HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1652 ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ALT~I~ING THE ~~ES OF ~ FI~T, SECO~ ~, ~~, FI~, S~ A~ S~N~ B2 lIT O~I~D~ by ~he Co~cil of ~he City of ~rsfteld as follows = SEC~ON 1 ~e boundarie~ o~ ~he Ftrs~ Ward of ~he City of ~kersfteld are hereby altered ~o as ~o include ~here~n ~ certain parcel of ~err~o~ heretofore a~exed ~o ~he C~y of ~kersfield by Ord~n~ce No. 1642, Ne~ Ser~es~ of ~he C~y of Ba~rsfie[d, which terr[~o~ ~s des~nated as ~'~ ~ ~. 1" ~ and ~8 specifically described ~ sa~d ordinance. SEC~ON 2 ~e bo~dar~es o~ ~he Second Ward of ~he C~7 of ~rsf~eld are hereb7 al=ered so as ~o ~nclude ~here~n ~b~ certain parcel of ~err[=or7 heretofore annexed Co ~he C~7 of Bakersfield b70~nce No. 1~80, Ne~ Ser~es, of ~he C~ of Ba~rsf~eld, which ts de~a~ed as "~ION ~ sa~d ordinance. S~TION 3 ~e boundar~e~ of ~he ~d Wa~ of ~he C~7 of Bakersfield are hereb7 al~=e~d ~o' a~ ~o ~nclude ~here~ ~hose cer=a~n parcels o~ ~err~or~ heretofore annexed Ordinances of 8~d C~ ~h~ch parcels ~o11~ des~a~tonG and a=e spec~f~ca~l7 de~r~bed ~ ~he respec- tive ord~nce8 as ~ollows: "O~ ~. ~" annexed ~der Ordnance No. 1506, New Ser~e~; "SAG~ ~ 1", a~exed ~der Ordinance No. 1~79, N~ Ser~es; and 'O~LL ~~ ~" ~ annexed ~der Ordnance No. 1625, N~ Ser~es. SECTION & The boundaries of the Fourth' Ward of the City o£ Bakers- ~J. eld are hereby altered so as ~o ~nclude ~re~n ~c certain parcel o~ ~err[to~ ~reto~o~e a~exed to tb~ C~ty o~ ~rs~eld by Ordinance No. ~639, N~ Ser~es, of ~he C~ty oE Bakers~Leld, which ce~r~o~ ~s destroyed as ~'PIE~ NO. 1", and t8 specifically described ~n sa~d ordinance. f~eld a~e hereby ~ered so as ~o ~clude Chere~n ~ certain parcel o~ ~e~o~ herato[ore a~exed ~o ~he City o~ Ba~rof~e!d by Ordnance No. ~93, N~ Series, o~ ~he Cl~y o~ Bakersfield, which ~e~o~ ~s ~es[~d as "S~SET HO. 3to, and ~s specifically d~scrt~d ~ sa~d ordinance. SEC~OH 6 ~e boundaries o~ ~ S~x~h ~ard o~ the City o[ hkers- f~eld are hereby altered so as ~o ~nc[ude ~heretn panel o[ ~errt~o~ ~re~o[ore annexed by Ordnance No. ~29, New Ser~es, of the City o[ hkersf[eld, ~ch Cerr[~o~ ts desk,aced as ~'B~~ ~ NO. 1", and ~s specifically described ~ sa~d ordt~nce. SECTION 7 ~e b~dar[eo o~ ~he S~en~h ~ard o~ the C~ty o~ hkerso ~ield are hereby altered so as ~o ~clude therein chose certain parcels o[ terr[~o~ heretofore a~exed ~o ~he City o~ hkers~[eld by Ordnances o~ oatd C~ ~h~ch ~rcelf o~ ~err~ory bear ~he ~oll~[n~ des[~ono and ~re ~pec~cally described ~ the respec- tive ord~nces as ffoll~e: tt~S ~o [", a~exed ~deF Ord[nanc~ No. 1~91, N~ Ser~es ~ ~*~AC~ HO. 3*', ~exed ~der Ord[n~ce Ho. 1~9~, N~ Ser~e8; e'S~ ~. 1~, annexed ~der Ordinance No. 1S00, New Series; "PACflECO lqO. &", annexed under Ordinance No. 1520, New Series; '~4ING lqO. 3", annexed under Ordinance. No. 1588, New Series; and "PLAIqZ PARK HOe 9", annexed under Ordinance No. 1636, New Series. ! HEREBY CERTIFY that the forego~ Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meettn~ thereof held on the 14th day of November, 1966, by the following vote: AYES.. COUNCILMEN BALFANZ DOOL{N HOSKING PARK RUCKER ~.~..STAI NING COUNCILMEN, Marian S. lrvin C~£"~ CLF~qlq ~nd Kx-OEf~c[o 'Clerk 'of the Council of the Ctt~y of Bakersfield APP ~RD/VE_b.:th~e 14th day of November, 1966,.. e Affiilani! l atin!l rilinan s STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern } MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ~n~....t...h..e..~...~...5..t...h.~..d...a.y..~...~..f......N..~...v..e...m...b..e..T..~. ................. 19...6...6.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.~;ll.~....~,..~$ll...O~y....q~..ND.v.e~llb~.z'.., 19...66., which ordinance was numbered .............. .1...6...5..2. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE FIRST~ SECOND~ THIRD~ FOURTH~ FIFTH~ SIXTH AND SEVENTH WARDS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....1...5..t...h..day of .............. . .N..o...v..e...m...b..e...r. .............. 19....6...6.. Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, Stat,~ ; ....... ~ ................... ~'~'a'6i'i'"'"~ ~'^L ~ ,~La"R~ WALTER W. SMITH ~'"~-~ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA i~ ~ER"....c..o.?..T.? ................ WALLER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969