HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1627 ORDINANCE NO. .1627 .NE~ SERZES AH ORDINANCE AHENDING TITLE S~~ OF ~ ~ClP~ ~D~ OF ~ CI~ OF ~~F~ ~ C~IN~ ~ ~ U~ ZO~N~ OF ~SE ~R~IN ~R~S IN ~ CI~ OF ~~E~ CO~Y AS 1701 1717 ~HEREAS, in accordance v~th the procedure set forth tn the provtstons of Tttle 17 of the l~untctpal Code of the Ctty of Bakersfield, the Flanninf; Commteston and Ctty Counctl have held hearings respecttvely, on a petition to clmse the land use zoning; of those certain properties ~n the City of Bakersfield co~Muly knovn as 1701 and 1717 Brundaf;e Lane, and ~IK~, the Ctty Counctl has determined after due constderatton of satd petttton and the reco..~..~ndat~ons of Planninf; Countsston herein on £tle, tof~ether v~th the reasons advanced at the heartns8 for a chan~e of zoninS of satd property, that a zoninf; charge should be authorLzed. N(~o TIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City That Sectton 17.12.020 (Zonf~ Hap) of the Muntctpal Code st the City of Bakersf:Leld, be and the sams_ ts hereby amended by chanstng the land use zon~n~ of certain properties in said City, the boundaries of yehtch pFoperttes are shown on the mp hereto attached and ~ade a paFt hereof, a~s follovs: ChenSinS the --on~ boundaries from an {~S~'ngle Family Dvelltnf;) Zone to a C~.2-D (CounaL, ciel - AFchttectural DeafEn) Zone, of. those certain p;ope.~ties tn the CLty of Bakers field counonly ~noun as 1701 and 1717 Brundaf;e Lane, heine more part~.cularly described as £ollows: The EaoC 282 feet of the North 3/45 feet of Section To~nshtp 30 Southo Ranf;e 27 East, M.D.B.M. ~ ~n the C~ty of Bakersfield, County_ of Kern, State of CalL- rotate, accordtn~ Co the Off~ctal Flat thereof~ KXCKFT any po~tton contafo~ed w~thLn Fubl~c Itoad8. ! HEREBY CERTIFY cl~ the £oreso~ Ordinance w~8 passed and adopt:ed by the Counc~ of~ the Cf.~y o~ Bakersf~J.eld ac a re~u~;~: mee~tnf~ ~:h8~o£ h~Ld on the ~s~ thy of~ August:. 1966. b~ ~:he f~o].low~n~ vo~e: AYES.. COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER~ WHII'rEMORE. NOES: COUNOLM~N: ~,~.~,.~y ,~ , ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: r,,~J , HarLsn S. Irv~n ~i~TY--CLE]IK and' ~x-O~f~f~c~o Clerk ~f[ ~he Council of ~he C~y', o£ Bakersf~eld OLEANDER "' ~ AVE UE F' ST. 'H' ST. F '1 ST. HAYBERT CT. o CHESTER AVE. AffrayS! of®r Jnan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of, the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... ..t...h..e.....2...n...d.....d...a.~......o..f......A..u..K..u..s...t..~ ....................... 19...6...6.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....t...h..e......1...s..t.....d...a.~.....o...f.....A...u.~..u_s..t..! ...... 19....6...6., which ordinance was numbered ............. .1...6...2..7.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVEI~TEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSe, CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIEI~ COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1701 AND 1717 BRUNDAGE LANEI Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....2...n..d....~a~, ................ ~~..~~... of .............. . .A...u..g...u...s..t..; ............. 19....6...6.. .%'otary Public in and for thc County of Kern, Statc of California ! ~ OFFICIAL SEAL ~ ,~'"'2~,"~ WALTER W SMITH i · i ~~ NOTARYPUB~..IC.¢:, . .';., ~ WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8,