HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1588 ORDXNANCE NO. 1588 NE~ SERIES AN ORDXHANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVXNG THE AHNEXATXON TO THE CXTY OF BAKERSFXELD OF CER~&XN XNHABXTED TKR~XTOItY DESXGNATED AS *~XNG NO. 3'*, ~HZCH XS CONTX~OUS TO THE CXTY OF BA~RS- FXELDs UPON THE TERMS CONTAINED XN THE Qt~STXON SU-~MXTT~D AT A SPECXAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID TERRITOB~ ON THE 2ND DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1965. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of tb~ S~ate of California, known as the **Annexation Act of 1913', and pursuant to Resolution No. 59-65 adopted by the Council of the Ctty of Bakersfield on the 2$rd day of Ausust, 1965, a special election was held on the 2nd day that certain inhabited territory contiguous to the City of Bakers- field dest~ated as '~tng No. 3'* and which is hereinafter more particularly described; and WHEREAS, at said special election the following question vas .submitted to the qualified electors restdin~ in said territory: SHALL **NXNG NO. 3" HE ANNEXED TO '.THE CITY' OF BAKERSFXELD AND THE PROPERT~ iN SUCH TERRXTO~ BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATXON, SUBJECTED TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFXELD, TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CXTY OF BAKERSFIELD OUTSTANDXHG FOR THE ACQUISXTXON, CONSTRUCTION OR C(~4PT~.TXON OF PflJNICIPAL ~ROVK~HTS~ and WHEREAS, it appears from the canvass of the returns of the votes cast at said special election thc a ~qJor~ty of all votes cast in said territory on the question of said annexation and the assumption of said indebtedness favor annexation upon the ternm contained in the question submitted; and WHEREAS, it appears that said spec~a! election and all proceedings relattn~ thereto have been conducted strictly in accordance ~tth' law; .......... NO~, THEREFOP. F., BE IT ORDAXNKD by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as SECTION 1, That ~he annexation of that certain inhabited territory contiguous to the City of Bakersfield deslsrmted as ~tng No. 3 be and the s~w~__ is hereby approved upon the terms con~ained ~n the aforesaid question which was submitted at the special election held on the 2nd day of November, 1965. Said territory is described as follows: A parcel of land sit, ate in the County of Kern, S~ate of California, and being a portion of the $outhvest quarter (S~1/4) of Section Township 30 South, Ken~e 27 East., Begtnnin~ at the southeast corner of Lot ~, as said Lot 44 is shom~ on the W'Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of L~nds of J. B. Has, in'w filed for record May 3,1889, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County, said southeast corner being a point on the northerly right of way line of Hing Avenue, and also beths a poinZ on the corporate boundary of the City.of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance No. 12990 Nev Series, THENCE (1) vesterly along the said northerly right of way l~ne of Mtn~ Avenue, along the corporate boundary as defined' by Ordinance No. 1299 and 1473, New Series, and the westerly prolon~ation of said. northerly right of way l~ne to intersect the vesterly right of way line of Castro Lane, of 60 £eet in THENCE (2) alon~ Course8 29 ~hrou~h 27 of said Ordirmnce Ho. 1473 New Series0 as follovs: Course (29): southerly along the saLd vesterly right of way line of Castro Lane, a distance of 5 feet more or less, to intersect the nort~.