HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1604 ORDINANCE NO, 1604 NEW SERIES AN ORDXNANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE ~'~ICXP~ CODE OF THE CIT~ OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHA~XNG THE ~ USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PItOPER'I'Y IN T~l CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED Ot~ lT~- NORTH 34° 19 FLzET OF LOT 195, TRACT HOo 1795~ AT TH~ WEST SIDE OF CORNELL STREET° %~HEREAS, in accordance with the procedure sec forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Plannin~ Commission and City Council have held h~artn§s respectively, on a petition to chan~e the land use zonin8 of that certain property in ~he Ctt~ of Bakersfield located on the north 3~o19 £eet o~ Lot 195, Tract No. 1795, at the ~est side of Cornel1 Street, and I~ItE~AS, the C~y Council has determined after due consideration of said pet'~ion and the recommendations of the Planntn8 Commission here~n on file, tosether with the reasons a~vanced at the hearings for a chan~e of zonin~ of said property, ~haC a zonin8 chan~e shoul~ be authorized. HOW~ THEREFORR~ B~ IY ORX~XNED by the Council of the City o£ Bakersftelg as follo~ That Section ~7°12.0~-0 (ZontnS Nap) of the Municipal Code of the Cit~ of Bakersfield, be and the same is hereby amended by chan~in8 the land use zon~n§ of certain property tn said City, the boundaries of which property are shown on the map hereto attached and made a par~ h~reof~ as follows= Chan$tn8 Cha zo_~tn§ boundarte.s .from an Rol (Sin§le Family D~elltn§) Zone to an R 3 D (Limited Multiple.. Family Dwelltu~ - Architectural Design) Zone, of ~ha= certain p~opert~ located on the North 34.19 fee~ of Lot 19~ Tract No. 1795, at the We~t side of Cornel1 Street, betn~ more particularly described The North 34o19 =he Ct~ of Ba~rsfield~ Count~ of Kern~ S~ate of California, as per }iap recorded April 1, 1955, tn Book 8, Pas;e 189 of l~aps, tn the Offtce of the County Recorde~ of said Kern County. ! I~I~BY CE~Fff ~ha~ ~he fore~oin§ Ordirmnce was p~soed and adopted by ~h~ Council of ~he Ctt~y of Bakersfield aC a regular me2k~n§ ~ha~ao~ he~d on ~he 4t____~hday o£Aprtl, ~966, by ~he £ollowtn~vo~e: -C~ (~]~EI~ and-ExoO~fic~o' Clerk ~'~ ~he Council of ~he City of Bakersfield Kenneth ~. ~o~2l. and 2. DARTMOUTH '~ ST. BERGER " ST.' FORDHAM ST. HALEY ST. COR~ELL ST. HOLLINS.' . ST. POMONA ST. Aff avff of r nau es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... .t...h..e......5..t...h.....d...a.~.....o...f.....A.~..r..~..1.z ........................... 19.6...6.... she l~osted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on...~..h...e.....4..t...h......d..a.y.....o...f.._Al~.?..~..1. ........... , 19.....6..6., which ordinance was numbered .............. .1...6...0..4. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE I~UNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THaT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED ON THE NORTH 34.19 feet OF LOT 195, T1L~CT NO. 1795, AT THE WEST SIDE OF CORNELL STHEET. Subscribed and sworn to before ~ne this .... ..5..t..h....day of ................ .A.~?...J=..1....: ..... n ...... ,1~---6- ..... Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of ,~aliforuia 6~-:~iL~'(~,L~ ~,~.~,L  WALTER W. SMITH ! NOTARY PUBLIC.CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN KERN COUNTY i ......................... WALTER W. SMITH My commission Expires June 8, 1969