HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1653 ORDINANCE 1':~0o 1653.=._..,,._...,~,~ Sl~.l:tlll~S ~ O~~CE OF ~ ~ClL OF ~ C~ OF ~ ~CX~A~ ~ODE~ ~ ~DIN~ SECTIONS 1~.04.774 ~ 11.04.776 ~ ~ ~[CIPAL ~DE OF ~ CI~ OF BE ~T O~X~D by ~ Co~C~I of the C~Cy of Ba~rsfteld as roll,s: S~C~ON l. ~ Section 11.04.77~ of the ~c~pal Code of the City of ~ak~r~leld b~ a~nd~d ~o read aa foll~s: 11.0~.775 ~_~ ~ on Oak S~Feec. A prim fac[e spesd 1~t= o~ forty m~les per ~our [8 hereby detemtneg and declared Co be ~he pr~ fac[e sp~ed I~ a~ which vehicles my ~ravel on Oak SCre~t fr~ c~ oou=h curb line of 24~h SCree~ Co approximately 1000 fee~ north o~ ~he no=2h curb l~e of B~da~e ~ne.. S~C~ON 2. ~ ne~ Section 11.04.~74 be and the $~ ~$ hereby added ~o the ~n~c~pal Co~a o~ ~he Ct~ of ~rsfield =o read as roll.s: 11.0~.774 SDe~d limt~ on Pierce ~ad. A priu facie speed l~i~ of frothy mille 9er hour t8 hereby datelined and declared to ~ ~he pri~ ~acie epasd l~it at which vehicles my zravel on Pierce Road f=~ =he souffles= co,er of ~he Call,ay Canal Brtd~e ~o ~ north curb l~ne of ~oa~dale Hi~ay. $~C~O~ 3. 11.040776 ~d ~= on Wibl~ ~oad. A pr!~ [ac~e speed l~tc of for~y mileo 9er hour is hereby de=em~ned and decla=ed to ~ ~he pr~ ~ac~e spe~d 1~ a~ ~h~ch vehicles My ~ravel on Wible ~oad 590 ~eeC nor~ o~ ~he north curb line of M~n~ ~o 621 feet oou=h of the sou~h curb l~ne of Wilson ~ad. SECTION 4. This ordinance chall become e~fectiva thirty days £rom anal a£t~r th~ da~e o/[ [~ passage. I t~EREBY CER~ that the £oregotng Ordinance was passed and adopted by ~h® Council of the City sE Bakers£teld at a re~ularn~e~i~g thereof held on the 21s_..~_tday of November, 1966, by the £ollo~tnsvote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOO' ~N. HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE,~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: '~,~...~ o .~._ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: 7'~ ~...~ ' ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN, '~.7,~'~Q.~ -' -- Marian S. Irvin C~ and Ex-~fict6 Cle'~l~' o[ the of t~ Ct~ o~ Ba~zsf~eld. Kenneth W. ~oa land Affi av ! of ®r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and ~ November 22 19.6...6.... she posted on the Bulletin Board that u .......................................................................................... at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on......N...o..v...e...m..b...e...r.....2..1.. ................................. 19..6..6...., which ordinance was numbered ...... .1...6....5..3. ........................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Al/ENDING SECTION 11,04.775 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, AND ADDING SECTIONS 11.04.774 AND 11.04.776 TO TKE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFYELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....2.1.~...~..d..day of ....... .N...o..Y..e. ~9.6. ~.... Notary Public in and for '~he County of Kern, State of California I~ (~_R.Y PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA J[ I1~ ~~~,NC~^L O~CE *N -' I~ My Commission Expires Augusf 11, 1968