~r!y right of ray line of Htng Avenue; THEHCE (2) westerly along Course (2.8) to intersect Course (27), said Course (27) betn~ the vest line of a parcel of land, deeded to the Reyser Bros. Trucking Company recorded January 21, 1~64, in Book 3682 at page of the Official Records of said Kern County; THENCE (4) Course (27): ~.0°45'23'*~.., 500 feet, more or less, to the northvest corner of last named parcel; THENCE (5) S.89°§SV24'eE., 87.12 feet, departtn~ from the corporate boundary, along the north line of 8aid Last named parcel to the northeast corner thereof, Said northeast corner 'also betn~ the northvesc corner of Tract No. 239.6 as said Tract No. 2396 is shown on the. map recorded August 3, 1961, in Book 12 of. Haps at page 46 in the ......................... '-o£~-tce .o£. the 8a~d-County Recorder; ........ THENCE (6) S.0°08'5~'~., 275.00 feet along the west line of said Tract H0. 2396 co the southvest corner thereof; THENCE' (7) S.89°56'$6':E., along the south line of said Tract 2396 and the easterly prolongation t~reof to intersect o the easterly right oJ~ way line of Castro /~ne, said east . right o£ ~ay line being the west line of at~oresaid ~ot ~, ~CE (8) nort~rly a~o~ the sa~d ~st line o~ ~t ~ to ~nteraecC ~he north ~ne o~ the south 35X feet o~ saLd ~t ~ as de~ned ~ ~he ~ranc ~ed co bard R. ~ond ceco~d Dec--her 3~, 1957, ~n Book 2886, aC pass 5~ o~ the O~chl ~cords o~ sa~d ~ Co~cy; ~~ (9) easterly a~o~ the sa~d north line o~ the south 35~ EeeC si ~C ~ Co ~nCersecc ~he east l~ne o~ the veaC ~ ~ee~ si said ~h ~, 8a~d po~C o~ intersection bet~ the northeast co~e~ o~ a AranC deed Co J~8 R. Cave, Jr.~ .recoFded October 2~, 19~9, ~n Book 1~1 a~ pa~ 336 oz the O~[e~al ~corda si sa~d ~]n Co~, ~CE (10) ~ou~ecly alo~ C~ east line of las~ ~d s~nC deed " co ~nCeraecC the north l~ne o~ C~ south 250 ~eeC si 8a~d ~C ~'~, sa~d po~C o~ ~nCersecCton be~ C~ nort~sC co.er o~ a sranC deed Co Jos~h H.' ~ler_ recorded Feb~ 20, 1953, ~ Book 20~3 aC pa~e 30~ sE the O~c~al ~cords of sa~d ~ Co~; ~~ (11) ~8cerly alo~ the n~d north l~e o~ the south 250 ~eeC o~ said ~C ~ Co ~nCersecC c~ ~sc ~ne o~ aa~d ~~ (12) sou~erly alo~ the ~s~ l~ne o~ 8a~d ~ ~ Co the souhheasC co.er Che~o~, the point o~ beslnn~nA and con~Lni~ ~1.37 acres .sE land, ~re or less. ......... O00 ......... ! HEREBY C]/RT~iFY tlm~ the Eoregotnf~ .Ordinance wao passed and adopted ~ ~he Co~c~ o~ ~he C~ o~ ~rs~e~d at regular ~eti~ t~o~ ~ld on t~ 8th ~y o~ N~e~, 1965, the rolls,nE vo~e~ AYES~ COUNCILMEN BALFANZ~ IXX~IN, HOSKING, PARK,, RUCKER, STIERN, V~IITTEMOII~ . ~'~.~ ~U~_.L~ ~ A~AINING ~NCI~EN~ ~ l~__r~an_ S ._ !~vtn ~f~£~~ and KxoOf£~c~o O:Le~i~ Of the Council oE the C~Cy o£ Bakersfield Aff vff of r nan es STATE OF C.4?.?FORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVlN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on.....1;...h...e.....9..~.h......d..a.~....o..~....N...o..v_e...m...b..e...z'j .................... 19...6...5.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....t;...h...e.....8..t...h......d..a..y._.o...f.....N...o..v..e...m...~....r.., 19..6..5...., which ordinance was n,,mbered ............. ..~..5...8..8.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO T~ CITY OF K4~RSFIELD OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY I]ESIGNATED AS "MING NO. 3", WHICH IS CONTIGUOUS TO Tm~ CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, UPON THE TERMS CONTAINED IN THE QUESTION SUBMITTED AT A SPECIAL ET,~CTION HELD IN SAID TERRITORY ON THE 2ND DAY OF NOBEMBER, 1965. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...-9..~..h-...day of . Novembez,~ ,1965 OFFICIAL SEAL ~ WALTER W. SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC.CAl..II ORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN KERN COUNTY -' WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969