HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1562 ORDINANCE NO o~NEl~ SERIES AN ORDINANCE AHEHDXHG TXTLE SEVENTEEN OF THE HOHXCXPAL CODE OF THE CXT~ OY BAKERSFXELD BY .. CHANGING THE 1AND USE ZOh'ING OF THOSE CEI~TAIIq PROPERTIES ~H THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COI~40HLY EnOWH AS 2201 I~)tVGH 2225 'F' STR~RTo ~HEREAS, tn accordance with the procedure set £orCh in the provisions o£ Title 17 of the Hunicipal Code of the City Bakersfield, the Planntn8 Commission and City Council have held hearings ~espectively, on a petition to change ~he lm3d use o4 those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield comnonly knmm as 2201 through 2225 '~' Street, and FdEREAS, ~he City Council has determined after due consideration of said petition and the recomnendattons of the Planning Commission he.~ein on file, together with the reasons advanced at the hearings for a chanse o4 zoning o4 said property, that a zonin~ change, should be authorized. NO~0 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: That Section 17.12.020 (Zonin~ Map) of the Municipal Code 04 the City of Ba. kers4ield, be and the same is hereby ,mended by changin8 the land use zonin8 of cerCatn proper~y in 8aid City0 the bmmdaries o4 vhich property are shovn on the map hereto at~ached and made a part he=eof, as CbAn~ing the zontn8 boundaries from an ~4ulttple Family Ikeelling) Zone to a (Limited Commercial) Zone of those certain roperties commonly.knmm a8 2201 through 225 'F' Street, being more particularly described as follows: All of Lots 1 throhOh lO, B16ck 161 in '2he City o4 Bakersfield, County.of Kern, State of California, as per Hap recorded ~ovember 2_5, 1898 in Book l, rages 13 and 14 o4 Haps, 'tn the Office of the County Recorder of said County; This ordinance shell be_come e££ective thtrt7 days from and after the date of its passaf~e. X HEREBY Cl~~ CheC the fo~e~oinf~ OL-dt~ance was passed and adopted by the Council of the CtC~ of Bakers£1eld at a regular meeting thereof held on the XsC day of June, X965, by the follo~L~ vote.* AYES: COUNCiLM.rN BALFAI'~'Z, DOO,.::j, }:~-:.:.; 5, ~ - A,~.BSTAINING COUNCILM':N: ~ ,. C~ CLERK and E~-Off~elo clerk ~£ Che ; . ~< ~% Council of the City of ~'~'~ ~ o~ 3~e, A.~ED ~ KermeCh ~. ~ 1 d STATE OF C~IJFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern } MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and saFs: That she is the duly appointed, a~ting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... ~;Jl~..2Ilc[..d0~..~..~llll,~., ............................. ,19...6~ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance p~ssed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on...t...h...e....~.~....~..a.,y....o.~...~...ug...e..a ........... , 19....~ which ordinance was numbered .............~..5...6...2. ................ [.New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AHENDING TITLE SEVENTE]~/ OF THE HUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C~u¥ONLY KNOWN AS 2201 TBROUGH 2225 "F" STREET. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....2...n..(l...day of ............... J~tV,~., ..................... ,19...15.§. .......... ~.~.'~,'ota,'l ...l~u..blic. in and for the County of Kern, State of California . , :/ 24 th ST. C-I C -I C-I C-I C-2 2:Srd ST. ~-~ ~-~ .-~ ~:::::..~::::::~ c-, c-, c-, c-~ 22nd ST. R-$ R-$ R-4 R-4 C-I C-I C-2 R-~ R-$ C-I 2 Ist ST. 20th ST. R-4 1:2 R -4 Id R-4 C'I la.. C-I C'8 ~ C'8 :32