HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1638 ORDII~.I~ ~0o 1638 ~ A~I ORDZRtlq(~ ~F ~ ~C~ ~ ~ CI~ OF B2 IT ~I~D ~ ~h~ ~c~1 o~ t~ City as ~ollo~a: SRC~OH 10 ~ ~p~; ~.~ oi ~ht ~cl~l Code o; the City Ba~sfteld ~ hereby r~eale~ and a n~ ~p~er 7.~ $~ll r~d aa foll~a ~ Sec ~tona: 7,3~, 020 7.~.050 ~loy~ ~k 7.3~.060 Susp~n~lo~ ~md r~oca~lon 7 o 3~o 070 ~on~ramafe~mbl~ 7 ~ 34.080 Ca~~ 7.31.090 Pe~l~ fee for ~r~ro~ 7. ~. 100 2x~C~o~ 7.31,120 l?e~l~ for violations 7. ~, 130 S~erabLli~ 7.3~.010 ~e~t:~ r~~_- Mo person, fl~ or co,oral,om s~ll ~t in~ o~ ct~ on, or ~in~i~, or conduc~ or cause be en~aged tn, carried on, maintained or conducted, any cardroom in any public place In the Cl~y of Bakers£1eld without f~rsC having secured a permit from the City 14anager of the C~ty of Bakersfield so to do, accord~ to each and every requirement of chis chapter, or without complytn~ with each and every provision contained here~n per~a~nin~ Co such card~O~no 7.3~.020 De£$n~tion_~_° For the purpose of this chapter the following words oh~ll have the meanings hereby set (a) PUBLIC PLAC~ shall mean and include any place or pr~n~oes except a bona fide private dwelling or an apar~nent house; suite or room which ts used ~n good EaLth aa a residence of one or more persons in an apartment house, lodgLng house, hotel or ocher tnst~ucion of similar character. (b) CA~)~O0~ is hereby defined Co be any space, room oF ~nclosur~, ~urnLshed or equipped with a table used or ~nC~ndeci to be used as a cardtable for the playin~ o£ cards and similar ~A,oes, and the use of which ~s available to the public or any portion of the publ~c~ provided Chat *~cardroom'~ shall not include a ~oom to ~htch the public ~s admitted and in which th~ sole card f~ae played is duple, cate bridge o 7o3~0030 A~ltcaC~o~ for pennt_C. An applicant for a cardroom permit shall submit h~.s application co ~he City Manager of Bakers- f~eld on forms to be fuxu!shed by said CtDy Hanager and said shall require ans~mrs to ~h~ (a) Th~ part:~cular place including; the street: number ~ is Co be conducted or carried on. (b) The name of the owner or o~ners, or lessee or 2. :Lessees where the F;u~e. ~s Co be carried on aC sa~d :LocaCtou; che true names and addresses ot~ persons ~nc~elly ~CeresCed ~ C~ (the c~ "per~ons ~nc~ally ~nCeresced" ~nclud~ ~1~ pe~oons who hold no,es on ~he ~nes8 or ~o s~F~ ~ the pro~s o~ ~he ~s~ness, on the baste o~ ~oo or nec r~e or othe~tse) and any person ocher Chh the persons above ~d ~ve ch~Se o~e c~d~C o~ m~e 8a~d ~s~ the o~ 8a~d paFson vho shll ~onducc o~ mna~e s~ and ~he exC~ o~ h~s auCho~Cy. (c) ~ pas~ c~~l Fecordo ~ any, o~ the appl~canc, o~ a~ poFsons ~nc~a~ly ~nCeresCed ~n the bus,ness and o~ al~ ~ployeea. (d) ~e app~cac~on s~l be acc~an~ed ~ ~eF p~ncs and ~ec~C phocosFaph o~ C~ app~Lcan~ and pe~$ons f~nc~lly ~nCe~esced ~n the bus,ness. (e) Sa~d a~ca~on muse ~Cher scats C~C ~ a pem~C be sranCed ~he~eon CbC sa~d applicant e~ress~y consents Co ~nspecC~on aC ~y C~ by the Ch~e~ Police oF any ~a~larly appointed po~ce o~f~cec o~ C~ C~ o~ hke~sf~eld aC any C~ and Cb~C all lava o~ c~ S~e o~ ~l~o~L~ and o~d~nanceo ~he CL~ o~ ~k~Fs~e~d re~aC~ thereto shall be c~lLed z~Ch. ~. Upon Fece~v~nA such application the C~Cy ~nase~ 8h~ ~e~e~ che sa~ ~o the Ch~e~ o~ Police for ~esc~a~on as Co the ~Fal c~acCe~ o~ ~he app~canc and whether oho proposed ~ocaC~on ~s a su~b~e and p~pe~ place ~o~ conductUS C~ sa~d 3. cardroomo who shall reporc chereon, viChin such cfne as to pracci- cablgo A pemic slmll be ~sued only co ctcizens o£ the uniced States ~ho bays resided in the C£cy of Bakersfield for aC leaoC Fears ~nnuedi~cely preced~n.