HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1635 AN Ol~D~l~C2 OF ~ ~IL OF ~ CI~ OF ~~F~E~ ~~G S~CTIO~ 15.0~. 040 BE IT O~I~ by =he C~c~l o~ ~he C~=y of ~C. S~cC~on 15o0~o~0 o~ the ~c~p~l. Code o~ ~he C~Cy ~5.0~o0~0 ~~-~~.?~e~_. ~C s~11 be un~~ ~og any ~sal~ o~ ~o~ any o~h~ p~eo~ ~ pa~ersh~p o~ co,oral,on ~ o~ operate ~n ~u~o aud ~eg p~gk ~h~ the co~o~a~e r~qu~r2d ~n ~h~s c~p~er ~d ~Z8o ob~a~ a l~cen~e ~here~or and pays ~n ~~ ~c~o~ ~ee e~ co ~en~y-F~ve Do~rs ~or ~h~ ~r8~: ~h~y-~ve ~3~) ~ra~le~ o~eo or any port,on and $050 ~or each ~~o~ ~r~ler ~e ~n excess o~ 350 L[cenees ~r~der ~ued shall b~ t.~d on a cal~r y~r bae~s and s~ll b~ ~d ~or ~ l~s ~ on~ calen~r yea~. All l~censes ~11 b~ pa~d ~or ~n a~anc~ 2~d no ~abat~ ~ven ~or ~he ~used port,on o~ ~h~ ~, For n~ ~u~o ~ni trailer pa~ the license ~h~ ~lre~ y~ar s~ll b~ apportioned as ioll~s: ~e-fourChs of ~he ann~l f~ tehe~e Ch~ a~o and trailer pa~k Is c~enced and op~n ~o~ ~t.nes~ ba~,~e~ the first day o~ April and the 30th ~ ~a e~uc~d b~e~ ~ ~irs~ ~y o~ July and S~p~~ ~nd on~r~ o~ ~h~ a~l ~e~ ~re the auto or Cra~ p~rk ~ c~nc2~ ~.~n th2 ~r~ ~y o~ October and ~he 31~ ~y o~ ~c~er, ~n ~h~ ~c edd~c~o~l Cra~ler ~1~8~ are added ~o an exts~tn~ pa~k~ the above f~ee £or each shall be paid fo~ ~ ba~nce o~ ~he year and ~or ~ch s~ceed~ y~r ~n ~he m~er and ~~ above ~oned before the sm are o~ered ~or r~al. ~ ~he l~c~8es ~ ~his c~p~er provided ~or s~ll no~ b2 paid on or ba~or2 ~he 15~h ~y o~ ~he ~n~h ~oll~n~ ~he ~e when ~y a~l~ b2c~ d~, t~ a p2~l~ of p~r cen~ of the ltc~a~ it~ d~ and .~yable s~ll be added thereto and no ltc~si s~ll bi issued ~til such p~l~y ~s be~ pard, ! ~ C~tTIFY that the ~oregotnE Ordinance passed and adopted by ~he Council o£ the Ct~y o// Bakersfield at a regular meettz~ thereof held on the 12th cl~y o£ September, 1966, by the £ollo~zin~ vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ Ha~:Lan $. Irvin ~"'~'-C.[,E~ arid Ex-Officio ~lerk '~:~ the Council of the City o£ Bakers£1eld ~f, mmeth I/. I/oa~Idnd Affi av ! of ®r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern MAltIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......................... .S...e.~..t...e..m...b...e..v......1..3.. .............................. 19...6..6... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a ~ull, true and correct copy of an ordinance pa~sed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........................... ..S..e.~..t..e...m...b..e...r.....1...2. ........ 19....6..6.., which ordinance was numbered ............ ..1..6...3...5.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTION 15.04. 040 (PERMIT -- LICENSE -- FEES) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO LICENSE FEE FOR TRAILER PARKS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...1...3...t..h...day of ...... .S...e.~..t...e...m..b...e...r. ................ ,19....6..6... Notary Public in and for thc Comzty of Kern, State of Callfomia PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN II KERN COUNTY Ir Id¥ Cammisg~n Expires August 11, 1968