HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1656 OI~DZ~C~ NOo 1656=~~ SElL[ES C~NG ~ LA~ USg ZONING OF ~Y ~R~IN AY ~ NO~a~ CO~R OF ~. VE~ON }~IiEAS~ in accordance ~ith the procedure sat forth in the provisions of Ti~la 17 of the Hun[cipal Coda of the City oE B~k~r~eld~ ~he ~la~i~ C~ie~ion and City Co~c~l ~ve held h~ring~ r~pec~v~ly~ o~ a p~i~ion ~o c~nga ~he land use zon~g o~ ~h~ certain proper~y fl= ~he City o~ ~rslteld located a~ the nor~heas~ comer oE ~o Ve~on Avenue and Col~s S~ree~ and ~~S~ ~h~ Cl~y Council ~s datelined a~e~ due cone~dera~ion o~ sa~d p~on ~nd ~he rec~ndaCions o~ the advanced aC ~he hea~in~a Eo~ a .c~e oE ~on[ns oi said p~operCy~ NO~ ~~ ~ IT O~I~D by ~he Council of ~he City off ~he City oE ~a~rsEi~ld~ be and ~he ~ame ts hereby mended by c~n~in~ ~ha land usa mon~n~ off certain proper~y ~n said C~ ~he bo~darie~ o~ which propar~y are sho~ on ~he ~p hereto a~tached C~n~in~ ~h~ zon~ boundarXe2 fr~ ~n R-1 (Single F~Xy ~ellin~) lone ~o a C-I~D (L~mi~ed ~Icial - Architectural De~i~) Zonal ~o a C~O~D {~rofa~lionil Office - Arch[cec~ral Deei~n) Zonal an~ ~o an ~o3oD (L~i~ed Multiple Family ~elli~ - l~cht~ec~ral Dea~) Zone o~ ~ certain p~perCy in ~he C~y o~ ~k~r~ieid Xoca~ad a~ ~he northeast corner oE H~o Ve~on Avenue and Col~bu~ S~re~ bain~ mo~e p~r~tc- ~o a C=I~D (L~[~ C~rc[al - Architectural Daa[~) Zone, ~e~nt~ a~ ~he ~ou~e~ co.ar o~ S~c~ion 15~ Tmmehip 29 Soughs ~nse 28 2a~ ~,Do~oHo ~ ~h~ce North 89 desree~ 19 degreee 40 m[nu~ee 23 eeconda ~as~ dio~an~ 55 feet to the ~e poin~ oi bsg[~[~g oE ~his parcel. ~ence continue o~ ~h~ ~e~l~ 76~o00~ ~ o~ ~he $~ 1/2 o~ t~ ~ou~h X/2 o~ ~e ~-~e~ X/~ o~ Section 1~ To--hip 29, ........ 000 .... o=== November AYE¢.. COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSK!NG, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE- "- ..... LM~N L....~~ .____ ~~..~~ NOES: CUu~',,-, ABSI:.NT COUNCIL~MEN :.~..~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ' [ ii MT. V ERNON AVE. '' · · o R I C E .ST. ..' ,~, . . ', · . ~ .. i "'? .,; ~,.....--~ [ ' ! Aff av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ~n.....t...h...e.....2...9.~:..h.....d...a.y.....~..f......N..~...v...e..~...b...e.?..~. ................. 19...6...6.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and co.rrect copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held ~n..t...h...e.....2...8..t...h......d..a.~.....~...f.....N...~..v...e.~.b...e...r.., 19....6...6., which ordinance 1656 was numbered ....................... · ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITT,E SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST COENER OF MT. VEP~ION AVENUE AND COLUMBUS STREET° Subscribed and sworn to before me this Notary Public in and for '~he County of Kern, State of California  WALTER W. SMITH i · NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIf'ORNIA ~ i PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ..' i KERN COUNTY ..-= WALTER W, SMITH My Commlssk)n Expires June 8, 1~