HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1622 ORDINANCE N0o, ,,1622 ... ~ SERIES AN ORDI~.ANCE AIlEd.lNG SECTION 3.68,100 (PAY SCHEDULES AND RATES) AND S2C~OE 3.68.110 ~~K C~SSIFI- FI2~. ~B IT O~I~D by ~he Co~c~l of the C~ty of Ba~raf~eld~ as roll.e: SEC~ON 1. ~ Section 3.68.100 of ~he ~tctpal Code of =he C~ of Bakersffteld be and ~he a~e is hereby rended to read as PAY ~N~S ~ P~S. ~e basic c~ensation pl~ s~ll . consts~ o~ the ranges ~re~a~er lts~ed ~ ~h~s section. Such =au~e s~ll tnc~ude five a~eps of ra~es of pay. (a) C~en~ation ra~es for officers and ~loyees of ~he various depar~n~s: ~e S~eps ~nge 1 2 3 4 N~ber Be~t~ln~ Altar 6 After 1 ~r~C ~Ce Hon~ho Year After 1 After 1 Year Year 2 $295 $3~0 $326 $362 $360 3 302 3[8 336 351 369 4 3~0 326 3&2 360 378 5 318 334 351 369 387 6 326 34~ 360 378 397 7 336 351 369 387 407 8 3~ 360 378 397 417 9 351 369 387 407 ~27 '. 10 360 378 397 ~17 638 11 369 3~7 ~07 427 449 12 378 397 417 438 460 13 387 ~07 ~27 449 472 ~ 397 ~7 ~38 460 48~ huse 1 2 3 4 5 Number Beg~nn~n8 After 6 After 1 Mer~c Her~t Rate Month8 Year After 1 After 1 Year Year !5 $4o7 $427 $449 $472 $496 ~6 42? 438 460 484 508 ~7 427 ~9 472 496 52~ t8 438 460 ~84 508 534 19 ~9 472 ~96 522 20 ~60 484 508 53~ 56~ 2t 472 ~96 52t 547 575 22 484 508 53~ 56t 589 23 ~96 52~ 5~7 575 24 508 534 56~ 589 25 522 5~7 575 604 634 26 534 56~ 589 6~9 650 27 5~7 575 6~ 634 666 28 56~ 589 629 650 683 29 575 60~ 63~ 666 700 30 589 6~9 65o 683 7~8 31 ~ 63~ 666 700 736 32 6~9 650 683 718 7~ 33 6~ 666 700 736 773 ~ 650 683 7~8 7~ 792 35 666 700 736 773 812 36 683 7~8 7~ 792 832. 37 700 736 773 812 853 38 7~8 7~ 792 832 87~:~ 39 736 773 8~2 853 896 ~0 7~ 792 832 87~ 918 4~ 773 822 853 896 942 42 7~ 832 87~ 9~8 965 o ltange 1 2 3 4 5 RaCe NonChs Year After 1 A~er 1 Year Year 43 $812 $853 $896 $941 ~989 44 832 874 918 965 1014 45 853 896 941 989 1039 46 874 918 965 1014 1065 47 896 941 989 1039 1092 48 918 965 1014 1065 1119 49 941 989 1039 1092 1147 50 965 1014 1065 1119 1176 51 989 1039 1092 1147 1205 52 1014 1065 1119 1176 1235 53 1039 1092 1147 1205 1266 5~ 1065 1119 1176 1235 1298. 