HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1605 OP, D~qNCE ~',K)o. '1605 NEW SF-.~.ZE$ AN OI~DINANCE AI~k~D/IqG TI~ S~EN OF ~ ~CIP~ CODE OF ~ CI~ OF ~F~ ~ ~~NO ~ ~ USE ZO~NG OF ~SE P~PE~ES ZN ~ CI~ OF ~F~ ~~Y ~ ~ 2208 ~U~ 2330 ~~ ~ ~ ~5 ~ ~15 ~L~Y ~O~. ~P~S, ~n agcor~nce ~h ~he procedure se~ forth =he pr~s~ons of T~le 1~ of ~ ~c~pal Co~ of =he Ct~ of ~rsf~eld, Zhe Pla~tng Co~ss[on and C~Zy C~cil ~ve h~r~ngs respectively, on a peZ~on ~o c~nge ~he land use o~ ~ose certain p=~er~es ~n ~he C~y of ~rsf~eld c~-nly ~ as 2208 ~h~h 2330 B~ge ~ne and ~ and ~1~ ~l~by ~ad, and ~~, ~he C[~ C~c[1 ~s de,embed afZer d~ cons~dera=[on of sa~d pe~on and ~he rec~n~ons of ~e Pla~ C~ss~on here~n on f~le, =oretOr wt~h ~he a~anced at ~he h~r~ngs for a c~e of zon~n8 of said properS, =~ a zon~ c~n~e shoul~ be authorized. N~ ~~ ~ IT O~I~D By che Co~c~l of ~he Ci~ of Bakersfield as ~ Section 17.12.020 (Zoning ~p) of =he ~[c~pal Code of ~e C[=y o~ ~a~rsf~el~ Be and ~he s~ ~s hereby ~ded c~g~n8 ~he ]Land ~e zon~n~ of cerza~n p~pert~es ~n sa~d C[=y~ =he Boweries of ~ch p=oper=~es are sh~ on ~he ~p ~o a~ched and ~de a ~r~ hereof, as follows: ~ng~ =he zoning Boweries f~ a C-O ~fessio~l O~f~ce) Zone co a C-1 (L~Ced Co~~1) Zone~ of ~hose certain properties c~only ~ a~ 2208 ~hrou~ 2330 ~ne and ~ and ~15 Hol~by ~oad, Being ~r~cularly de~cr[bed as foll~s: ~e Sou~h 1/2 off ~lock 10, ~ode Trac~ (~s 13 =h~ 24)~ ~n ~he C~y of ~rsf~eld, Co~y of ~ S=a~e of Ca1~fo~ as per ~p recorded ~y 2~ 1910~ ~ ~p Book 1, Pa~e 1~, ~n Off,ce of ~he Coun=y ~corder of ~d Ke~ Co~=y. ........ --o0o .......... ~: BEF~BY CEF, TZI~ that ~ foregoing Ordnance was pe~oed and ad~ed by ~he C~nc~l o~ ~he C~ o[ hkers~eld ~ a ~a~ ~e~ ~he~eo~ h~d on ~ 4t~ ~y o~ Ap~l~ 1966~ by th~ ~ollo~n~ vo~ _ ~ pARK ~ ~ WHITTEMO~RE. , '~. / ,.-~ NOES: coUNCILME~~- , ABSENT ~~~ABST~INING COUNClL~[N~ Marian S. Irvin ~C~I~ and Ex-OEf~c~O Cl~rk' 'oE "the Council of[ the City of Baker&~ield l~nneth W. HoaFland C~'DAR ST. R-I R-I ° HOLTBY' RD. ~ , o .~,o ~ T T & m R--I R '1 'm~. ~ -- AVE. ~,.' ~ · . ~ .R- 2 'l '' Affi avi! of ost ng ®r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ~ MA_~IAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on.....t...h...e.....5..t...h......d..a..~.....o...f.....A..?..r..~..1. .............................. 19...6...6.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....t...h...e.....4..t...h......d..a.y.....o...f.....A.p..r..~..1.~ ........ 19....6...6., which ordinance was numbered ............. .1...6...0...5. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN:~.ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING 'OF THOSE CEI~TAIN Pl~OPEI~TIES IN THE CITY OF BAKEI~SFIELD COMMONLY KNOWN AS 2208 THROUGH 2330 Bt~UNDAGE LANE AND #5 AND #15 HOLTBY ROAD, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th ~s.v n~ Apr± 1 ~_~ 66 Notary -'.. ~. OFFICIAL SEAL : ~~ WALTER W. SMITH i ~_[~.~)_~ NO?Ar~y PUBLIC-CALIrOr~NIA · KERN COUNTY WAI'TER W, $1Vi?TH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969