HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1625 1625 ~ SERIES A.,7~20~:~I~C- ~~0~ 0F A ~~ 0F X~D~D~SS OF SAID CI~ffo ~~$~ ~km aat~ ~a~l~o~ does no~ fo~ a par~ o~ amy o~ha~ ci~ D ~d im ~ha office of ~hm Cl~y ~1~ of ~he City of ~rafield, a ~i~em com~m~ ~lgm~d by ~ke o~ro of ~re ~n ~,~o~;;hirds of p~ope~y in ~h,~ Ci~ of i~ak~fi~ld ~o pay the bonded 893~ ~,~ $~rie$~ tm O~amce ~oo 950, ~ Smrie~ In O~'di~nce O~i~mc~ ~oo 1364. ~ aez'le~ and ~ O~nce ~Oo 15930 al~ of ~he City of ~.ke~sfl~a~ a~ amy and all o~h~r iudeb~e~e~$ o~ ~e of c~le~i~ of aai~ a~em~lon~ and thie Co~cil hereby ~o-~hirds of ~he va~ue of ~he ~m~rt~o~, and c~lles ~asl~e¢~ %~h l:he p~ov~s~ons of Section 35319 of the Government Coda o~ ~ St:a~ o~ Califo~n~. and ~~S~ ~he Co~c~l of ~he Ct~ of ~k~rs~eld on ~h~ 20~h ~y o~ J~ ~96~ paae a ~solutton ba~ng Noo 36-66~ D~viaio~ 2~ Pa~ 2~ ~p~ ~. A~icle 5 o~ ~h, ~e~en~ Code a~ fl~a~l~n~ a~ a~o~ by ~ app~prta~e ~ and se~ti~ ~n~y~ ~ha ~ ~y o~ a~a~ 1966. at ~ha houF of 8~00 p.mo tn ~h~ ~c~ C~~ o~ ~ C~y ~1~, 1501 T~n Avenue~ ~al~alg~ CalXfo~a~ aa ~h~ flay~ hour ~d p~c~ vhen ~d ~e~ ~o~ ~ h~g0 ~ c~1~,~nc~ ~lth ~ae~ 35311 of ~ ~e~n~ Cod~ and ~1 ~ l~a~ ~n~ ~y~'~o~ ~he public hearing on ~a~ o l~tg~S, et ch~ time sec for hearing protests, no ~£tCen p~oteets ~er~ ~le~ a~nst the pressed a~t~on by any ~ o~ p~ope~Cy ~h~ ~e cerr~to~ p~pooed Co be en~xed. SgC~Og ~. ~[~o~ deo~~d ~c '0~ ~Oo 5"; and ~ ~s ~reby ~ur~her o~[n~d ~ 8a~d ~~c~& be and the sm ~a ~reby a~exed a~ii Cl~yl ~ said ~e~l~ ts described as io11~8~ A ~2~c~ sE la.nd ~~e ~ ~he Cowry o~ K~0 S~ate of a~fl b~ng a portion o~ Sac~to~ 22 and 23~ T~ship 29 Southo huge ~o= 22= d~$~=n~ ~h~o~ 208o7~ Eeec $~her~y ~ ~he north =i.o~ =atd ~aa~ l~e ~o ~ntereect eh~ north line o~ ~C2 {~) aou~erly aio~ ;ltd ~s~ l~e ~o inter, itt ~ north l~ne of ta aoa~mes~ q~r~e~ (S.~.l/i) o~ aatd Section; ~o ~Cetaec~ ~;~e ~ou~h l~e of the north ~5 fee~ of ~he a~t~-~e~a t~e; (S,~.I/~) o~ said Sec~ion~ t~te~$~c~ion ~t~ a 'point ~ ~e Gouthe~ly o~ l~ay line o~ C~y ~ad Noo 21831 ~C2 (5) ~o~a~ly alo~4 ~t~ s~h 1~ ~d sa~d ~t o~ l~n= ~o ~a~sac~ ~ west l~e o~ the o~ said Slc~to~ 221 o (6) cont~nuLu~ easterly aloha the south l~ne of the north 45 feet of the southvest quarter (S.I;.1/&) of ea~d section and the southerly ~ght of ray line of sa~d Road, 209.47 feec co the bestnntng of a tensent curve ~n said southerly r~ght of ray l~ne; (7) northeasterly aloha a curve concave co the northwes_t, wf~Ch a radius of 13~$. feet, through an arc of 14051'46'' for a d~stence of ~8.90 feeC Co the potnt of inter- section ok sa~d road rf~hC ok _way lf~te w~th the north l~me of the southwes~ quarter (S.l;.1/&) of satd Section22; (8) easterly alou~ sa~d north l~ne _Co ~nterseeC the l~ne of th~ northeast quarter (N,E.1//4) of q~r~2r ~.K.~/~) o~ the Soue~st q~reer (S.~.I/~) o~ sa~d section; southerly al~ sa~d ~ot 1~e es ~ntersec~ the 8~th 1~ of 8a~d north~se q~reer (N.E.1/~) of t~ north~se satd ~d (~0) (ms~erly alo~ last/south l~e es ~ersec~ ~e l~ne of the sou~ase q~rter (SE 1/~) of sa~d Section 22; ~d (11) horsefly alo~ Iasc/west _l~e es t~ norC~st co~r o~ sa~d sout~ase q~reer (SE ~/~) of sa~d Section 22; (12) .