HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 15741/64(Alt.A) ~ ' '0· '":~:..' ''~:~ '('' '~ ' '~ ~' "''f .... '" ~":' ' ": · · ..¥..,.~ .. ...... ..-: . !:,.. . ~ · .~~.'.,~:::.~, ..... .... j~,~ ~.::~,' .... : .'.~.:!~,~,:... . · ..~?~~........ · ..... . · ,~_~. ~.'.. ,...~J .,. ~ ..'~'~ · ,~,~ w~ .~ . ~.~ ...-..~.%~.~.~.. ~.~.~ ..~ ~ .. .. . · . · . . . ?..,~ ..,.. ., ...... ~~-,, ~... :..,, : . '.= .~, -,.. · ...~. ~..~ .... · . ....... ,.:=. ~....~..~ t ~%~f.. ~-,.-~'".-~-.. :.. .. .... .,..... ~'.~.'.~k' ~ .: .,: :...-. , .... %.~:- ...:. ~ .: . . . .~.,,~~~..==~. , ~ · ~ ,..,..k..~ ..,,: .. , ~ . . . ,- ~ . ,', ~ · · ~. ~ '~ · ~.~ ...~ ..... · .: .',.. ~~,. :..... ...... ~ r'.~,~-*,.~ ~'-~, o~~ ~o. ~'8 ' ~.~": ..... :' .... .... .... ...... ..: ..... ~.. ' ' · · ' , · 7,. . .?~'~" ';'~g~7.'..'...' :~ '-~.':'"'.'.' .'.~-. .' . . · · ... ~...· . . -[ ~ ;~:": T ·..~..., .~ .. . . ~~~,' o~~a, ~~a, · ~e ~5, ~ ~ ~o~ O~. E~ :'..¥.':". · -.,~ '" ~~a ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ... '~':". "'" ...... NOW, T~EREFOI~.~ the City Cgvnc~l Of the City of Bakersfield , California, DOES ORDAIN as .fo.l~ows~ ' Section !. That a special election be held and '.. the same is hereby' called .to be held i~ sa~d city on ".. SeptemDer 28 , 19 65 , for t~e p .urpose of su~m.l~.tln.g to' :: the q~ai'lfied voters of said ei. ty the p.~opositlons herein- after set forgh of lno~rrlng 'indebtedness and la~uin~ l:~onds he~e~Tte~ 8~g - forth, and for ~he ~esPective objects 'and ~0eee ~et forth in said resolution and i~ ~ld ~11o~' propositions. . . · .. ~ ......... .~ .... · :}'~' Secgion 2. ~ ghe ~especgtve esg!~ed"0os~s · " , . ~ ~.~: A $ B,525,000 ': .... '"~':"' '";' .;.~.'~ :......... · ... · . '.::~j A,:~.. : ,.' '.., ~;...:.. · .' ...:~.:~ '. . .. ~ . .: .~:.. · ...~.. ance ~d-"sale of ~he ~nda, and (b) ~he cos~s of .p~in~i~;?.~he ....~: :. . ;$~.2 :.. ~nds and o~er cos~a and e~enaes inciden~l ~o o~ ~onne~- ed with ~he authorization, iss~e and sale .of ~he ~nds. ':- Section ~. ~ ~e ~i~ rate of in~ereat be ~id on e~ch said indebtedness s~ll not exceed, the ~ ra~e pe~i~ed b7 law, .~ wi~ ~ix per ~en~ (~)'per a~, ~he act~l r~te o~ ~a~es of interest on ~$id. ~nds ~o be defer- mined a~ o~ p~io~ ~o .~he ~ime of the s~le o~' sales .. ~he~eof. ~id inte~es~ s~ll be ~ble semia~ll7 exoep~ ~ in~e~es~ fo~ the firs~ yea~ my be rode pa~ble a~ She end of sa~d year. Section t. ~ ~he ~lls for said election' s~ll be opened a~ seven o.clock A.M. of ~he ~ of said ele~l,n ~d s~ll retain open continuously f~m said time ~il ....... sev~n. 0 ~clocM P.M. of ~he s~me day, when said· polls shall be closed, except as provided in Section ltt~ of ~he Elections ~de of ~he S~a~e of ~lifo~ia. 3./64 S(Alt; A) ' '"" ' .... "'"'~ " ? $":'.':" . .: . ... · ~ .~. - .'<~'.. .. .... .'.~,:~ .~.~..~. · '": ,',"-~'.' ..":k ;'. · . . · ~ ..... .'., . . ~.. ,.':..,..~ ..~s :' ...;~L.,f._,..:. 'J- ,:'",.." .... ..... .... .. ~ . ,,.... - . . .... . · , ..... ;.~,.;.. .. · : · .'.~" '.'2.~'. · . "'-. SeCtion 5. That on the .ballots .to'. be used.~t .. · '../'. · ':" said sDeclal 'election, in addition to any other matt'S, rs. '"'~'~"""",~...,., required by law, there shall be print-ed s. stantially the ~-... · .. £..,o. !lowing: · :. max c.ossms (+) O LY w;.ea ;.~;. STAMPI NEVI~.. ~I.TH P~q OR P~I~CIL.' · ..INK OR F~ICIL; } ..:...... . INSTRUCTZONS ~O To voi~e on amy measure, s~mp a orO'$s' '(+). in the votl.