HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1630 ORD]~NANCE ~{0~ 1630 NEW S~RIES AN ORDINANCE AMEh'D~G ~ S~~ OF ~ ~CI~ ~D~ OF ~ C~ OF ~~FIE~ BY C~GI~G ~ ~D US~ ~O~NG OF ~T ~~N ~E~ [~ ~ C~ O~ ~~[~ BO~ED O~ ~ ~O[~$~ ~ ~0~ ~S~ AVE~ O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~AD ~D O~ ~ ~ST ~ ~CT NO. 2399, ~E~ in accordance with the procedure sec ~orch in the provisions oE Title 1T oE the Hunictpal Code o£ the City o£ BakersEteld~ the Plauntng Co~mtssion and City Council have held hearings respectively, on a ~e~tCton Co chan~e Che land use zonin§ of thaC certain l~r~perCy i~ ~he City of Bakersfield bounded on the northeast by South C~esZe~ Avenue, on the north by Planz Road and on ~he wes2 by Trac~ Hoo 2399~ and W~S~ ~h~ C~2~ Co~ctl ~s detemtned afCar due consideration of saig p~ZiZ~on and Zhe rec~anda~ons of ~he Flann~n~ C~l~sion he=e~ on f~le, ~o~eZher ~i~h ~he reason~ advanced aC ~he ~r~n~ for a c~e of zonin~ of sa~d proper~y, ~ a zon~n~ c~n~e should be authorized. ~0~ ~0~ ~E XT O~I~D by the Cocci1 of ~i Section 17~12.020 (Zoning ~p) oE the H~lct~l Code of iht Ctiy of ~kt~lfitlt~ be and the sa~e ts hereby a~nded by c~ging ~he la~d use ~o~ of ~C certain property ~n said City, the boundaries off which ~o~er~y are sh~ on the ~p hereto a~ched and ~de a par~ he~eo~ a~ C~nging the zoning bo~daries ~ an R-1 (Single Family ~elling) Zon~ Eot proposed lots 1~ 2, 3, and 19 Co a C-1-D (L~d C~c~l o~ Arch[~ec~ral Deat~) Zone~ and an ~=1 {Stu/l~ F~[ly ~elling) Zone ~or proposed lots 18, 27, 28, 29~ 30~ 31 and 32 Co a C-O-D (Profession1 Architectural De~) Zo~e~ and fr~ an R-1 (Single ~ell~ng} Zon~ ior ~o~ossd lots i~ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9~ 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 Co an Ko2-D (~-Famtly ~ell~ng -- A~h~tec~ral Desi~) Zone, and Er~ an Roi (Single F~tly ~ellin~) Zone fo= proposed lots 15~ 16~ 17, 20, 21, 22, 23~ 24, 25, 26, 33, ~ and 35 to an R-3=D (L~t~ed ~ltiple-F~Ely ~elli~ Architec~al DesEX) Zone ~or t~t cer~ parcel tn t~ City of .ihkers£~eld _bounded on the Norfheast by South Chester avenue, on the lqor~h by Planz Road and on the West by Tract No. 2399, beths more particularly described so £ollovo; The East hal£ o£ LoC 3 tn Section 18, Tmmshtp 30 South, Range 28 East, H.D.B. & M., tn the Crt7 of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of CaltfornLa, as shown on the Kern Country Sales 14~p Ho. 1 of lands of J. B. hf'.8;tn filed Hay 3, 1889 in cite Off,ce of the CounL*y Recorder of said said Lot 3 lytn~ East of centerltne of Chester Avenue, as such avenue was created by an easement deeded to the County of Kern. recorded May 17, 1939 in Book 836, PaAe 375 of Office.al Records. Satd above deacrtbed land, also composin~ LaCs 1 through 3~ inclusive of Tencactve Tract Hap Ho. 3019. :!: l~,l~IrJ Ci~TII~ ehac ~he £oresol~ Ordinance ~as passed and adopted by the Council of I~m Cl~y of Bakersfield aC a regular aje~tz~ chereo£ held on Vhe ~ 1st day o£ Austral, 1966, by ~he £ollo~ln~ vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN B(~.~ANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING. PARK, RUCKER, 'ST-.I,~RN,.WHITTEMO~RE. NOES, COUNCILMEN: ~,/...~...~ ~,/ ,,,? . ABSENT COUNCILMEN: _..~,~'~ ~ ~_ )~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: .,~,,~.~._,~ j Marian S., Irvtn. . .- ~ · .~-.~: --~.,. ~, ,. AffrayS! of os ,ng Or,,nantes STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRV[N, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .t...h..e......2..n...d.....d...a..y......o...f.....A..u..~..u..s...t..~ ....................... 19~...6..... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....t...h...e....~-.s.-t...-.-d--a-.~-----°---f-.--.A---u-~--u---S--t-- ....... 19....6...6., which ordinance was numbered ............. .1...6...3..0.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BOUNDED ON THE NORTHEAST BY SOOTH CHESTER AVENUE, ON THE NORTH BY PLANZ ROAD AND ON THE WEST BY TRACT NO. 2399. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...2...n...d.....day of .............. ..A..u. ~.u...s..t.. j~6...6.. .'X'otary Public in and /or thc 'Ccuuty of Kern, Statc of Califoruia !" ................ ................. i /~_.~fj~% WALTER W. SMITH ~.~,r,.~.~_;..~:~ NOTAI~¥' PUBLIC-CAt. Il C,I,~N A '~/.~' PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ~ '"' KERN COUNTY "~''" ':-:'V Fi~,./,.~',' ' My C~:,i;...;~ .:x~',~ ,, ~' · . .u~ 8, ~9~