HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1573 ORDXHAHCE HO,~h'K~ SERXES AN ORDXtLqHC:E AHEIfDXtlG TXTLE SIL'VEN*ZKEH OF THE HIJ'HXCXI)AL (:ODE O~ THE CXTY OF BAKKRSFXELD BY CHAHGXliG THE LAHD USE ZOHXIfG OF THAT CERTAXH FBOFKRTY Xll TIB CXTqr O~ BAKIIRSFXKLD C(144Rll,Y KBOMM AS 21.22 - 23RD S'ERKET, I~IKRIfAS, An accordance wtch Cite pr0~edure sec ~orCh in the provisions of 'Ticle i7 of che FAmtctpal Code of Che CtCy of : hkersfteld, the Plannin$ Commission and Ct.~y Council have held. hearinSs respecCtvely, on a peciCton Co chanse the land use zoning of ChaC eercain propercy in the CtCy of Bakersfield eonnonly knovn as 2122 - 23rd SCreec, and m~REAS, the City Council has deCennined after due eonetderaCion of said pectCton and Che recomondaCions of .Che' Planning C~.~tssion herein on file, CogeCher with the reasons advanced aC che hearinSs £or a ehan~e of zoning o£ said property, ChaC a sonin8 chan~e should be authorized. NO~o THEREFOREo BE IT ORDAINED by the Council o£ the City of hkers£teld as folXovs: Thc Se, Chon 17.12.020 CZont S Hap) of the Hun~ctpal Code of Che City of Bakersfield, be end the s~m- As hereby _-~ended by changing Che land use zontn~ of certain property An said CtCy, Che boundaries of vhtch properCy are shevn on the map hereto acCaehed and made a parc hereof, a8 ~ollovs** ChensinS the zoning boundaries from an R-~ (Limited HalCiple Family Duelling) Zone_ Co a C-O_ (Pro£ession_al Office) Zone, for ChaC eerCaln property in Cb~,CiCy of Bakersfield eomonly knon as 2122 23rd Street, beans more particularly described as follows: All of Lots ll, 12 13, 1~, 15, 16 and Che ........ Wea~ 7' [ebc"of L6~'17, Blo~l~'468;A','-'tn Che- -' ClOy of Bakersfield, CounCy of KeEn, SCare of California, as per map recorded November 25, 1898, tn Hap Book l, ~ages 13 and l~ of Haps, in the Office of che County Recorder o£ said CounCy. . , ! HEREBY CER~ elle ehe fo~esobxs; OrdLuance wu. 'passed and edopeed by elm Council o£ ell CtL'y of B~kers£~eld aC a re~uhr meee~n8 thereo~ held on rim 26eh day o£ July, 1965, by COUNCILMEN .~, DOC)LIN, HOSKING, PAGE, RUCKER, .~'i'IERN, ~/~ORE. COUNCILMEN~ ~ A~TAINING ~UNCI~EN. Coun=~X o£ tll C~ty o'£ Bakera£~eXd Af av ! of r nar es STATE OF C,~T,TFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and .qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......................... ~II],Y...~..J~L ................................... ,19~.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .................. ~gJ, Y...~[J;J~ ........................ , 19.~5.., which ordinance was numbered ........... ..1...5..7...3. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE lWUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAEERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ~SFIEI~ CC~MONLY KNOWN AS 2122 - 23ND STREET. ..... · ......... Marian S, Irvie- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2.~.~L..day of ..................~.U~..]f .................... ,19.~.~... .~'otary l'ublic in and for thc Count), of Kern, State of California OFFICIAL SEAL WALTER W. SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA =- PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN KERN COUNTY =.. ~rAL~E]~ UJ F..~,I ~'-~ ~otn ..... · .. r, . : --: , ry '°uutig, '"7 ~omm,sszo- 'J~xplra, June 8, 1901~' \ 6t R-I R-I C-i R-3 C '0