HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1651 Wa ~ Wlfl[~ in accor¢lance ~.~tth the pro,c, edure set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of ~he M~tct~l Code of the City oi ~a~=af~elde the Planntn~ C~tss~on and C~ Co~cil ~ve held hearin~a respec~velyo on a ~on of the Pla~in~ C~s~ton 2o ~n~6 the land use zontn~ of ~C certain proper~ tn ~he C~ty ~r~ield bounfled on =he sou~h by Planz ~ad, on 2he wes= by ~ac2 1878e and on 2he no=~h and eas~ by ~ Island ~nal~ and ~SD ~ City CO~c[1 ~S de~emtned afZer ~ue ~on~;tdera~on of ~aid ~ton ~d ~he rec~nda~ion~ of ~he Pla~n~ ~~ton ~re~n on ~1~ ~o~e~her wl~h ~he r~son~ a~anced a~ ~he h~r~ngs for a c~ng~ o~ zon~ o~ said p~per~y, ~ a zon~l~ cbmnge ~hould b~ N~ ~FO~ ~ IT O~I~ by the Co~ctl of the o~ Bakersfield a~ ~ollo~: ~a~ Section 17.12.020 (Zonin~ ~p) of th~ ~icipal Codl~ of ~h~ City o~ ~kers~teld~ b~ and the sn~ ts hereby a~nded by c~ng~a ~he land use zonin~ of certain p~perty In said bo~ries of which pr~rit~l a~e sh~ on the mp hereto a~tached ~md ~de $ part h~reof~ a~ follows: Ch~n~ln~ ,th~ ~om~n~ bo~rles fr~ an Roi (Sia~le F~atly irchiCec~al Death) Zone of t~t cercatn property tn C~ of Bake~aft.ald bonded on ~ South by Planz ~oad, on ~h~ ~es~ by Yrac~ 1~ and on ~he ~or=h and East 'by Z~land Ca~l. A 9arcel of land a~Zua~e in the County of ~, S~aZe of Cal~fo~av and b~ a 9ortion of 2h~ SoutheaSt 1/4 of Section 7 ~d Ch~ ~or~hea~c 1/4 of Section 18, T~shtp Beginning at the southeast corner of Tract 1878 as said Southeast corner is shown on the map recorded October 1956, in 'Book 9 o£ Haps at page 96 in the OEfice of the County Recorder of said l~ern County~ said Southeast corner bein~ a point in Ch® South line of 8a~d Section 7, said point being 781.00 feet distant westerly from the South- east comt~ of said Sect~on ?~ and also being a point in the corporate boundaa~y of the City o£.Bakersfteld as defined by Ordinance 119-1, 1~ Series, T~NC~. (1) alor~ the follo~in~ 2 courses of said corporate boundary: North 0 de,tees 00 minutes 25 seconds ~/est, 660.00 feet; THE~2 (2) l~orth 89 d~grees 52 minutes 15 seconds East, 18.253 feet ~o the southwest right of way line of the Central Branch l~arn Island Canal as sho~n on the map of said Tract No. 1878; TSENCE (3) 2outheaet~rly, depart~ns from the said corporate boundary, along' the said ri§hr of way l~ne to tnter~ect the l;est line of the East 297 ~eet (18 rods) of sa~d SecCion ?; TIIENCE (~) southerly, alon~ a_ line parallel with, distant 18 rods (297 ~eet) westerly of the east line of oa~d Sections ? and 18 to Intersect the south lin® of cha north 30 ~eet of said Section 18; said sou~h line b~ln§ the south rf~ht el ~ay line of Flanz ~oad, alas ~mo~n as County Road No. ~3, of 60 ~CE (5) ~este~ly 2lon§ last pawed south linem intersect the southerly prolongation of the ~st 1~ a~o~satd ~act No.1878, sa~d ~ersection heine a poin~ ~ the aforesaid co.orate bo~da~; ~~ (~) northerly alo~ last ~ prolo~t~ ~nd along the ~a~d co.orate b~nda~, a distance of 30 ~eet, ~r~' or l~ss~ to the point el be~nE and con ta~n~ 5.33 acres o~ land~ ~re or less. ......... 000 ......... 0 ................. R-I to R-$ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................. . .......... 0 R-~ ............................................................ ................. ~ ..... :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: P.L A N Z ROAD ami m~, ~ ! ~lml , ~ ~. ~ ! tlFAEBY CERTII~ ~ha~ ~he fon$o~ 0rd~ee vas ~ssed and adopted by C~ Co~l o~ C~ CLOy o~ Bakersfield a~ a re~lar me~ ~he~o~ he~d on ~ 7th d~y o~ N~ember, 1966, by ~he ~oll~i~ vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, I:O:KINO, PARK, R,U(~KER., :STIERN, WHITTEI~q ,i~. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTA IN'lNG C~ILMEN C~ ~ ~.~ ....... - l/arian S. Irv~n ~/['fE cLEF~ and Ex;0/if~to Cl'e'~k o~ the ~g[x~s-'-~.~?~-;... ~y~~ber, 1966 ~~KD ~ ._. ~eCh g. ~ea~d ,, Affa av ! of J ost ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, actin§ and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............. .N...o...v..e...m...b..e...r.....8..~. ............................................. 19.6...6.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... .N...o...v..e...m...b..e...r.....7..~ ................................. 19..6.~.., which ordinance was numbered.....1..6.....5..1. .......................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFEILD BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY PLANZ ROAD, ON THE ~EST BY T1L~CT i[878, AND ON THE NORTH AND EAST BY KERN ISLAND CANAL. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th ~, ~ November ~ 66 Notary Public in and for ~:he County of Kern, State oI Californla ! ~ WALTER W. SMITH ! :i ~__~ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALII ORNIA ~ WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969