~. ~he issuance o£ such permtc. The City l~an~ge~ ob~ll deny any application for a cardroom pec'm~Ce a I~L,~o:[.C Co op~'~e such cardroom t£ Said applicant has prev.~ously been convtcVed o£ a ~elo~y o~ ~ny cr~e o~ moral ~trp~ not ~nuntTmg ~o a f~on~ or SA~d a~:~' ~can~ ~.o .a person ..vAs./associates w~_~h persons ~ho have_..~_.e__en ~,on~,Lc~ed of a~ .~elony or any crime _~iola.~ton o~bl~na laws, ,.or ordLn~,,n, ces. Said ~oon ~s ~o be located w~Chin any area of the C~y o~ Beke~sfLeld vhieh ~s wholly Or~ tf ~&~ ca,dEsoto to adjacent co a reatdencial areao an~ .~u ~he opinion of ~he Chie£ of relics, ~he lssuauce o~ sa~d ca~d~oom pecm~ would tend ~o cauee a po~ce p~oblem or public nuisance; (d) Said caFdroou ~s ~o be located vlthin six hundred ~eet o£ a pub~-~c sehoolo church, hospital, or ch~ldreu~ playground, or any. other public ~he~oa the presence of sa~d cardroom m~ghC tend to promoce ~ demora~lzins effect, or cause a poLtce p~-obleme o~ create e public nuisance. (e) Sa~d card~oom is Co be locaZed ~n a place which f~ ~he open,on of ~ha Chief of Police ~s l~kely ~o be f.'¥equen~d by persons o£ bad character. The action o~ ~J~ Cl~y Manager in denying such a perm~ pu~auan~ ~o ~he pa~v~ston~ o~ Chis section shall be subJec~ Co an appeal ~o ~he C~cy Councils No~ce o£ such appeal shall be £tled 9/16/66 rich the CiCy Clerk v~chtu cen days a£cer che den~al o£ said pern~c. Upon ~allur2 co file auah notice v£Chtn che ten day period Oho action of clz~ C~Cy ~ana~ in denying such permit shall be f~nal and concluo~ve. 7.3~.050 ~lcr~e~.~r.lc ~)em~_t:~,, a. Cardroom ea~loyeea must: obcain a work p~rn~c from the C~Cy Manager. Cardroom employees for ch2 purpoeo of. Ch~ arC~cle ere defined ss dealers, overseers, and ochers 'direeC!~y connected ~Ch the operation and 8uperv~s~on of card Cablee and exclud~n~ t~aic~eesea, barCendere, culinary workers and ochera hOC connected ~Ch such operation and supervision. ApplL- caCiono for ouch york per. co ohall be sub. coed under oath and conCatn Che paoC cr~n~n~ ~eco~d. If any. 0£ ~he applicant and such ~nformaCion ae ma7 be deemed by Che C~Cy Hana~er neceoeary co deCerm[ue ~heCher the app-~canC is a proper peroon co be iooued a card~oom work permute The appl~caclon shall also be accompanied by f~nger prince' and recent phocoAraph of Che applicant. A work permit ahall be ~-8oued only co c~cizens of Cb~ United States WhO have resided in C~e C~cy of Bakersfield ~o~ aC lease one year ~mnad~aCely pre~edin~ Clu ~osuance of ouch York permit. The Kanag~r shall deny co ouch applicant a york perm~.t If (1~. Sa~d app~can~ has previoUSly been con~c~ed of a felony or any crime Of moral Curp~cude not Co a felony or (2~ said applicanc has previously been convicted of any ~_reoc~ca v~olac~on, or v~olat~on of Z,,,~,i~; lava or ordinances or habitually (3~ Said adult .cane ~8 ape. Fa..o.n .w.'ho/,aaaocLaCeo .,V~ch pe~o. ons ~ho have ,~m convicted of .a felony or any crime of ,moral ~ur~l,cude not amounting co a felony, or a ..v. tolaci,~n of ~nblin~ lave, or ordinances. Each application for a work permit shall be accompanied (F~raC Revision) by a fee o£ ten dollars (~10.00) and shall be valid for a period of one year. The Can dollar ($10.00) fee is co cover the costa of invesl:lgation and handlin~ and shall not be returned tn the event Chat said work pe~nt~ ia refused, revoked or suspended as hereinafter provtdedo Only one such work pemiC shall be required each year, even though the holder o~ said work permi~ may change his place of employment within the City of Bakersfield. (b) The action of the City Nanager in denying such a work permit on t:he basis of the applicant not being a fit: and proper person shall be subject to appeal to the City Council. Notice of such appeal shall be filed wtt:h t:he City Clerk within ten days after denial of such ~orlt permit:. Upon ~ailure to file such not:ice wit:bin the ten day period~ the act:ion of the City lianager in denying such work permit shall b~ final and Conclusive. 