HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1649 1°00 I:II INAi. OI~D~N~NC]~ NOo 1649.~~ SERXBS ~ O~NC~ ~~G T~ S~~N OF ~C~A~ CO~E ~F ~ CI~ OF ~FIELD BY ~~ ~N ~ ~ OF ~~F~ ~~D ~a;~:rafteld~ ~ ~la~[n~ Co~asion and C~y Council ~ve held ho~rtt~ ~p~c~ively~ on a p~t~on to c~e the land use zonin~ off ~i~a= certain proper=y in ~he City of Ba~rsi~eld located ~s2 ~f ~'k, Va=non Avenue and ~o~h of Coleus S~reec~ and C~t~sion he~:e~n on E~I~ ~og~C~r ~Ch the ~ha hearings ~or a c~nge o~ zontng o~ said property~ C~t a zoning cM~ ~hould ba aui:ho~zed. N~ T~~ ~ i~ O~AI~D by ~he Co~ctl ol the C~ty o:f ~ake~e~eld a~ ~t Sec~io~ 17,12,020 (ion~ ~p) of the ~tctpal Cod~ ~'~f ~h.~ C~ of ~kt~aftald~ b~ and the s~ ~s hereby a~nd~d by elan/i'~=~ Ch~ land ~6 zon~n~off c~r~ain p~perty tn sa~d City, i:he.' !~.o~udar~e~ o~ ~hich ~~its ar~ sh~ on ~ ~p h~r~to ~tll~) Zone ~o a C ~ D (C~c~l Architac~al D~i~) Zo~ and to an R=3-D (L~ted ~lttple ~llin~) Zo~ [o= ~hoae certain p~oper~tes oi Ba~ft~ld located isn't o~ Mt. Ve~on Avenue and a~ch o~ Col~.e ~ta~, be~g more particularly described aa roll.a: F~ an ~1 (S~nsle F~ly ~-~el~i~) Zone ~o a C-2-D ~e~i~.ng a~ a poin~ o~ ~he South line of Collus aa t.t tnte~ects the 2a~ l~e o~ N~, Ve~on Avenue as no?~ ex~sts, both of ~hich have' a ll0 ~oot r~ght-o~-va~, Chance southerl7 153.71 £eet Co the. Crne Point o5 beginn:tng o4 this description. Depart~ ~ the current .boun_da~ o£ the City of BakersfteXd at thts po~nt, thence southerly_ along the East ltn~ of Mt. Vecuon Avenue 721.29 feel; tbenc~e easterly' 60.5 feet, more or less, co intersect the mtdoectton l~ne of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 South, Range 2'8 East, thence.northerly 865 feet to the South line of Columbus Street~ thence westerly along the South 1Lne o£. Col;*uhus Street &$1.29 feet to a potnt; Chance southerly 153.71 feet to a point; thence westerly 153,71 feet to the' true point of b~gtnning. EXCEFTXNG THERE~ the '.soq_thern portion deeded to the State ~or hishway rl4~ht of-way. and from an R-1 (Single Famtly Dmallin~) Zone to an I-3'-D (Limtted ~ulttple Family I~mllin~''--Archttectural DeetSn) Zone, that certain property more. particularly descrtbsd as follows: PAICEL ~1: Eaginn~ eCa pointon the East line of Hr. Vernon Avenue 86~ £eet South o~the South l~ne. o£ Columbus Street; Chance southerly 1,060 feet co the line of the 8outhvest quarter o£the southwest quarter of the northvest quarter of Sectton 22,. Township 29 SouCh~ Ran~. e 28 hoC, MoD.B.~.; thence eaaCerX7 605 feet to the East line of the eouchwescc quarter ~of the southwest quarter of the ri, tritest qu~:e~ of Section 22~ Tounshtp 29 South, Range 28 East, H.D.B.L~. ~ thence northerly 1,060 feet to a point~ thence ~esCerly 605 feec co the point of beginning. KXCEFT~NG TH~FRO~ the northern portion of thts described parcel dmedmd to the Sca~e foe hf4~muy rtghto~of-May. FARCEL ~2: Beginn~ at a point on the South line of Columbus Street 605 £~ec easC~rly of the East line of Mt. Vernon Avenue; Chance ~aaCerly along the South lins of Columbus Street co_ the East line of the ~esC half' of the northvesc quarter of Section 22o Township 29 South, Range 28 East, H,D.B.H.~ thence southerly al,ns said East line co the northerly F~EhtoOfovsy ltn~ of State Route 178; thence .southwesterly al,nS the northen boundary of Stats Route 178 to a point on the East line of ~h~ southwest' quarce~ of the northwest a~Cer of the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township South, Range 28 Eas~, N.D.B.H.; thenoe northerly along said East l~0nm 685.2! £e~t to the point of beginntng. .......-.,,,--....... MT. VEI~NON AVENUE · i ::2 .~, ·. ~ " '. ~ I ' · IR.I · .' '"' ~ I ,~J :~ m .:.' '. I .: ~ · ~i"~.._~" ~~ ~ ' .. : .~. '..- . ,,~ · .. - '! 17., , '~,v~ ~ ~. .. . . . 1: IIZ~]~Z CI~TXF~ tha~ the £o~e~o~n~ Ord~J~ance was paosacl and adopted 1)7 the Council o£ the CL~y o£ B_~_k_ero~iald aC a regular meeting thereof held on the 31st clay of .O?tober ,. 1966, by ~he following vote: AYES: COLII~!C!LL:,['N "m.' F.'- - '' ~"./";[.! ..... I' ........ .... '" -'~.."". ::'.-". ...... , ...... ~r'~t , WIJlTTEMORE. NOES: CO J~!C h..'..',.. ',:; ABSENT COUNCIL/~Y. :',,: Narian S. I~vtn · Council o~ the CLt~7 o£ Bakero£Leld. Aff av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............... ..N...o..v...e...m..b...e...r.....1. ............................................. 19.6...6.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... .0..c...t..°_b..e...r......3..1. ................................... , 19..6...6..., which ordinance was numbered.....1..6....4...9. .......................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED EAST OF MT. VERNON AVENUE AND SOUTH OF COLUMBUS STI~ET, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...1..s...t. ..... day of....N...o..v...e...m..b...e..,r. ........................ ,19...6...6... Notary Public in and for ~he County of Kern, State of California · ~'~-t~ W^L'r~-, W. J ~]~'.)~j NO]'Ar~¥ PU~UC-C,~L,.'O~A j ~.'~-~,~1~"~/ PRINCIPAL OFI~'Ir'E L, "~"~ .eR~ co,~,'b ".. 1 WALT£R W, SMITH My Commlsslen E~xoires June 8, 1969