~ sq~re a£ter the ~ ~ ~ Or after the word ~I0. . All marks except the c~oss (+) are forbidden. Al! dist~ngulshing marks or erasures are forbidden and maMe the ~.llot void. If you'w~ongly s~mp, 'tear or de~ace :'this' ballot, return it to the i~speotor' of tion and obtain another. On absent voter ba!!o~s mark a cross (+) w~th pen or .penciI. : : : : : BOND PROPOSITION A - SEWER : : : · :SYSTEM: Shall the City of .: : : : Bakersfield incur a·bonded .- YES : : : indebtedness in the principal : : : : amount of $3,525,000 for the : : : : purpose of. the acquisition and : : : : construction by said city of a : : : : certain municipal improvement, : :. : : to wit: additions to and improve-: : : : merits of the sewage collection : : : : and disposal, system of said city : NO : : : including trunk sewers and sewage: :. : : treatment facilities and the : :. :' : acquisition of all lands, ease- : : : : ments, pipe, pumps, m--c'hinery-and: :. :.. : other property, necessary[ t'her~fof~. .:'-' :'. :.-.: :. · : .......... :'.~"- . T ." - ":.'. · ~'" t" -" .. .. ,.%~ - : BOND PROPOSITION B - FIRE : : : : FIGHTING SYSTEM: Shall the : : : : City. of Bakersfield incur a : : : : bonded indebtedness in the : : : : principal amount of $125,000 : YES .: : :' .for the purpose.of the acquisi- : : : : tion'and construction by said ~: ': : · : city of a certain municipal ": .. : : · improvement, tow it: additions : ~ : : to the fire fighting'system of :. : : · : the city including a fire : : : · station and including the :. : : : acquisition of any real prop- : : : :' erty, furniture, .fixtures, fire : NO. : : : fighting tools, apparatus, : : : : ~ equipment and other property : : : : necessary therefor? : : : Section 6. That a cross (+) placed in the voting square after the word "YES" in the manner hereinbefore provided shall be. counted in favor of the adoption of a p~oposition. A cross (+) placsd in the voting square after the word "NO" in the manner hereinbefore provided shall be counted' against the adoption of a proposition. Section 7. That if any proposition for the incurring · of bonded indebtedness so submitted receives the requisite number of votes, to wit, two-thirds of the votes of the qualified voting on such proposition, bonds of said city, in not exceeding the principal amount stated in such proposition, may 'be .issued and sold for the object and purpose set forth in such proposition· ... ... .-,..~.f ~', · ~..~ .' · .... ~.~-. · ,~,~. · ..... · . . ".:~.~. ,~ ~-,: .... ., ~ '.'. , . ~ · . . ... · ... . . . :' , ....~.:. · ..E.~..y..'.',. .;.". ~:'.'.:..~ . ~, · . · .... ~,-~=.. -~. · .. · . .' .... . .'~ ;..~¥.~:~.. · ..~... [: ~: · ... :t_~..~ .. ~11 ~espeogs '~s ~ ghe~e ~e~e only. one eleog~on ~ o~ ~. :.?'-' , . , . . .. ~...~ . ·. ~ · 'one fo~ Of ~llog s~ll he"used ghereag. ~e ~eol~o~S~'. .'.'~ poll~ p~aces' and~'o~oe~s of eleot~on ~o~ tho 8peo~.~' '"~.'~'? eiec~on hereby called s~ll be the $~e as v~ded ~o~ ~d othe~ special eleot~on and In the resolution p~vidlng fo~ ~id othe~ special eleo- '.' ..'..¥' ~ion, ~ wl~'~ Resolution No.. 36-65 a~p~ed'" "~'" :. · ' ·,'~.~]1~.'~-. :'~'.~'.'~ .... '"'~..'"' '.°." '. 'l l~ 5 i ' I II I I 'l :;ll i1l ; ill ,[ :ili ~lll : : Jl ' l.I I I II lll~lll i Ill :1 l:l ~ l'.1 ~, l:~: l:~l,' :'~ · ..l ~ ... · ' ' · '"'~ ...... · ;;.4' ','..-~,,~' ~" :",' '".~',"" '. · '..:: :"; '.'-~: '.'.~' · ........ ..... :.........~.;?.: · .~,..s;2~. ~,~.:~-~.-~,..~ %','.'~.,,.~ -- ..,..:. . .. .,.....: , .. ~ . . .~.~ ....:..'. ........