Ir~. all. d~ell~-ng occupancies the service entrance_ .. conduit shall be rigid threaded conduit. All in apartment houses ove~ t~o stories in height shall be installed in a race~ay pemtcted under this code. C. Co-~ercial ,and..Indust,r_~a~. In addition to the require- =ents of this Code, and except as provided hereinbelo~ as an exception, all connerelal aud tmdustrtal lnstallations shall c~ly ~th the ~l~n~ of t~ Nat~l El~t~cal Code; and el~~l ~stallat~o ~t are ~der ~he j~[sd~ton of the Dtv~s~ of Indus~rhl Safe~y s~l~ also c~y ~ r~u~n~s of the Electrical Safe~y Orders. (1) All ~n~r~or w~ s~ll .be ~no~lled in an (2) ~ mtn~ wire size ~ all public and in~s~rhl butldi~8 shll be ~12 ~rtcan ~le~ ci~uits. 13.56.050 P~S ~d suecifica~t~a -0 Ind~h~al and c~~hl ~lldt~8. Secti~ 1~ is hereby ad~d ~o the Unifom Code, 1962 Edt~i~, Co ~d as ~o11~ A. Plans and speci~tca~s are ~qut~d ~or all or c~~tal ~tld~s ~ ~ich ~ floor a~ ~eeds 15,000 8q~re ~ee~, and ~he ~o~al connected load e~ds ~00 ~eres, and shll be prepared by and b~r ~he ai~Zu~ ~d resistraCion n~er si an Engineer, who ts lic~8ed and rests~ered ~der ~he laws of 2~ State of Cali~o~h. hid plans and 8pect~t- ca~t~s ob~l[ be ftled w~h ~ Bu~ld~ng ~par~ and s~ll be app~ved by said Butld~n~ ~parmen~ beffo~ a pem~z La ~88ued; B. ~en ~h~ P~s and Spec[~tca~s ar~ ~or a c~rc~l bu~ld~ng under subparagraph (A) ~off, or ~der any o~her p~s~on of ~he ~om Code or ~h~8 Article, beffo~ a pemt~ ~s ~saued~ schedules shying ~he c~puCed load and onee l~e d~agrm showing st~e of the race~ay, and the ~her ~-d 8tze of C~ con. toFo for the se~tce, s~eeds nd b~aneh et~utCs, s~XZ be su~tCCed Co the But~dtn~ ~r~nt, ~ all tndusCrtaX and/or ~tld~8. 13.56.060 ~n~nC of HaC~q~l Sl~C~c ~ -- vi~ ~er ow~~ ~18. Articles 680-9, citrates, and 680o10, ~erh~d ~rtn~, are ~eby deleted. 13.56.070 ~tef. el~rical inspector. ~e ~ief Inopec~or re~e~d ~o In said Uni~om Electrical ~de 8hll be ~ duly appointed and ac~ ~ie~ Butldin~ Inspector of M~rsfteld, his ~ly authorized ~presenCat~ve8, or person as heralder My be authorized by law ~o perEom ~ ~tes ~ bein~ perfo~d by ~hg offtchl In the City of'hbrs~ield. 13.56.080 ~1~8 ~d .~e~h~!~s. ~ Chief Buildint In~ec~or my rake roles'and replattons, subJec~ ~o ~he appeal o~ ~he G~y visions ~of, ~o factli~e ~he enforc~n~ and o~ said Elec~flcal ~de. 13.56.090 ~hbilt~I o~ ct~ ~!r ~les. ~is chpter shll no~ be cons~d as ~sin~ on ~he City o~ ~ers~teld or officers or ~loyees any liability ~or ~e resulCt~ defective electri~al vo~; nor s~ll '~ City of Ba~rsfteld, or i~s officers or ~loyees be held ~o ass~ any s~h lhbili~7 by mson o~ ~e tnsp~tions authorized 12.56.10~ Pe~lty ~r vioh~t~s. Any pers~, fire or ..... eo~ati~, vtohti~ any of hhe p~isiois of chi Untfom Elec-. .... ~rical ~o~ shll be ~uil~y of a nis~~r and upon ~reof,' shll be p~ishble by a fine of no~ ~ ~,n ~dred dollars ($500.00), or by ~rts~n~ tn ~he ~~ Jail for a period of uo~ ~re ~n six ~n~M, or by both s~h ~e and ~risomaent. Every person. £trm or corporation violattn~ any o£ the provisions o£ said Un~£orm Electrteal ~ode shall be deemed guilty of a separate o££ense for each day or portion thereof during ~d~lch such vtola~ion continued and shall be punishable therefor. I ~REBY CERTIF~ that the £oregoing Ordinance passed and adopted by the Council o£ the C~ty of Bakersfield aC a regular meeting ~hereo£ held on the ,, 14th 'day of ~une . by the following vote: AYE~ COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER. STIERN, NOE~, COUNCILMEN, ~ A,._~. "l~q' ¢.O'JNCILMEN: .L/,~ ~ Aff av t of llostlng ( r inm es STATE O1~ C~?,TI~ORNIA,~ County of Kern ) ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....................... ~.u...n...e.....~...5.~ .......................................... ,19~....5.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .................. ~...u~....e.....~...4.. ............................. , 19..6...5..., which ordinance was numbered ...........~§~J~. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 13,56 OF THE MIINICIPAL CODE 'AND ADOPTING THE "UNIFORM ELECTRICAL CODE, 1962 EDITIC~" Subscribed and sworn to before me this Notary, Public in and for the ~ountb, o~ Xern, State of Caliicrnht ~ ~ WALTER W. SMITH i ..:- (~f'p~ NOTARY PUBLIC.CALIFUA4NIA .i i ~ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ! .-; ~ Ki~RN COUNTY ~. ~'- WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 196~