HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1654 OIIDI~.~%I~C~ ~0o~.4._.~ lqEW SERIES ~ AS 2420 7~ 2650 ~NG ~~ in accordance with the ~roced~e ~e~ ~or~h ~ pr~$~ons of T~le 17 of ~he ~lcipal Code of the City of ~akersf~eld~ ~he ~la~ C~as~on and City Co~cll ~ve h~r~ngs raspecttvely~ on a pe~ion ~o c~nge the land use zonin~ of ~hose ce=~atn p~oper2~ea ~n ~he C[~ o~ ~kers[ield c~only w~h certain modZf~ca~o~u ~o p=operl~ a~ford access ~o the p~ope~y and ~o ad]ac~ a~eag i~ co~a=~ble wi~h ~he cc. mprehens~ve plan~ and and se~ce road ~Tov~n~s and ~P~S~ ~he O~-~eL, S o~ ~he sub]ec~ ~=ope=~ ~ve ~o dedicate and ~~ certain ;=feet an~ se~ce road ~n o~de= ~or ='he p~ope~y ~o ~a~ofy ~he co~rehen~ive plan~ and ~~S~ ~ha C~y Co~c~l ~s da=e~ned after due cons~de=a~ion of ~a~d pe~i,on and the ~eco~nda~on= of ~he ~la~n~ C~ss~on ~r~n on fil~ to~e=he~ wt~h ~he reasons a~vanced a~ ~ha ~a=[n~ fo~ a c~n~e o~ zon~n~ of sa~d ~ a zon~.ng c~nge ~hou15 be authorized. ~ Section 17.12.020 (Zoning ~mp) o~ ~he ~cl~l Code o~ ~he Ci~ of Bal~er~~ be and ~he s~e. ~s hereby amended by a~a~h~ and ~ a ~ h~o~ as ~o11~: Suburban) Zone ~o a ~o~=D (C~rc~al o Architectural I~ ;~i~ of ~l~e~a~leld~ S~ate of Califonta. ~he adoption ~he~a~f o~ upon ~he ~anfng of the foll~i=~ 2,,. ~=~lp~ off a~ ac=ep~nue of r~gh~ of way deeds north ~-~sm~y~f~ve feet of subjec~ p=operty and fche ~ ~y ~ee~ of ~ubje=~ 9roper=y~ for the ~u~o~e of a ~ca road Co p~ovfde for ~ictpal se~f~c~s. (a) ~n~alla~on of curb~v ~t~eT~ and ~d~alk~ ~o c~'~y ~andards alone H~ Argue and 2~ ®xten~on oE Itut~hes I, ane~ al:l. bordering o ~a~ds al0n~ ~i~g ~~~n~ ~o cl~y a~an~ds o~ se~ce l.o~l~ed on ~ no. Ch and ~es~ bo~de~ of Xna~al!a~on of pipe and appur~ances ~o ditch located a~a~tffi~d ~ sac~[on one h~d~ed p~c~t o~ aa~o~i 4 ~ ~~~ bond ,~o ......000 ....0o~,o o AYES~ COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, .1~,,=~, HOSKING, I~.~R..K, RUCKER, S'T-.t~,~, WHITTEMORE. NO-":;: COUNCILMEN: /~_ ...................... ABS:NT COUNCIU,)7~ ABSTAINING COUNClLMEN~ ~ou~c.~! 0£ ;:h~ City o£ Bak~'afiel~ · C A 8T R 0 I.N~. · 'HUGH E S LN. BALDWIN RD. Affi av ! of ®r nau es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern J MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .................. ..N..o...v..e...m...b..e...r......2..2.. ....................................... 19.6...6.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... .N...o...v..e...~...b..e...r.....2...1. ................................. 19..6...6..., which ordinance was numbered ...... .1....6...5..4.. ....................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CI~NGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAEERSFIELD COMMONLY I~O~ AS 2420 TO 2650 MING AVENUE, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... .2..2...~...~day of ........ .N...o..v...e...m...b..e..~ .................... 19...6..6.... Notary Public in and for ~:hc County of Kern, Statc of California {~,~) NOtArY PUSUC.C^,IFO~Ni^ k~ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN IF ~ KERN COUNTY My C:emmlsslon bpires August 11,196~