55 1092 1147 1205 1266 1330 56 1119 1176 1235 1298 1363 57 1147 1205 1266 1330 1397 58 1176 1235 1298 1363 1432 59 1205 1266 1330 1397 1468 60 1235 1298 1363 1432 1505 61 1266 ~330 1397 1468 1.,~3 62 1298 1363 1~32 1~5 1582 63 1330 1397 1168 1~3 1622 ~ 1363 ~32 1505 1582 1663 65 1397 1~68 1~3 1622 1705 66 1432 ~505 1582 1663 17~8 67 1468 15~3 1622 1705 1792 68 1505 1582 1663 1748 1837 69 1543 1622 1705 1792 1883 70 1582 1663 1748 1837 1930 3. Range I 2 3 & Humber Beg~rmi~g A~ter 6 A~ter I ~rXt hte ~nt~ Year A~Cer X A~Cer 1 Year Y~r 71 $1705 ,17~ $1883 $1978 72 1663 ~7~8 1837 1930 2027 73 ~705 1792 1883 1978 2078 7~ ~7~8 ~837 19~ 2027 2130 75 ~792 1883 ~978 2078 2183 76 ~837 ~930 2027 2~30 2238 77 ~883 ~978 2078 2~83 22 78 ]~930 2027 2130 2238 235~ 79 ~978 2078 2183 229~ 2~10 80 2027 2130 2238 235~ 2~70 S~~ 2. ~t Se~c~ ~.68.~0 oE the ~cL~I Code o~ the oE h~roEteld ~ ~6 t~ o~ Lo ~b~ ~ded to r~d aa o~ ~o~n~ ~ ~ va~ou~ ~e~r~ts 8hl~ ~ a~lo=ated to the =~ensat~on r~es pF~d=d ~ S~CL~ 3.68.~00 (e) ~reo~, CleF~,: F~acal and A~ni~aCtve C~oa C~a ~e ~er ~c~e H~er 001 ~chc-Se~ler 2 002 ~cep~nisc 10 00~ Clerk ~i2c I 006 Clerk ~r 1I 9 ~8 Clerk ~sc III 010 Clerk SCeno I 9 012 Clerk SC~o ~ Class Class Range Nunber T~le 016 Secretary 19 018 BookkeepS~g VAchine ~erator 8 019 ~a~ ~u~n~ 020 Caoh~e~cep~on~8~ 021 ~y ~ch ~e~o~ 8 022 Acco~ C~e~ ~ ~0 02~ Acc~C Clerk 026 Accost Clerk ~I 19 028 Acc~~c ~ 30 029 C~ Clerk's Ae~sCanC 030 C~ Cl~k 38 032 C~ ~s~e~ 36 033 Buye~a~ee 20 0~ Buyer 30 035 2rocur~nC O~eer 36 036 De~ Aud~Co~ C~oller 37 037 Ch~e~ o~ AudiOs 36 038 Aud~Co~ConC~e~ 56 039 ~ca ~ces~n~ Supe~sor 36 0~1 A~o crac~ve ~alys~ 32 ~2 Ass~s~n~ C~ A~Co~ey ~8 ~3 De~ C~ AC~o~ey 38 ~ C~ ACConey 62 ~6 C~ ~Ser 7~ Engineering & AZ~ed 1~ E~ee~g A~de II 2~ 106 g~er~n~ ~smn 29 5. Class C1-aso Re. · 108 En~lnee~tnS ~achn~-¢ ~an 32 110 ~.n~tneer 112 Engineer ~ 40 116 ioststanc D~eccor o~ Fublic #orko - Y~eld 52 ~18 D~Cy ~0 ~bl~c ~orks D~r~ccor 62 122 P~~ Tec~c~ 12& Aos~s~nC P~e~ 30 126 Assoc~e Ph~e~ 38 128 Aso~s~n~ Fla~n~ D~reccor ~32 D~ctor o~ Iuo~ecC~.o~l 202 L~c~e Inep~CoF 16 203 T~ and L~cenoe Aud~coF 22 206 ~ld~S Ins~cCo~ I 32 208 Bu~dl~ ~nopec~o~ I~ 36 210 ~ef But~d~ ~nopec~or 30~ Aud~Co~ Kn~neer [I 3~ 306 AudLcoFLm S~ga ~er 30 310 Aud~~ ~ger 311 Park ~ce~~ 16 312 ~aF~ Fo~n 32 313 Parks Superhoof 31~ Path' S~r~cend~ 31~ C~i~ ~cmcton ~der 20 Class Claso Rar~e Number T~le lq:~her 318 Rec=e~t~on Supervisor 26 320 Aos~stmn~ ltecre~[on D~reetor 36 322 Rac~Lon .