HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1587 ORDXI~.NCE NO o ',.,587 N~d SERIES AN ORDXNANCK DETERMINING A PRIMA FACXE SPEED LXMXT OF 35 HXLKS FER HOUR ON 14lNG AVENUE AND CASA LOHA DRIVE BETWEEN ~YXBLE ROAD AND SOUTH CHESTER AVENUE AND ADDXNG SECTXON lX.04.787 TO THE ~Iiq'XCXPAL CODE OF THE CXTY OF BAKERS.,. FXELD. ~ff~EAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield pursuant to the provisions of Section 22358 of the Vehicle Code of the State of Califottt~a, ha8 determined, upon the basis of an en~ineerins and traffic survey, that a pr!m fac[e speed limit less th~n 65 miles per hour, to wit: 35 mile8 per hour, is more reasonable and safe upon that port[on of Min~ Avenue and Casa Lom~ Drive between Wtble Road .and South Chester Avenue in the City of Bakersfield. NO~, THEREFOREo B~ XT ORDAXNED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTXOH 1. There is B~reby added section 11.04.787 to Chapter lX.0~ of the P~nictpal Code of the C~ty of Bakersfield to read as follows: 11.04.787 Sse.ed Limit on Him& Avenue ~.n~_ .-~__~a '__to~q Drive. A prima 'facie speed limit of. thirty-five miles per hour is hereby determined and declared to be the prima ~acie speed at ~hich vehicles may travel on Htns Avenue and Casa Loma Drive 'between Road and South Chester Avenue. SECTXON 2. This ord~pn~ce shall take effect thirty days from and after the date of ~t8 passage. :i: HEREBY CEa~XFY ~ha~ the £oFe4~otn~ Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Oounct! of the (:~y o~ Bakero£~eld a~ a res;uXar mee~n~ CheFeo£ held on the 25Ch clay o~ O~ober, 1965, by ~he fol:LaFXn~ vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, F~O~KING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ,~f~j,. J, ~.~ - ABSENT COUNCIU, AEN: ~-~f--j~J .-- ~ , - ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN_,,_ ~ ~ , . _ · ' Affh avit of lflosting r ina es STATE OF C~,?J~OP, NIA, ~ County of Kern ~ ss. MA_RIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......................... ~!.Ql~lllJ~.l'....l~ild ............................. 19]~.~... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....................... ..N...o..v...e..m...b...e_r......1..s...t. ........... , 19..6...5..., which ordinance was numbered .............1...5..8...7. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING A PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF 35 MILES pR HOUR ON MING AVENUE AND CASA LOMA DRIVE BETWEEN WIBLE ROAD AND SOUTH CHESTER AVENUE AND ADDING SECTION 11.04.787 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD. - ' - .- - Maria-n-S: Ir-vim.. -- Subscribed and sworn to before me this .l~lld ..... day of ............... ~ll~.~lllllQl~. ........... ,19.1~.. Xotary Pul~.~ ~ ~.~,,~or,.lh~,,C~unt~.,~.,Kern~..State..oi,,E~ait~rnia !' ' OI*'FICIAL SF.A. · ~ WALTER W. SMITH NOTARY PUULIC-CALil ORNIA PRINCIPAL OFF~r'E IN KERN COUNTY WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969