HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1633 O~DI~A~C~ ~0o ,~_6,33 _.. ~ SERIES AH O~I~C~ A~SmDING ~C~ CO~ OF ~ ~~ ~ ~ C~IC ~~ ON ~~ST S~DE 0F 'R' S~To ~ ~ST SIDE OF 'Q' S~ET ~~ ~ acco~ce ~h the p~ce~re oe~ ~or~h ~n ~h~ p~e~s o~ Tl~e ~7 o~ ~he ~utc~l Co~ of ~he C~ ~Fs~eld~ ~he PI~~ C~s~on ~d CL~ Co~c~l ~e held h~F~$ re~p~c~valy~ ~ a peC~on ~o chn~e ~he land u~e zone6 o~ Chose ce~ p~pe~e~ ~ ~ C~ o~ ~8f~eld located ad~ec~ Co ~b~ C~v~c C~e~ Z~ on C~ weo~ s~' of 'H' Sc~eCo the ~oc $~ o~ 'Q' S~ and southerly ~ a ~on~8 c~e ~h~ld ba au~hor~ed. ~ Sac~ 17.~2,020 (Zon~ ~p) of ~ ~l~l Code c~~ ~ ~aud ~e ~o~ o~ c~r~a~ properties tn a~d C~yp a~c~d and ~de a ~ h~o~, as ~ 8e Bloch 283~ an~ ~C le Block ~16, ~ ~ C[~ as p~r ~p r~o~ ~be~ PaSco 13 and l~, in the Office of r~e County ~ecorder of said County, Che_z~ b~r~o ~ a C-2 (C~~I) ~ Co a C-2-D (C~~1 -0 ~h~Cec~ral Zoo, oE those ce~ p~rtins bel~ ~ particu~rly descr1~d as ~t 8, Block 3~6; ~t 1, Blo~ 323; t~ East 38 feet of ~t ~ =-d all oE ~t 3, Blo~'353; t~ ~esc 38 'feet o~ ~t 1 and sll of ~t 2, Bilk 3~, of t~ C~ of per ~p ~corded N~er 25~ 1898, hp Book 1, Passe 13 ~ 1~0 ~n C~ O~lce o~ C~ ~~ ~cord~ of ArchL~c~al ~sl~) Z~, o~ ~se cer~n p~er~tes ~C.~, Block 30~ ~s ~ ~d ~, Bl~ck 333; ~ ~, Block 3~6~ ~s 1, 2, 3 ~d ~, Block ~7, ~s 1, 2, 3 and ~, Block ~8~ ~ts 1, 2, 3 ~d ~, Block ~9; ~s.1, 2 3 and ~, Block 3~0; ~s 1, 2, 3 ~d ~, Block 3~1; ~ 1, 2, 3 ~d ~, Block 332~ ~s 1 ~ 2, Block 3~3; ~s 3 ~ ~, B~ck 3~ ~s 1. 2, .3 ~ ~, Block 3~j ~ 1, Block 3~6, ~ 8~ Block 323, o~ ~ C~ of ~rsf~eld, Co~ o~ ~, S~e o~ ~l~fomta. as per ~p recor~d ~~r 2~, 1898, ~p ~ok 1, P~es 13 and 1~, ~ ~ o~ce o~ ~h$ C~ ~order of said C~. 1, 1~ I~.~EBY Ck'~ ~h~C ~he forego~n~ Ordinance vas ~d and adopted b~ ~h~ Co~ct~ of the C~t~ of ~ersfte~d ac a ~a~ me~ ~he~o~ h~d on ~he 15th ~y o~ Avast, by ~he following vo~e~ AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ,'"'I~::~'"3~J. '.' ~'""' '~ .......... ..,, PARK, RUC'.,'E.'I, STI.T. RN, WI-IITI'EMORE. I'IC)ES: COUNCi L;,,'.ZN: ABSENT COUNCI L/..'v_'I'I: ABSTAI.',,IING COUNCILMEN: A~~D oo o ...................... f :.:....~.~: ': ~.~.~ I ~0~ '~S '3AY ~3'~S 3 H 0 'iS , I , '~ ,H , . :~:~:~:~:j~:~:: ~ ::: STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ SS. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................................ ..A...u.~.u...s..t......1..6.. .............................. 19...6..6... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ................... ..A..u..g..u..s...t.....1...5.. ....................... 19...6...6.., which ordinance was numbered ............. ..1..6...3...3. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY' CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE CIVIC CENTER ZONE ON THE WEST SIDE OF "H" STREET, THE EAST SIDE OF 'Q' STREET AND SOUTHERLY OF THE SANTE FE 1L~ILI~OAD RIGHT- OF-WAY BETWEEN 'H' STREET AND 'Q' STREET. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...1...6...t..h...day of ........... .A...u.~.u...s...t. ...................... 19...6...6... Notary Public in and for the Couuty of Keru, State of Califoruia i i~ NOTARY puBLIC-CALIt:O"NiA i ! KERN COUNTY :- MY commission i~xpires June 8, ~.969