HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1571 EMERGENCY OP, D. XNANCE NO., .' 157'1 NEW SEI~XES AN EMEHA~NCY ORDXNANCE ADDXNG SECTION 13,16.091 TO CHAPTElt 13.16 OF THE MUI~CXPAL COI~ AMENDII~ SECTION $10! (d) OF THE UNXFO! BUXLDXNG CODE TO PROVIDE FOR INSTALLATION STANDARDS FOR HEAT PRODUCXNG APPLIANCES o BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1 13.16.091 Heat-Productn~ Appliances. Vol,m_~ l, Sect[on §10l(d) of the Uniform Building Code is amended to read as follows: 'Section $101(d) Installation. The installation of heat-producing appliances covered by this Chapter shall coufom to the conditions of approval as specified in ~he -mnufac~urer*s instructions pertaining to safety and Co the requtr~nenCs of this Chapter. The installer shall 'leave the manufacturer's attached to the appliance for e~_mtnaCton by the Building Official. Appliances ins~alled in ~arages, warehouses or other areas where they ,my be subjected to mechanical suitably ~uarded a~ainst such damage by betn~ installed Behind projective Barriers or By Being elevated or located out of the normal path of vehicles. Appliances generating a glow, spark, or flame capable of t~nttin~ flau~aBle vapors may Be installed in a 8arage provided the 'pilots' and burners, or healing el~nenta and switches are aC least twencyofour ~nches (24'*) above the floor level. Where such appliances installed within a ~arage are enclosed in a separate, approved compartment having access only from outside of the 8arage such appliances may be installed at floor level provided the required combustion air is taken from and discharged Co the exterior of the 8eraSe. Fuel-burntn~ appliances having sealed combustion chambers and which are so constructed and installed that all air for combustion and venZilatton is Zaken £rom outside the sarage area and all flue sase8 are discharged to the outside atmosphere may be ins~alled at floor level. SECTION II Pasease and, ,effective date_-- emergency. This ordinance betn~ necessary for tb~ ~wo~,d~ate preservation of hea~Lth and safety in that f~'tere has been demonstrated that water heaters and other heat producing appliances located at ground level in ~arages are dangerous to l~fe and property in that debris or other m~tter stored in ~arages my come in con,act w~th such heat-productnS appliances thereby causing fire result~ns ~n loss of life and/or property damage, --- ...... 000---- .... - I HEREBY CERT~F~ that the £oregotng Ordinance passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield aC a regular meet[n§ thereof held on the 12t__.._~hday of July , 1965, by the follme~ngvote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HO3KING....IaA4~, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITrEIAORE. NoEs: COU.atM~N: ~,~:::'~., ABSENT COLINCILMEN: ~.~y-~_J _ A.§STAINING COUNCILMEN: ~'~,,~'-J,"t_..~ ~ C~ CL~ a~d Ex-OfEicto ~'e~:k of the Co~cil oE ~he C~y oE ~kersEield ~meth ~. H land Aft't avit of losting ®rbitm es STATE OF C,4TJFORNIA,~ County of Kern ) ss. MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............................. ~u.l~,....].~ ....................................... 19//,5.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..................... J. gJ.y.J,~ .......................... , 19.//~., which ordinance was n-inhered ............ ~,~[J. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 13.16.091 TO CHAPTER 13.16 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDING SECTION 5101 (d) OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TO PROVIDE FOR INSTALLATION STANDARDS FOR HEAT PRODUCING APPLIANCES. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... 13~hday of ............... JM]~ ...................... , Notary. Pu~l.i~ i~ ~4..//~r~,~,C,~tw ,o6..K~"S~'~'~ali~ornh ~ ............ OFFICIAL SEA~ ~ ~ ~:'~ WALTER W. SMITH i ~ ¥';."[ ~ PRINCIPAL OFFICE. IN i ~:~f' ':/ KERN COUNTY 111111111 ii ......... iiIiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIII1~1 .......... IiiiiiiiIIIIIIII WALTER W. SMITH Uy Commission Expires June 8, 1969