-., ,~ ~.,',~:':.?~.".,,..~... ~'~..,,. Section 9. That except as otherwise provided in this .o~dinance, the ele9tion called hereby shall be conducted as. provided by law for other municipal elections in said city. Section 10. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of .this. ordinahce.by a-'vote of' at.least two-thirds'of 'all of the members of the Council of said city, and shall cause said ordinance to'be.published once a day for at least seven (7) days prior to said elections ln THE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN, a newspaper of general'circulation in said city, printed and published six days a week in said cit~. Section 11. .The City Clerk shall cause a copy of this ordinance to be posted as provided in Sectlon'l of Ordi~ance No. 527 N.S. of said city. section 12. This ordinance shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty (30) days from the time of its passage· ADOPTED, SIGNED ANDAPPROVEDthis 9th day .of .. August , 1965. Mayor of the City of Bakersfield, California. ATTEST: · .:. ' . . ~ ,~ · .'. ,% ~., :. · " .. .. : ,F.~.'~' ~ ;'~.~.,..'.:,'.: :. .' :- . · . ·. .. /~ · · .. . .. '.. .. :. , . :. .~." · . . ~.. . .. .... ~ ~...~ .' .. ... . .. . ...~ ~..,&.. · . ~ ~ 9~-' -~,.'. . ·. " · C~RTIFY t~g. e o~e~ ng o~!nance was [nt~0d. uc~d-.'and" ' '~ead at .a · · . ~e~ula~ ~eet~n~ of' t~ef..C~tF , 1~, ~as ~e~ead, dul~ passed and ~ed: b.~ ' Co~ctl and sisned and app~ov%d.' by. the Ma~o~..b~" :'.~ ~tg..' . . ..,::'.' , .'."~..' . · ~ · ...... ~.:,~.. ·. . ..~::.~..~< ~ · '.~ . :~'. : : '. ' ;..., ..' ~i" . · '-'" ' ' . .... '~ernl.".'-- ~~ttem°r.e" . ' ..':~ ....· .'.' .']' [".' .. .. .. ......:.... · . · .. . ..~:: ' ' ' NOES:" 'Councilmen.' Non~' ..... ~'..... -..".': '". " ~ENT: Co~cilmen'~Ol~n; ~C~er. " ~ .-?.,.. .. . . : ~f %. · :.....:'. · : . ... u ~' A .. '".' .:".~ ". : .' , '. . ·'[::'.....,j~:.', ... , ... ·....;'. _:~k;~. ... ...'..: ,: .' ....::. .. . .. ~;.~ .... ~ . ... · .. .?'.~ · . .~ ~ ~~',. " .. ., .; ..., .. ~ ~, ,,2 ~ .j... ~,, · .... .. .. .. 'U~,. ; ~~~:. . . , ~_ '~~'.. ~" .. · ~ . ,... .~..~ · · · lkffu aui! uf {Iusliu r{liuau s STATE OF C.~?.IFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern J MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on._...t..h...e.....1...O..~.._h....d...a.Y.._.o...f._..A...u.g..u...~..t..~. ...................... 19...6...5.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on....~..h...e.....9...~..h_...d..a...Y.....°...f.....A...u..g...u...s..t.. ....... 19..6..5._, which ordinance was n-mbered ................ .1...5..7...4.. ............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING, CAv.T.ING, PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON SEPT~BER 28, 1965, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUB~ITTIN. G TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY PROPOSITIONS TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS BY SAID CITY FOR CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS, AND CONSOLIDATING SAID ET.~CTION WITH THE SPECIAL CHARTER ~I~NDMElqT ELECTION' TO BE HELD IN .SAID CITY ON SAID DATE. Subscribed and sworn to before lne this .:..1...0..~..-h..day of .............. ..A....u~..u...~.~., ............... ,19.....6..5.. Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of Callior~Ha i ,~_:_.~ WALTER W. SMITH ~ ~'~-~ NOT,~,Ry PUBLIC-CALII'OI,:NIA i ~-~fl PRINCIPAL OFrlCE IN :-: ~ KERN COUNTY WALTER W. SMITH My Commisskm Expires June 8, 1969