HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1602 B]~ ~T O~,.DAEE~-~D T}y 2[~ ~o~ncil of ~he City o~ S2CT~ON 1. ~ ne~ $~c~o~ ~.,~,777 be and the ~m~ ~s hereby ad~d ~o ~he ~c~p~l Cod~ o~ ~ Ci~ o~ ~kers~teld to read as 11.04,777 ~e,~d.~t,~.n Pla~__~d between H S~re~ ~d %~e.,~o~d, A ~=~ fa=Ze sp~ed of ~h~r~-~Eve m~les pee hour ~ he=eby de~e~ne~ an~ ~e~lar~ ~o be ~he proton ~c~e speed at ~=h v~h~cl~ ~y ~av~l on Plauz ~ad ~ 1000 ~ee~ eas~ o~ c~er line off ~Ible ~a~ :~o 250 ~eet east of the cen~er line of ~ ~B~ CE~F%~ ~ha~ ~he foregoing O=d[nance was pas~ed and adop~e~ b~ ~ Council of ~he C~y of Bake=~f[eld a~ a AYES~ COUNCILMEN BALF~.NZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. ,,,OES.. COU,,,C,__.__~..~?, ,)Z~-., ~,.~Y ABSTAINING COUNCI LM. EN.' ~ Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,[ SS. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... .t...h...e.....]:..5...t...h.....d...a.y......o...f.....M...a..r...c..h.. .......................... 19..6..6.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on...t...h...e.....1...4...t..h.....d..a.Y.....o...f.....M...a..r...c..h.. ......... 19..6...6..., which ordinance was numbered .............. .1...6...0..2.. ............... New Series, and entitled: Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..1...5..t...h....d ay of .............. .M...a.?...c...h.~ .......... 7) ........ 19.....6...6. ................. ....... ~'otary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California · ~~ WALTER W. S~TH i WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969