HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1617 .... POOR ORIGINAL /c}ha~ ~:bx~ "'" ': "' ~ c:7 ~'::,~ '~';',~/ ' ~ '~ ~ ....... ~"' ~ ' ""'"'~ ' DK': '..~ - o · ...~...~,:.,~ 2 ..3 " ~ . . o¢~ ~ ~ ..~..' ,,.,.,, .-2~ 2~1~o070 Z~ec:~o~ ~f ~ :"i ..~.':. .... ~'~.~ ~, ~ ~ ' ~ ' - ' · 2 ~6~0~0 Da~s o.. mc....,, ............ ,,~.~ amd o~ April o~ eacl~, odd=,m~;;~:<~,~d yea~ for ~h~ election of m~srs of ~he Council o ~ n~i~:.,.~,.g ~c.~.'~cm~ai alec~ton mhali be bald on i:he aix~h %uemday p~-io~ ~o f-:~::~:~ date fixed fo~ ~he general m~..tfcipat election in each oddou~.b(?eh. ~,~.,....~ ~heir mucce~$or~ are elected and 2.16.030 _Petition for ,_Ngm.i. natio, n ~ Fil,,..in~. A petition £or no~ination~ consistin~ of not less than t~enty-five nor more than £ii~y individual certificates [or any one candidate, shall be presented to the Clerk not earlier than ntneDy (90) days~ nor later ~an sixty (60) days before the nominating election. The Cleric shall endorse thereon the day~ hour and minute when the petition was presented to him. ~he certificates constituting such petition, be£ore being p~esented to t:he Clerk~ ~t~a- ].1 be ia~ten~d ~o§ethe~ in a secure and suitable ~annero arranged ~n alphabetical order accordin~ to su~na~ea~ and the certificates shall then be numbered consecutively. 2o16.010 !xam. ir.m...tion, s ?.,~ Pa.iiCi,.ns by ¢tt¥ Cle~,ko l~hen a petition o£ ~ominatton is presented for filing to the ~le:ko he shall £orth~it:h e~mtne the sameo and ascertain whether it is suf£icien~ under the provisions o£ Chis ordinance. I. ltChin seven days thereafter he must examine and dateline whether or not it is ~ufficient and shall attach to said petition his certificate. sho~ing ~he result of said examination, and £orthvtth send by ~il~ or deltver~ a copy of said certt£icate to the person seeking a no.inert.n. 1:£ the petition be found insui[icient~ such certificate of the Clerk shall designate each individual certificate ~-ound to be defective and ~he de~ct therein. If the petition be insufficient, tt ~ay be a~nded or supplemented by the presentation o£ an additional nominattn~ petition o~ petitions conCaintr~ additional nominating ce~lEtcatese not later than Eorty-~ive days before the date of the nominattn~ election. The Clerk ~hall, ~i~htn £ive dt~ys a£ter Mas preaen~ation sE s,~ch addit[o:.tal nomtnattn~ pet~tion~ make Xtke examina21on and determination of the A~ended peri,tone end ac~ach ~o iCa l~ka cer~[~ca~e and e copy as aEoresatdo ~d ~ ht~ ce~[E~ca~a shall show ~h~ a~nded 0 petition to be insufficient, the petition shall be returned to the person seekln§ a nomination who shall not be eligible for the office at this election° 2o16,050 List of Cand~idate. So Imaedtate'ly after the for nomination are filed~ the City Clerk shall enter the names of the candtdate~ in a list0 %~[th the offices to be filled, whether for a full oF unexpired term and the names of the candidates for ®ache and shallo not late~ than twenty days before the nominating eLectlon~ certify ~uch 1~: as being ~he 1~C of candidates 2 o 16 o 060 l~.t thdrawa 1..o~-.-_..~_...-=Candtdate- _for. ~om~na ~lon ¢~ Any person ~ho has f~led his declara~ion of candtdacy~ as in th~s ordinance provtded~ may~ no~ late~ ~ban forty (40) days before the day of the nominatin~ $1ection~ cause his name ~o b~ withdra~m from nom~nat~on~ by ftltn~ with the Clerk an affidavit stating that h~ $o wtthdrawm~ and no name es withdrawn shall be printed on the balls ~ o 2.16,070 _:glection 0~.._.~Ca.ndldateso There shall be two candidates nominated for each officer to be elected and such number of candidates as may receive a h~-~her number of votes ~han any other oppoming candidates shelf ~e ~ha nom~nee~ provtded~ =hat if there b® any person ~hos undo= 2he provisions of ~hts article, would hay® been entitled ~o become a candida2e for any office, except for the fac= =hat on® or mo~ other persons received an equal number of vote~ ~herefo~ all ~uch persons r.eceiv-in$ an equal n,~er of votes shall likewise be candidates for such office, Ifs at any nominating ~lection~ any candidate for any office shall receive a m~_ior~Cy of all votes ca~ fo= t/mt off~ce~ he shall be declared elected ~o ~bs ~aid offl.~e~ an~ no o~her elect~on ~herefor shall be heldo If~ a~ any e!e~=~on~ no cand.ldate is elected~ by reason o£ a ~le vo~e~ =he o~fic® Zo~ which such persons were candidates 3. sl~]L].~ a'C the ~xp~;~Cton o£ ~he cu~;enC ~e~ become.v~cSnto ..~ ~ and the City as o~he~se pr~ded ~ ~as e~ec~ons s~l]L Be hel~ ~ acco~nce w~h ~he p~ision~ o~ 2 ~6o090 ~x~a ~ ~o~f C].e~k, I~ necess~ ~he Co~c~Z p~ovtde extra hetp to ~able ~he Clerk co pe~fo~ his flu~ies~ any alec~on p~ovts~on o~ '~he c~e~ $~a~a statu~es and o~d~nce, coaduc~n~ elections ~ lnva!~da~e ~he aa~ i~ ~hey have been conducted fairly and In e~a'aan~ial confomity co ~he o~ ~h~s c~r~e~ and ~he o~t~ce~ ~ela~tng thereto, I Hl~ C~F,T~F~ tha~ the f~or~o~ng Ordinance was ~ssed ~nd adopted by Ch~ ~c~Z o~ ~ C~ of Ba~rs~teld ae a re~ar ~e~ ~ereo~ h~ on ~e 5th ~y o~ July, o ~96G, by ~ ~o11~ vo~ AYES, COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: CC)UNi~ILMEN: A,_B.$ _. N T. _A?$TAINING ~O, UN~:ILME ,N, Kenneth ~4o Hoa~¥shd STATE OF CALIFORNIA, .ss. County of Kern. MARIAN S. IRV]~N, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and July 6 1966 she posted on the Bulletin B~ard that on ....................................................................................... - ....... at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City ~, Jul~ 5 19..6...6..., which ordinance at a meeting thereof duly held .................................................................... 1617 was numbered ........................................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDING CHAPTER 2.16 TO THE UUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES FOR COUNCILMANIC ELECTIONS IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .....6..t...h....day of .................. ..J..u..1..~. ................... ,19..6...6.... Notary Public in aud for thc Couuty of Kern, State of California ",-~ .... KERN COUNTy .-' '~ Commission Expire.~ June 8, 1969