HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1619 AH ORDINAI~ AMBLING CNAP'fg~ 3.96 (DIVISION OF RECREATION) OF THE 14D~CZPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFI~.LD. BE IT OR/~]2~D by the Council of the Cl~y of Bakersfield that Chapter 3.96 (Dlv~sion of Recreation) be -~uded to read as £ollovo: Chapter 3.96 DIVISION OF RECRFATION Sec cio.ns: 3.96.010 Creation of division. 3.96.020 Supervision by Audl~orium Hanager. 3.96.030 Officers and employees. 3.96.040 Duties of Auditorium Manager. 3.96.0~0 Duties of Director. 3.96.010 Create-on ,of .divisi.on. There Is hereby crea~ed for the government of the city a division of the Audit~rium Manager"a office to be kno~m as the Division of Recreation. 3.96.020 Suuervtston by AudLt,o, rt.-- 14analzer. The Division of Recreation shall be under the direct supervision of the Auditorium Mans§er or his autlmr~zed representative. 3.96.030 ._Officers and eumloyees. Under the direct supervision of the Audi~or~um P_~n~ger all permanent employees Of the Division of Recreation shall maintain their existing ~l~les and civil service s~a~u8. 3.96.040 .Du..les o£ Audi.~..r. imn ,.N~aKer. The Auditortt~u Ha~,ager shall direct th2 a~ntn~stra~on of the Division of Recreation and tt shall ba hi8 du~y to: (a) Reco~nd policies on recreation service £or approval of the City Council. (b) Prepare or cause to be prepared the annual budget for the Division of ~crea~lon for approval by the City Council. (c) Cooperate ~_~ch other govenwnm~al asencte8 and civic groups in the advancement of a sound recreational program. (d) Advise with the City Council on development of recreation areas, facilities, programs and services. (e) Recommend the adoption of standards on areas, factlttina, program and financial support. (f) Interpret the policies and f~ncCtons of the Division of Recreation to the public. (g) Recommend for employment required personnel aa sec forth by the City of Bakersfield and supervise such personnel in the perfomance of their various duties. (h) Fromulgate ~ulas or regulations for the conduct of activicins v~chin city parks and recreational areas for the preservation of p~perCy and the orderly use of said property. 3.96.050 Duties .o.f Dtr. e. ctor. The Director of Recreation shall be responsible for ~he administration of the D~v~sion of Recreation in accordance vt~h the policies sec forth by the Auditor£tm Hanager. ! HEREBY C~T~FY ~hac the £orego~ Ordinance vas p~osed and adopted by the Council of ~he C£~y o£ Bakersfield ac a regular meecin§ ~hereof he~d on ~he 5th day of July , 1966, by ~:h~ ~o~lo~Lns vol:e~ AYES: CC)UNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. N.__O~:,? _COUNCILMEN: ~ ~,,..~j AB.S".fNT..COUNCILMEN:.. ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ Aff av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and Jul 6 that on ....................................................................................... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ................................. ..J..u...1..y......5. .................. 19.6...6. .... which ordinance n 1619 was umbered ........................................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AI~ENDING CI~PTER 3.96 (DIVISION OF RECREATION) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before ~ne this ....6..~...h.....day ~, ........... July 19....6...6.. Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California ~ OFFICIAL SEAL ~~ WALTER W. SMITH '-'.'' K~'2N COLhNTY WALTER W. SMITH .My Commission Expires June 8, 1969