HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1631 1631 HE~ SEa/ES ORDINANCE HO., .... . AH ORDXHAHCE LEVYING UFOH ~ ASSESSED V~~ON OF ~ ~~ ~~ IN ~ CX~ OF ~~E~ A ~ OF ~~ON ~ ~CH ~ ~~D ~~ OF VAL~TXON FOR ~ FI~~ ~~NG ~Y ~, 1966 A~ ~lSC ~ 30, 1967. ~ IT O~I~D by ~ Co~c~l o~ c~ CL~y o~ Ba~rs[~eld as roll.s: ~e ehe~ ~a ~~ l~ed a ~ o~ one dollaF, nLne~- e~e and 77/~00 c~es ($1.9877) on ~ch ~e hundred dol~aFs ($100.00) o~ the aaseased val~eL~ o~ all ~a~ble pFopeFty ~n ehe G~ty (excep~ aa ~Fe~a~eeF ~nC~ed) duF~ the ~scal 7eaF be~Ln- n~ w~th e~ ~rOt ~y o~ July, 1966, and ~d~ng w~th the ~h~rt~eCb ~y of J~, 1967. SEC~OH 2. ~t then ~8 ~reby l~ed a tax o~ th~rty-~our and 32/~00 cents ($.3432) on ~ch one ~dred dollars ($100.00) o~ the assessed val~tLon of all ta~ble p~r~ Ln the C~ of Bakers- ~g the ~seal year beginning v~th t~ ~roc ~y o~ July, 1966, and end~g v~ ~he thirtieth ~y o~ Jme, 1967. SEC~OH 3. ~ t~re ~8 ~reby l~ed a ~x o~ s~x and 50/100 ($.0650) on each one ~dred dolhrs ($100.00) o~ ~b~ assessed value,on o~ al1 ~nble p~per~ v~th~n the bo~r~eo o~ the C~Cy of h~rs~eld, ~~ of ~, ScaCe o~ ~lL~o~a, as bo~rLeo ~ere f~xed and decem~ed ~ Che ~rsC ~n~y ~n 19650 exe~c~ng C~re~ ~1~ o~ the p~per~ a~exed ~o the C~Cy o~ Ba~ra~eld and c~ly kn~ and refereed to as C~ hyfl~er DLsCrtcC as ~he same appears on ~he records of ~he CtCy, for Sewer Bonds 1951, XnCereoC and ~d~Ct~ ~d, dur~ ~ ~LS~I year ~S~~ vtch the ~trsC ~y o~ Ju~y, 1966, and ~d~ vtCh Che chtrtteth ~y o~ Ju, 1967, S~OH 4. ~ ~re ~o ~reby levted a ~ o~ ~tve and ~0/100 c~Cs ($.05~0) on ~ch ~e h~dnd dolhrs ($~00.00) of ~he assessed value,on o~ all treble p~er~y ~chin ~b CL~y o~ h~rsfleld, C~y of ~, S~a~e of Cal~onh, ~or Ch City hll ~nds, In~res~ and bd~Cton ~d d~ ~ fLo~l y~r be~t~tn~ ~ ~trs~ ~y o~ ~y, ~066, ~d ~d~ v~ch the ~htrcte~h J~e, 1967. SEC~OH 5. ~AC C~re ts ~re~ 1~ted a ~x o~ chree and 80/100 c~co ($,0380) on ~ch ~e h~d~d doXXars ($~00.00) o~ the assessed vaX~C~ o~ aXX ~bXe proper~ vtChtn ch Ctcy of Co~ of ~, SCaCe of CaXtfo~h, ~or ~tctpa~ Transtc SyoCm Bonds, Xnceresc and ~~Cton ~d, dur~ c~ fiscal y~r bestn- n~8 ~t~ c~ ftrsc ~y of Julys 1966, nd ~d~8 ~t~ c~ ChtrCtech SEC~ON 6. ~ac ChaFe ts ~eby levied a ~x o~ chtFCy*~tve and 93/X00 c~Cs ($.3593) on each ~e ~d~d ~Xhrs ($Z00.00) o~ the assessed val~C[on si all Ca~ble p~per~ w~th~ C~ C[~ o~ C~cy o~ ~m, S~Ce o~ CaXt~o~ta, ~or ~tct~l Audtcort,~ Bonds, XnCereoC and ~d~Cion ~d, during c~ ~imcal year begt~t~ C~ ~traC ~y o~ ~uly, 1966, ~d andtng viCh the ch~rctech day J~e, X967. S~ON 7. ~C C~re ts ~re~ l~ied a Csx o~ ~tve and 86/100 cents ($.0~86) ~ ~ch o~ h~dred dollars (~100.00) assessed valuation of ail taxable property viChfA the City of Bakersfield, County o£ Kern, Scats of California, fo~ l~_mictpaL Improvement Bonds, Interest and Kedemption Fund, durl~ the fiscal year beginnin~ with the first day of July, 1966, and endtnE with the ChirCiech day of June, 1967. SECTION 8. That there ta hereby ~evted a tax of seven and 58/100 cents ($.0758) on each one hundred dollar8 ($100.00) of the assessed wLuation of a~:L taxable propeFty within the City of Bahe=s£ie:Ld, County of Kern, State of California, fo= 14unt¢tpel Transit Systen Operation durtn~ the fiscal yea~ bef;tnnin~ the first day of Ju~y, L966, and endin~ with the thlttteth day of June, L967. o ! HEREBY CEILTZFY that the £oregola$ OrdJ~mnce vga peaoed and edopCed by the Council o£ the Ctt~y of hkersfleld ac a ~e~uler meetia8 thereof held on the ,,15th cbly of ,August , 1966, AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ,.t~i~'-I~, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITrEMORE. NOES, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILM-rN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: lisrien S. Irvtn Ci'A'Y: ~LiII/X and lix-Ot:~l.i=l.o Clerk o~ C~ -~.~. C~cil o~ t~ City o~ Ba~rsfield ..'.,.. ~ --~. ;~%/~ '~'. ~.. ~. ~.:-;.~ -i ~ -- -..:q.~ ;:-~ :- ..:. ~~ lhio. ?,[5~ ~ of August 1966 , vxC~. ~YO~ o~ ~~ o~ ~rs~ie~d - Affi avi! of os ing r inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......................... A~g~S.~;...].~. ...................................... 19_6~. she posted on the Bulletin B~ard at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meetin§ thereof duly held on ..................A...u.~.u...s...t.....1...5. .......................... 19....6..6.., which ordinance was numbered ........... .1...6...3..1.. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A PATE OF TAXATION UPON EACH ONE HUNDKED DOLLARS OF VALUATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1966 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1967. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..16J;ll.day of ........... A.U~US~~96.6 .... Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State oI California OFFICIAL SEAL -' WALTER W. SM!TH ~ . NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN KERN COL NTY WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969