HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1579 ORDINANCE lqO.. 157~ , ~ SERXES AN ORDINANCE APP~NG ANNEXATION OF A P~ OF UNXNHABXTED TERRXTORY TO THE CXTY OF RA~ERSFXELD, CALXFORNXA~ DESX~NATED AS "SAGE NO. l'~ AND PROVXDXNG FOR THE TAXATION OF SAXD TERRITORY TO PAY THE BOI~ED XNDEBTEDNESS OF SAXD CITY. I~IERF~S, a petition was £iled with the Council o£ the City o£ Bakers4teld on the 12th day o4 ~uly, 1965, requesttn$ that certain unt~thabtted territory therein described be annexed to and incorporated within the City o4 Bakers4teZd, and ~HEREAS, said petition was stoned by Cite o~ners o4 one- £ourCh o4 CB~ land, by area, and by assessed value as sho~n on Cite last equalized assessment ~oll o4 the County 'o4 i~e~n, and ~RF~5, ~he territory described in. said petition ts conCisuous territory to be annexed, and I4~E~S, the said territory does not 4orm a part o4 any ocher city, and · WHER~S, prior to the dace hereo4 there has been in the. o44tce o4 the City Clerk o4 the City o4 Bakers4teld, a ~rttCen consent, st~ned by the o~ners o4'more then t~o-Chirds o4 the value o4 the territory, that said territory be subjected Co taxation a4ter the completion o4 such annexation equally with property tn the City o4 Bakers£teld to pay the bonded indebtedness o4 'said C'tCy therein described, as provided for in Ordinance No. 893; Ne~ Series, in Ordinance No. 9§0, Ne~ Series, in Ordinance No. 1112, Ne~ Serins, tn Ordinance No. 1229, Ne~ Series, and in Ordinance No. 1364, Ne~ Series, all o4 the City of Bakersfield, and any and ail 0tB~r indebtedness or X~abtlity of the City out- s~andtn8 or auCB~rtzed on and after the dace o4 completion of said annexaCi, on, and this Council hereby dete~nines that said consent is stbned by the o~ners o[ more than t~eo-Chtrds o£ the value of the territory, and complies in every respect with the provisions of Section 35319 o£ the Government Code of the' State of and I~HERKAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the 12th day of July, 1965, pass a Resolution betns No. 3~-65, tn compliance with the pr.vis,,ns of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory ~t of 1939, and _~ndments thereto, betn~ Title &, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Article $ of the GoveL~m~nt Code of the State of California, speci£ically describing the 'boundaries of the territory 8o proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, . and deois~3ating such territory by an appropriate ~m~, and setting Honday, the 23rd day o£ August, 1965, at the hour of eight o'clock P.H., in the Council Chambers of the CttT Hall, 1501 Trux~ Avenue, Bakersfield, Caltfornin, as the day, hour and place when and where the City Council would hear protests m~de by any person ownin~ real property within the aforesaid terr~toryo and I~IEREAS, said ltesolut~on was published at least twice, but not o£tener than once a week in Tb~ Bakersfield Californ~an, a newspaper of general circulation' published tn the C~ty of Bakers- f~eld, and a18o in The Otldale News, a newspaper of general circulation published, outside of the City of Bakersfield, but in' the county where said territory ~s located, said publications havir~ been Completed at least twentT days prior to the date set for said hear~.n~, in compliance w~th Section 35311 of the Govermnent Code, and · MHEREAS, the Cl~y Clerk of the City of Bakersfield has caused ~ttten notice of such proposed a~nexetton to be given by mail at least twenty days before the public b~artn~-on said proposed annexation to the persons entitled thereto, in compliance 'w~th~subd~v~sions '(a) -and (b) of Section 35311..o.£. sa%d. G~ernment Code~ and I~HER~S, at the time set for hearing protests, no ~r~tten protests were filed a~ainst tb~ proposed annexation by any ~dner of propel:fy w~thin tb~ teL-ritory proposed to be annexed. NO~s T~EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by tb~ Council of the City o£ Bakersfield, as ~oll~s: SEC~ON ~. ~t ~he C~ Co~cil of t~ C~y o~ Bakersfield ~by a~e8 ~ ~e~ct~ Co and tnc~usion wtChtn ~b~ ~co~oraCed l~s o~ ~ C~y o~ hkers~eld, o~ ~h~ certain ~n~b~ed or~ed ~ oa~d Cerr~o~ be and ~he s~ ~s here~ a~e~d to said C~; ~h~ sa~d ~e~i~o~ ~s described as A ~el o~ land s~e '~ Zhe Co~Cy of ~, S~te o~ 16 and a port,on of '~he nor~es[ q~r~r ~.