HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1576 ORDXNANCE NO,_. 15~.6.. NE~ SERIES AN ORDINANCE Za~ENDXNG TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE. I~CXPAL COD~ OF TI~ CITY OF BA~RSFXEI~ BY CP-~CIN~ T~E LAND USE ZON~ OF THOSe. CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE C~T~ OF BAH~RSFXELD ALONG 23RD AND 24TH STREETS, BE~,EN "A" AND "F" STREETS. ~HEREAS, in accordance with the p~ocedure set forth in the provfst.ons of T'~tle 17 of the Hunic[pal Code of the C~ty of Bakersfield, the Plannin5 Commission and City Council trove held hear~nss respectively, on a mot[on of the Planning Cc~niss£on to chan.ge the land use zonin§ of those certain properties in the of Bakersfield along 23rd and 24th Streets, between "A" and "F" Streets, and I~EREAS, the City Council has determined after due aons.~derat~.on of Said motion and the reeo~wendattons of the Vlarmtng Conmtsston herein on file, together with the reasons advanced at the heartr~s for a change of zon~nE of said property, that a zontnE chan~e should be authorized. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ~-T ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as £ollo~s: That Section 17.12.020 (ZontnE Hap) of the Hunic[pal Code of the City of Bakersfield, be and the same is hereby amended by chan§~-nE the land use zontn~ of certain properties in said the boundaries of which properties are sho~n on the n~ap hereto attached and m~__de a part hereof, as follows: Changtn~ the zontn§ boundaries from an (Ltm~te_d Multiple Famil.y.D.~.elling) Zone to a_ C-O (Professional Offtce) Zone, and a C-1 (Limited Conmerc~al) Zone to a C-O (Pro- fessional Of£~ce) Zone, for those certain. .- .. properties in the City of Bakersfield located along 23rd and 24~h Streets, between ,. "A" and "F" Streets~ being more particularly described as follows: 'fo change the zone fr.om a_n R-3 (.hta[ted MultSple F_-~ly D~2elling) Zone to a C 0 (Professional Office) Zone, for the foX,owl.rig described properties: The South 1/2 of Block 468-A of the Cit~ of Bakersfield which includes the remaining portions of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and of Lot~ 16 through 20. The North 1/2 o£ Block 468-D of the City of Bakersfield, which includes Lots I through 10. and Lots 16 througi~ :20 and Lots I t,h~ough $, Block 159 of the City of Bakersfield. and Lots 16 through 20 of Block 158 of the City of Baker s fie 14. Lots 11, 12, 13 and the North 20 feet o,f Lot 14 of Block 161 of the Cit~ of Bakersft~ldo aha Lots ? through 13 and the North 8 feet ~f Lot 14 of Block 160 tn the ¢it~ of Bake~sfield. an4 To change the zone from a C.-1 (L{mtte4 ~omme: :cia1) Zone to a ~-0 (Professional Office) Zone, for tho~e certain properties logate~ North of 9-4th Street betw.~en Drake Stree.t and En~ina Street~ being more 4escribe~ as follows: All of Blo=k 1:20 of the ~tt~ of Bakersf~_eld, and the South 1/2 of 25th Street vacate~ adjoining an the North of Block 120 an~ the vacate4 North-South a11e~ throush Block 120 of =he ¢t~ of Bakersfieldo ......... 000-.- ....... o I I~.REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordi.nan¢~ passed and adopted by the Council of the City o£ akers£~eld at a re~ularn~ettng thereof held on the 23rd day of A~,gust, 1965~ by the following vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, 14OSKING, PARK~ RUCKEE, STIERN, wHrrTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN.. ~.~ ~ ABSENT COUNCIU~.E.N:. ~-~_~j.-j~ ~j __ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ,~~ .. ,~, Council of the City oflBahers£~eld APPP/)VED: CEDAR.: , *' ST. ± - A ST. AL__~R ST. ,_= = p.., ~ B ST. ,__.' , _ [ C' ST. , ~ ~ ' , , O ST ~AKE ~ o~ 0 ~ o E ST ENClNA I ~ ~ I _ ~ i I F ST. i I I I I ~ -- ~ -- -- 0 ~"~ ' ~ ~ ~ - ~ I o i ...... .. . .--,. ...,J-.....~. .. ., .-. . ..~, : , ....... --,....:.., Af av ! of r nan es STATE OF C~?J~0RNIA,[ County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......................... :...~..ug...u~.~...~...4..~.~. .......................... ,19..(~.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ................... ~Ltlg~la~..23~*d ................. , 19..JSK, which ordinance was numbered ............. ],~7.6 ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF T~r~ MIJ~TICIPAL CODE OF Tn~ CITY OF BAKERSFZ~T.T~ BY CHANGING T~r~ LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN T~II~ CITY OF BAKERSFZ~T.D ALONG 23RD AND 24TH STREETS, BETWEEN "A" AND "F" STREETS. '- - Marian S. Irvin Subscribed and sworn to before me this .~-.~.~..day of ..... : .......... .A...u.~l....~...t. ................ ,19...6...5... Notary Public in and for the County of K.q~, ~t~tc. ~-.~ali[oruia :~ ............................ '6'1~: ~ i'~i'~,'L SEAL I i ~ WALTER W. SMITH ~ i ~"~-~ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALII ORNIA '-- i PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ~ .;- cou.w ! My commission Expires June 8, 1909