~b~c SaEeW ~06 ~08 Ass~s~n= ~10 ~~ Fire ~e~ ~8 ~12 Fi~ ~ef ~8 ~18 F~=e Ins~cCor 35 ~20 ~22 F~r~ A~ ~2~ Ft~ A~m Tec~c~an ~ 27 426 F~re A~m Tec~. ~ 35 ~28 F~ Alam ~~nden~ 36 ~30 Fl~e Equt~ ~ec~n~c 25 ~32 booer ~c~c 36 ~0 Police Pac~u 29 ~ ~o~yele Pa~Fo~n 31 ~0C DeCec~v~ 35 ~0D Po~Lee C~~caC~ Se~g~ 33 ~2 Police Serg~n~ 37 4~ Police ~6 Assle~nC ~o1~c~ ~f ~8 ~8 Pol~c~ ~ 58 ~50 Police 7. Class Class ltanse Humber TtCle Number 452 Police XdenC. Tech. 37 45~ Radio Tachn~cL~n 37 456 Ps,kin8 458 502 S~r h~C~nc~ 18 504 S~er ~t~ce Forth 30 505 ~as~e ~a~r ~~nt P~snt ~rator I ~7 506 ~ao~e ~a~e~ ~~C Phnt ~re~or II 20 507 ~~nt PI~C hb Tec~ehn and ~erator 26 508 ~ao~e ~acer ~~C P~ ~eraCor III ~0 509 510 ~or ~h ~e~o~ 20 6~ 606 ~tnt~c~ Z ~bltc ~orks) X6 608 ~tn~uc~n II 22 612 a~. ~c~c~ ~7 61~ BIds. h~C, FoF~n 2~ 6~6 ~ni~C~on Cron 618 San~cton CF~ 620 San~~ Supa~lsor 30 622 As~18~ S~i~t~ S~. 36 8. Humber Ttcle Hunber 624 626 S~Fee~ YoF~ 29 628 SCFee~ ~n~e~e Supe~LooF 38 630 ~u~u~ ~eFa~o~ ~ 17 632 Equ~n~ ~ere~o~ ~ 2~ 633 P~cor ~ee~r ~ra~or 21 636 Auc~c~ S~c~n I X7 638 AuC~C~ve Se~e~n IX 20 639 Strut C1~n~8 For~ 24 ~0 ~c~c X 22 ~2 ~c~= ~Z 27 654 EXec~r~l S~r~nt~d~ 36 65~ ~ Fo~n 26 658 ~a ~~c~ Supe~lsor 36 660 ~a~flc ~rk~ FoF~ 30 662 Seeu~ SEC~OH 3. IT ~s ~~ o~~D =h= =h~8 ord~nce shit bec~ e~fsc=~ve J~~ ~, 1967. m I HE~:BY Cl~R~]~-~ that the foregoinf~ ordin~nce p~8oed and at, opted by th~ ~nc~l o£ the regu~r ueet~ng ~he~eof held on the ,lSth thy of July, 1966, by the AYES: COUNCILMEN BALF~NZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NC)ES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: _,~.~ .Na..rian S. Irvi.n. Council of the City of hkersf~eld. Afl, aver of J ost ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......... .t...h...e....~..9..t...h.....d..a...Y.....°...f.....J...u..1...Y..: ...................... 19.6...6.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a :full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... ..t..h...e._..1..8...t..h......d..a.~.....o...f.....J...u...1.~.. ..... , 19..6...6..., which ordinance was numbered .............. .1...6...2..2.. ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AME~ING SECTION 3,68.100 (PAY SCHEDULES AND PATES) AND SECTION 3,68,110 (EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, Subscribed and sworn to before me this Notary Public in and for ~he County of Kern, State of California ~ ~~ WALTER W. SMITH · ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA -: ~ ~7 PRINCIPAL orr,cE IN ! -; ~3.~;y KERN COUNTY WALTER W, SMITH My Commission Expires Jane 8,