~.1/~) o~ Section 21, T~sh~p 29 Sou~, ~se 28 Eas~, M.D.M. bo~~ si ~ C~ o~ Bakersfield as defined by Ord~nee No. 9~, o~ ~ac~ No. 1926, as said westerly bo~~ ~s sh~ ~ ~e mp o~ Trac~ No. 1.926 ~cor~d J~e 6, 1957 tn Bo~ 9 o~ bps aC pase 1~3 ~ ~ office o~ 2he Co~ ~corder o~ oa~d ~m C~y, said co,orate bo~~ be~ ~5 ~eet nor~rly o~ a~d parallel w~h the sou~h l~e o~ sa~d Section 16; oa~d northerly p~lon~n ~d alo~ the b~~ of said Tract No. 1926 Co ~Cersec~ ~ ~he' eas~ ~8~ alley (sa~d southerly bo~~ be~ '~ notch l~nes o~ ~s ~ ~h~u~ 11) tn sa~d Trac~ Ho. 1926;' ~CK (2) easterly algns sa~d ~s~erly p~ '~on and al~s soul, Fly bo~~ o~ sa~d eas~ west alley Co ~n~ersect · he soul, fly p~lon~on o~ ~he easterly bo~da~ C~ ms~ easterly nor~hosou~h alley (sa~d easterly b~~ bei~ ~ we8~ l~nes of ~C8 1 and 3) in 8a~d Trac~ No. 1926; ~NCE (3) nor~rly alons ~ sa~d southerly prolon~lon and ~ easterly b~~ of. las~ ~d north sou~h alley ~o ~n~ersec~ ~b~ south 1~ o~ Cbc.north 120 ~ee~ of ~ 1 o~ sa~d Trac~ Ho. 1926, said potn~ o~ ~n~ersec~[on betn~ ~he soul,est co,er o~ a panel o~ land ~scr~bed ...... by a-~ant d~o Veedol. RealC~ Co~ny rec~de~._ ...... July 7, 1960, In Book 3281 a~ pase 752 o~ ~ ~cord8 o~ sa~d ~ Co~y;. ~HCE (~) easterly alons ~he oou~h line-o~ las~ ~ud sran~ deed ~d alons C~ easterly prolon~on ~hereo~ ~o ~n~ersec~ o~ Nelson S~ree~, o~ 60 ~ee~ ~n w~d~h, as said Nelson SCree~ ~s s~ on ~he mp of Trac~ No. 1282 ~corded July 25, 1946, in Book 5 o£ Haps at page 156 in the o££ice o£ the said County Recorder; ~ ·(5) southerly along last named prolongation a distance 1.75 £eet, more or leos, to the not.est corner.of ~ot 21 o£ said Tract Ho. 1282. said northwest corner being a point on the southerl'~ boundary of an easts vest alley; THENCE (6) easterly along Iasc named southerly boundary and easterly prolongation thereof, said southerly boundary also being the north lines of Lots 21 through 40, Co a point in the vesterly right of way line of Haley Street, of 86 feet in vidth; TI~NCE (7) northerly along the last ,~;,~d westerly right of ray line and prolongation thereof to intersect the northerly right of way line of Columbus Street, of 110 feet in vtdth, said point of intersection being a point on the corporate boundary of tb~ City of Bakersfield as defined by aforesaid Ordinance No. 984 New Series; THENCE (8) westerly along the said northerly right of way line of Columbus Street and along the corpora.Ce boundary to Che..potnt of beginning and containing 12.33 acres land, more or less. Said territory; and the property located, therein, shall, upon .the completion of the annexation of the s~m~ to the City Bakersfield, be subjected to taxation equally vith other property in the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfteid, described in the aforementioned consent the owners of property, located therein, the issuance of bonds to represent said indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance No. 893, New Series, in Ordinance No. 950; New Series, in O~dinance No. 1112, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1229, New' Series, and in Ordinance No. 1364, Ney Series, all of said City, and any and all other indebtedness or liability of the City outstanding or authorized. on and after the date of completion of said annexation. SECTION 2. "This 'ordnance shall bec~n~ effec~tV~ 'thirty days and after the date of its passage.' I HEREBY CERTIFY ~lmC the £oreso~n~ Ord~mnce vas peoaed and adopced by the Council of~ che CL~y o£ Bakers£~eld aC a ZuSula~ mttn~ ~J~ereo£ held on the 23rd day o£ Ausust, ~965, by t~e ~ollo~ ute: AYES.. COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLINz HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITI~MORE. NOES: COUNCILA~,EN~ ~ ~ AB$-'Y. NT COUNCILMEN~ ABSTAINING CO~UNCILMEN.. ~ ,,'.i--~ ~z ~ liar:Lan $. Irvtn · C~1~: CLERK and Ex-O:E£:L~f~o Cler~ o~ the Council o£ ~he C~ty of Bakers£~eld. lloazlan~ AffrayS! of r nar es STATE OF C.~IJi~ORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the du]y appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .............................. Alt~l~..~/4th .......................... ,19..6,~. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .................~,]IglAsJ;..~,3~.d~ ................... , 19~5..., which ordinance was nmnbered ............. ~LS.~.~[ ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF [IIqlNHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFI]~I,n, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "SAGE NO. 1" AND PROVIDING F0~ THE TAXATIC2~ OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. ' ~ Marian S, Irvin Subscribed and sworn to before me this WALTER W. SMITH 2.~J3~...day of ................ ~UKIL~ .......... 19t~5 .... Notary Public in and for the Couuty of Kern, State o! California '-~ OFFICIAL SE L ! ~ WALTER W. SMITH } ~'~ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALII'ORNI& i '~'~./~ PRINCIPAL OFFIC:.E IN i ~ KERN COUNTY j