HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1563 AN ORDXNAHCE AHENDING TITLE SEVKNTEEH OF ~ ~lC~ ~ OF ~ C~ OF ~FXE~ ~ C~~ ~ ~ ~E ZO~Nff OF ~SE ~ ~ A2~ ~ 531 OLI~ S~ETo ~~, in accor~nce ~th ~e p~ce~ se~ ~or~h ~ p~s~ns o~ T~le ~7 o~ ~ H~c~l Co~ o~ ~ Ct~ o~ h~rof~ld, C~ Platen8 C~isston and Ct~ C~ctl bye held hmr~s respecttvely, ~ a petition Co c~ ~e hnd use of C~8e cer~tn p~pe~Cies ~n the ClOy of h~rs~ieXd c~nly ~ as ~2X ~o 53X Olive Street, and ~~S, ~ CtCy C~tl h8 ~Ce~p~d after b const~raC~ of ~id pe.CiCt~ and C~ ~c~~Ct~ of the a~a~ed a~ ~ ~ar~s ~or a ch~e o~ nnt~ of said ~hC a zonin~ chute oh~ld be authorized. S~, ~~0 ~ IT O~I~D by the ~cil of ~ C~CF of h~rsfteld as of C~ Ct~ of hkersf~eld, be ~d the 8-~ ts ~~ --ou~d by cBAnE~E ~he hnd use z~tns o~ ce~a~ p~r~y In 8a~d C~Cy, b~rte8 of which pro~r~ies a~ sh~ ~ ~ 'rap ~o ~d m~ a part ~reof, as  ~e zonins b~fles an F~ily ~ell~ns) Zone ~o n ~ 3 ~h~ed ~l~iple Fmtly ~11~), or mn Zone. of C~se ce~n p~perZ~o c~ly ~ as ~21 ~o 331 Olive S~e~, beths ~ ~r~cuhrly described as -- ~s 1~ 2~ 3, ~,-5, 6 and 7F-B-lock 2, S~ Fe rn, S~e o~ ~l~fo~a, as per hp ~or~d U ~1, 1910, hp Book 1, Fa~e 132, ~ ~ zLce o~ the C~y ~cor~r o~ said C~ty. Thio ordinance shall become e££e~t:lve t:htFty dayo end e£t:ez' the dat:e o£ :l.t:8 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the £oref~otngOrdinancevao passed and adopted by the Council o£ ~ha City o£ Bakers£1eld a~ a regular meeting ~b~reo£held on ~he let day o£ Jtw~, 1965, by ~J3e £ollo~L~vo~e: Cl~¥ ~ and Kx-OE£ieib' clerk o~ ~ ~-~% C~c~l o~ the City ~ ~y off J~e, 1965 Kenner. b. I¢, Hoa land O" Af av ! of osfing r nar es · STATE OF C,~?,?FORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVlN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... .J~..h..e......~..n...d.....d_a.~....Q~.....~..u...n...~. .............................. ,19..6...5._ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on...~J~..J,~JL..K~....Q;K..~II~ ............. , 19..{~., which ordinance was n~nbered ............ ~. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE Al[ENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF TH~ MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY .CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAIf~n~SFI~T.~ C_ou¥ONLy KNOWN AS 421 TO 531 OLIVE STREET. ~--. Subscribed and sworn to before me this · .~.'~.~' .-..---...: . .. v'o. ~...~nd.,day of ............. J. ll~l~. ........................ ,19.~,~.. :..~ '. Xotary Publ~.iu and ~or thc Couuty oi Kern, State o~ Califurn~ CHESTER ? ~r CHI~RRY ? m o u N,__O A , ~RACENA . ST. ':' R-I , & ~ ~ ~ ~ I - ~ R-I PALM ST. ~h ST. ' R'I ~ ~ ~m' BUENA VISTA. ~ R-I BANK ST. BANK S~ . ~~ 81.