7.3~.060 Susl~ens,$o,n. and revoca, tiono The City Hanager shall have the right: for cause ~o revoke or suspend any cardroom permit or cardroom ~mrk pemit i~sued hereunder and to t:ake possession cE ~uch permits. Any of t:h~ g~ounds under which the City Hanager shall be required t:o r~tse Co ~s~u~ an initial cardroom permit: or card- rotan ~ork pemit shall alas const:tcute ~rounda for such revocation or suspension. 1;n addl~'l, on~ the failure of the holder of a card- z~om permit or cardroom ~ork perml~ to comply wit:h the provisions of this article ~hell alas constt~ut:e grounds for revocat:ton or suspension of such cardroom permit or work permit. The act:ion of the City llanal~er in this ~'$spect: shall be subject: to an appeal to the City Council. l~lotic~ of such appeal shall be filed in vrtttng wit:h ~h~ City Clerk within ten days after the revocation or aus' pension. Upon failure t:o ~-tl~ such notice ~etthin the ten day pertod~ the action of th~ City Nanat~er in revoking or suspending t:he cardroom permit or ca~droom work permit shall be ~tnal and 6. 7,34.070 Hont'rans~ab, l,e. Ho person SIM11 be granted a permit to oon~Lu:~t: no~e e:~m. on~ eardroom or Co nminCain b~anch locations. I~o caedroen pernic ohal~ be aoo~nable or trans£ereble. There .shall bo ~.,moFe than · ._even.._(~._~r~.._~ .permits. ~m~,ed pursvant., t.o this 7o3~.080 __.C/a_ ~_d~O~e~i~_~_~__e._./~la/: ,t~Ueo Except aa h~Fetn provided no person shall operate ~ ~ar~o~n in violation o/~ an7 o£ the (1) lqot ~ t~an one ~ardro~n 8hall b~ 1seated et any (2) J/o pereon shall deal, play, or carry on, open, or cause to ~e opgned, or conduct, e~ther as miner or · ~ploy~o ~he~A~9r ~or h~re or noto any F, anm of faro, mont~o ~le/:t~ lansquenet~ Fouse-et-notr, rondo, /[en~ ~enota~o ~ in any of~ its various £onns s~v~n ane] oneohal£, tt~entyoone, hokeyopokeyo or any benkin~ or percentage g~n8 played w:Lth carda, dice, d~e~ oF any device, _~oe money c~ed~t o~ o~her Fepres~n~ative o/~ value, or bet at o~' ~Fja:~no~: any o/~ said prohib:~ted ~o,oo_s in any eard~ (3) Hot m~ra ~han three tables shall be permitted in any (4) ~qoC uo~ than seven players shall be permitted at any on~ c~rd ¢$) aardroon~ oh~11 be located on the ,round floor; except those presently ~icensed to operate; (6) HO minor ~h~11 be pemtCCed in any cardroom, or parC/.c/.pa~e in any ~u~_ played thereat; (7) &11 ~arcl~no shall be closed ac L~o otclock and shall ~main ~lose~ until ten o'clock (8) All ~ard~ aha1! be open Co police inspection dur~ ~11 h~urs o/~ operation; 0 9/16/66 (9) Ho female shall be ~mployed in a cardroom or shall be permitted to play in a cardroom~ (10) The cashLns of bank checks for players shall not be permitted in any cardroom~ (1.~) Each card table shall be assL~ned to a person whose duty shall be to superv~.se the same and see to ~hat ~t ~$ played strictly ~n accordance w~th the teems of chis article, and with the prov~stons of the Penal Code of tb~ Scats of California. Th~s person may have more than one table under h~s supervie.