HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1581 ORDINANCE NOo 1581 NE~ SERIES AN ORDINANCE ANE~XNG SBCTXON 17.12.020 OF CHAPTER 17.12 (ZONXN(~ NAP) OF THE lqI~ICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKE~FIE~. ~HE~, in accordance with the procedure set forth the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakers£ield, the Flanning Con~nission and City Council have held hearings respectively, on a petition to zone certain property no~ be~.ng annexed to said City, and WBE~, the City Council has determined a£ter due consideration o£ the petit[on and the reco~udatton of the Planning Commission, herein on file, together with the reasons advanced at the hearing £or the zoning o£ sa~d property, that said zoning should be authorized upon annexation o£ said property to the City. NO~, THEREFOREt BE IT ORDAINED by the Council o£ the City o£ Bakers£teld, as SECTION lo That Section 17.1:2.0:20 of Chapter 17.1:2 (Zontns Hap) of the Hun~c~pal Code o£ the City o£ Bakersfield, be and the s~m~ is hereby amended by e. xtendfl~g the boundaries o£ said ~mp to include certain property in a C-2 (Com~-rc[al) Zone, upon the annexation o£ said proper~y to the City o£ Bakers£ield, the boundaries o£ which property are shown on the w~p hereto attached and ~mde a part o£ th~s ordinance, and are more specifically described as £ollo~s': Commencing at the Southwesterly corner o£ said quarter section, running thence Northerly along the Westerly boundary line o£ sa~d quarter section, ............... a dtstance o£ ~17.~2 ~eet; ~hence at right angle- Easterly ~17.~2 £eet; thence at r~ght angle Southerly ~17o~2 £e.et to a point on the Southerly boundary line o£ sa~d quarter s'ect~on; and thence Westerly along said las. t named line, ~17o~2 feet to the point o£ be~inn~ng; e. xcepttn~ that portion deeded to the State o£ CalL£ornia £or Free~ay righv-o~oway. Also excepVtng Chat portion Sou~h o~ and contiguous to Block 3 o~ Alta Vista Tract No. 3, and NorVh of Vhe Freevay ri~htoo~-way. SECTION 2. ~ Sec~ 17.12.020 the ~tct~l Code hereby ~ded ~ ex~dinS ~he b~ries o~ sa~d mp ~o include cer~a~ pr~erZy ~ an H-1 (LtshC ~nu~acCurtn~) Zone, upon ~he anne~z[~ o~ sa~d pr~erty Co the City o~ ~rs~eld, ~he b~d-' aries o~ which pr~er~ are s~ on the ~p hereto a~tached and ~de a par~ of ~his ordtnance~ and are ~re ~ect~cally described as ~oll~s: ~e ~es~erly 1~1.~8 ~ee~ o~ said panel lytns be~e~ Block 3 of Alta Vtsta T~c~ No. 3 and North SECTION 3. ~ Section ~7.12.020 o~ ~p~er 1~.12 (Zon~ ~p) o~ the ~tcipal Code ~reby a~nded by ex,end,ns ~he bo~ries o~ said mp to t~lude certain p~er~y tn an R-2 (~o Family ~ellin~) Zone, up~ ~he anne~ion oE said p~er~y to ~he City o~ ~kers~ield, ~he boweries of vhtch p~per~y are sh~ on ~he mp hereto a~c~d and ~de a part o~ this Ordinance, and are ~re specifically ~scribed as ~e ~sVerly 218.05 feeV o~ said ~el lytns be~een Block 3 off AlVa Vista Trac~ No. 3 and North SEC~ON ~s ord~ce s~ll bec~ e~ecZ[ve upon the ' a~e~v't~ 'o'~'-the'-ab~e-described- VerriVo~ to-~b~. C-iVy. ~f-~rs .... ~teld. .......... 000 0 I HEREBY GERTIFY that the £orego~ns Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council o£ the City of Bakers£teld at a resular matins t~ereof held on the 20th day of September, 1965, by tb~ follow[ag vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, ~, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEA~O~E. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~~ AB,SENT COUNCILMEN~ .A. BSTAINING COUNCILMEN.- ~~ · S r~ ~ ~ 3nN3A~ NOINn Aff av ! of osfing rMnan es ST.ATE OF C.~T.T~ORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern MARIAN S. IRlrlN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......................... ~ll.~,t~l~ll~..~d~4 .......................... ,19.6..P.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .................. ~D~illl(~ll...2114 .............. , 19.6.5.., which ordinance was numbered .............. ~,§1~, ............... New Series, and entitled: AN. ORDINANCE AMI~DING SECTION 17,12.020 (IF CHAPTER 17.12 (ZCI~TING MAP) (IF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF TR~ CITY OF BAKERSFI~.D, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2]LJi~...day of ............ )~J~.t,~h~l~ ............ ,19.6~... .-'%,'otar~ PuI,~, ,~l,.&?Ad,. ~;w.,,th~, ~ottn t p,, ~G. ,lGem f ,. Sei4o#e6.,(btti ~o rnia OFFICIAL SEAL WALTER W. SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC- CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL. OFFICE IN KERN COUNTY WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969