~s~erly alo~ the north l~ne of sa~d s~eheast q~reer (SE 1/~) ~o intersect the west l~n2 of ~ q~r~er (SE 1/~) of the nore~se q~rcor satd Section 2~, oa~d ~eersectton be~s a po~t the ~est bouu~ of Tract Ho. 2~6 as s~ ~ a mp r~orded ~e 7s 1963 ~ bps, ~ok 13, Page 1~, ~ Co~ (~3) no~bF~ 8Lo~ Zest ~d weot ~e ~o o~t~ ~e o~ the noFth ~5 ~ee= o~ the 8outh h~ (S, Z/2) o~ t~ oout~st q~FteF (bE' ~/~) o~ the no~th q~teF ~ Z/~) o~ 8a~d S~t~ 22, oa~d ~nteEoectLon b~ ~ po~n= ~ the oouthe~Z~ =~t o~ ~7 Z~e the a~oFeoa~d Co~ ~ad No, 2Z83; (~) ~st~F~ ~o~; ~eot ~d o~th ~e end s~Ld 8~tha~ t~h~ oE ~ ~e ~nd the ~ot~F~y pFo~o~on ther~o~ to ~nt~sect the ~ot l~ne of the west 5~ fe~ o~ the a~oF~nt~oned Section 23; (15) northerly a~ons l~st ~d east 1~ to ~eroe~ t~ Ho. 23~ ss ~h~ up~ amp Feco~ed July ~ps, Book ~20 Past ~7, ~n Com~ Records (~6) ~sterly a~o~ sa~d' prolo~tLon nd ss~d north co~a;be~ ~n the east ~L~ o~ the ~est (17) northerly a~o~ last ~==~d ~st l~ne to ~erseet tb~ south line o£ the north §5 £eet o£ said Section 23, said inter.action betnf~ a point ~ the co.orate bo~da~ as defined by ~he alor~nttoned Ordt~nce No. 1452, b~da~ ~o ~er~ec~ ~he ~$~ l~ne o~ ~ aEoresaid Section 22~ ~d ~ersec~on be~ ~C~ {19) southerly. ~$~e~ly and northerly alons c~rses (1), (2) and O) o~ ~a~ ~d co.orate bo~~ ~o a po~ ~ ~ ~ouCh l~ne si the north 55 [ee~ o~ said S~c~lon ~2~ said poin~ be~ tn ~he co.orate b~n~ as d~d by ~he aforesaid OrdtM~e ~o. 1152, ~C2 (20) '~e~e~y~ ~ou~rly and ~es~erly co~o~a~ bo~~ ~o ~he poin~ o~ best~, con~tnin~ 3~0.~6 ac~ si land~ more or upon ~he c~e~on o~ ~he anne~C~ o~ 2he s~ ~o ~h~ City o~ ~~[e~d~ 'be subjected ~o ~a~[on eq~ly ~h o~he~ property ~n ~he City o~ ~s~l~ ~o pay ~ bonded tndeb~ess o~ the ~ ~$r~ o~ p~pa~ loca~ad ~harain~ ~ Essence o~ bonds 8~3~ ~e~ S$~ies~ In O~d[~ac$ ~o. 950, N~ Seri~$, En Ord~nce ~oo 1~12, N~ S~ia~ ia O~dinance No. 1229, O~d~c~ No. 13~ ~ S~a, ~d ~ Ord~nce Nos 1~93, ~aEd Ci~ and any and all oche~ tndsbCe~ess C~ ov~a~and~S or aueho~lz~d on and a~er ~he o~ ~aid ann~ton~ SEC~O~ 2. I I~EBY C~P~TII~ thac ~he ~oregol~ O~ance was passed ~d adopted ~ ~ Co~cil of ~ C~ of ~rs~teld a~ a ~e~lar meet~ chereof held on C~ lac ~y o~ Auger, 1966, by AYES~ COUNCILMEN B~.~NZ, DOOLliN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, NOES, CO U NCI LM EN, ,~...M~, ABSENT COUNCILMEN, ABSTAINING COUNCI~EN~ Eennel:h .w,. ao.a~ ....... CIIY-'A'T' ' ' ' Affi av ! of ®r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on......t...h..e......2..n...d.....d...a.~f.....o..f......A..u.~..u..s...t.~ ......................... 19_.6...6.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held ~n......t..h...e.....~...s...t.....d...a.y......~..f.....A...u..~.u...S...t.~.....~ 19....6...6., which ordinance was numbered .............. .1...6..2...5. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TEI~RITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "OSWELL NO. 5," AND PROVIDING FOB THE TAXATION OF SAID TERI~ITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .....2..n...d....day_ of ............ . .A..u..~..u..s...t..~ ........ ~ .......... 19..6...6.... Notary Public in and for Ihe County of Kern, State of California  WALTER W. SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA pRiN~,-ic,~,.[ C~FFIr~E IN ,, .!,..., K'~RN COUNTY '" WALTER W, SMITH I~ 'Commlsiiion Expires June IL ~