~on. He shall not, however, participate No s~4~ns or other lnstsnLu advertising or relative to card.sOma shall be permitted upon the exterior of any pr~nises occupied as a cardroom; (l~) Ho person vho ts ~n a orate of ~ntoxicatton shall be permitted in a cardroom; (14) No person who has been convicted of a felony or a m~sdesnaanor tnvolvtns moral turpitude or of a narcot~c~ viol~tLon or a violat~on of F~unblinS laws or o~d~eo shall be permitted in a cardroom. The prov~o~on~ of eubd~v~8~on (1) 0 (3) 0 ($), (7), (9), (10) and (Il), o~ th~s eect~ono shall not apply to a nonopro~t society, fraternal, or labor 7.3~o090 _F_erm~C fee ~.or cardr, oon?. There shall be collected an ~nvest~Sat~on and handlin~ fee for each cardroom application considered hereunder the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). ~.3~o100 _E~~.~.o Constituent lodges of fraternal za~ons who have had lo,es in Call£ornta for CwenCy-f~ve years or more shall not be ~equ~red to apply ~or or obtain a (1) ~here the card Cables are for the exclusive use of members of the fraternal oL~anization, or nonpayin~ Auesta ~ and (2) No charge is made for the use of the card Cables. 7.3,~o110 StaCe.La~._..v.i.oLa~f..on.s. The Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby declares ~t it is not ~he intention o£ this article ~o sanction ~h~ issuance o£ a permit to any cardroom £or th~ play/n~ of any g~me ~eohtbited by the laws o£ thio State~ eluded bu~ not I/~nited ~o ~ho~ ~amos enunurated h~ Section 330 o£ /:he l~enal Code o£ /:he S/:~:~ ~£ Calt£om/.a~ ~ehtch sect:ion includes bank/nd and percentage 7.34.120 ~enalt~.,~o~._V_~01atton. Oo Any peroon~ £1~m or co.potation will~ully viol~ir~ any o£ the provis~ons o£ this chapter or ~llffu~ly ~a~l~n~ to co~17 ~tth any o£ the tezms or 'regulations contained herein, shall ~$ guilty o£ a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereo£ shall be lran~h~ble by a £1ne not exceeding five hundred dollars ($§00o00~o or by imprisonment in the County Jail o£ ~n County £or a period ~o~ exceedtns s~x (6) months or by both such line and 7.34°130 Severabtl.~. I~ any section= subsection, sentence, clause or phrase o£ ~h~ chapter ia held to be unconstitutional or ~nvalid. such decision s~.ll no~ a~£ect the remainir~ portion o£ thio chapter. ~e City Co. ct1 hereby declares that: it vould have passed this chapters and ®~ch oection end subsection thereo£e t~espactive o~ ~h~ ~ac2 ,~h~ ~ny one or more o£ the sectiono~ sub- sections, senZencess cla~esv or phrases be declared unconstitutional or SECTION 2. IU ~S FU~ 01~VAII~D ~ha~ ~h~o ordinance shall be e££ecttve thirty (30) days a£ter l~ ~ct~nent. ......... O00 .... oo0o. AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, .u. OSK!."!"~, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: · ABSENT COUNCILMEN: AB~'IAINING COUNCILMEN: Affi av ! of j os ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that n, September 20, 19.6...6.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on....S..e...P..t...e_m..b...e...r.....1...9.1 .............................. , 19..6...6..., which ordinance number ' 1638 -, was eo ........................................ t~ew Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REPEALING CHAPTER 7.34 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND PROVIDING A NEW CHAPTER 7.34 REGULATING THE PLAYING OF CARDS WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..2...0..t...h....day o f ...S...e.P..t...e..m...b...e..r.. ....................... 19..6...6.... Notary Public in and for ~.hc County of Kern, State of California ~ ~'~_ WALTER W. SMITH i (~'.~ NOTARY PUBLiC'CALIFORNIA i ~,)' PRINCIPAL OFFIK:.E IN i "'~ KERN COUNTY WALTER W. SMITH ~v r-~ .,~-~,~ Fxpires June 8, 1969