HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 4, 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes Meeting — May 4, 2006 — 5:30 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1. ROLL CALL: Present: BARBARA LOMAS, Chairperson MURRAY TRAGISH, Vice Chairperson TED BLOCKLEY RUSSELL JOHNSON TOM McGINNIS JOHN S. SPENCER Absent: JEFFREY TKAC Advisory Members: Robert Sherfy, James D. Movius, Marian Shaw Staff: Dana Cornelius 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items 4.1a Approval of minutes for Planning Commission meeting of April 3, &April 6, 2006. Commissioner Blockley moved, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, to approve the Non-Public Hearing Items on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried by group vote. 4.2 Public Hearing Items 4.2a Approval of Extension of Time for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6167 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) 4.2b Approval continuance until May 18, 2006 Zone Change 05-1455) (Lynx Realty & Management) The public hearing is opened. No one from the public requested removal of any consent agenda item. Commissioner Tragish stated that with respect to Consent Item 4.2(b) he will recuse himself. Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Blockley, to approve the public hearing consent calendar items. Motion carried by group vote. Planning Commission — May 4, 2006 — 5:30 p.m. Page 2 5. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIMAN /SEAT SELECTION Commissioner McGinnis inquired if the chair and co-chair could be re-instated, and if these positions could be held for two consecutive years. Staff indicated that the rules do not provide for a two consecutive year position; however, there is nothing that precludes the re-election of the current chair and vice-chair. Commissioner McGinnis nominated Barbara Lomas as Chair and Murray Tragish as co- chair for the years 2006-2007. Commissioner Blockley stated that he would second this nomination. Commissioner Johnson inquired if both individuals were okay with the nomination. Commissioner Lomas stated that she would accept the nomination, and Commissioner Tragish stated that he wouldn't mind be chair, but he does not want to be vice-chair. Commissioner McGinnis amended his motion to nominate Barbara Lomas as Chairman for the years 2006-2007. Commissioner Johnson indicated that he made a commitment to nominate someone else for chairman so he will follow through with that. Commissioner Spencer seconded Commissioner McGinnis' motion to nominate Barbara Lomas as the Chair person. Motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Lomas, McGinnis, Spencer NOES:Commissioners: Tragish, Blockley, Johnson Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Blockley, to nominate Commissioner Tragish for chairman. Motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Blockley, Johnson, NOES:Commissioners: Tragish, McGinnis, Spencer Abstention: Commissioner Lomas The item was opened up for discussion. Commissioner Blockley stated that he was comfortable with both motions, and that was the reason for his "flip-flop"vote. Commissioner McGinnis stated that Commissioner Lomas has been innovative in streamlining the process and she's willing to do it another year. He also stated that Commissioner Tragish would do a fine job as well. Commissioner Tragish stated that he is not willing to be chair/vice-chair for another two years as it is just too much work. He encouraged that some of the members who have never chaired be given an opportunity to the reins. Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner McGinnis, to re-instate chairwoman Lomas as chairman for the next cycle. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Blockley, Johnson, McGinnis, Spencer NOES:Commissioners: Tragish, Abstention: Commissioner Lomas Commissioner Tragish moved to nominate, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to Commissioner Blockley as Vice-Chairman. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Lomas, Tragish, Blockley, Johnson, McGinnis, Spencer NOES: None Planning Commission — May 4, 2006 — 5:30 p.m. Page 3 Regarding seat selection, Commissioner Tragish indicated that he would like to switch seats with Commissioner Johnson. Commissioner Lomas requested that the seat selection be put off until the next meeting, and Staff agreed. 6. COMMUNICATIONS 6.1 Planning Department Operations Update- Presentation by Jim Movius, Planning Director. Mr. Movius gave his presentation. Commissioner McGinnis inquired if he can foresee adjustments being made prior to approval of the projects to increase builder costs to off-set the city's costs for development of services and capital improvements. Mr. Movius responded in the affirmative stating they will be looking for these projects, and need to make sure they will be self- supporting and provide definite infrastructure improvements. Commissioner Johnson inquired about the Williamson Act and how it will relate to developments such as those mentioned, and the relationship with annexation. Staff explained. Commissioner Tragish inquired if the information that emanates from Kern COG regarding traffic is based on population, to which Staff confirmed. He inquired if the population information is incorrect how it throws off all the information that is in the projections by Kern COG, upon which some of the EIR rely upon. Staff responded that Kern COG does update their plan often, and further indicated that with this project they are asking them to consider substantial build out of the sphere of influence area in the traffic study and then back into their timeline criteria for development. Staff further pointed out that the population projection for 2020 will probably occur in 2010, but the Kern COG model itself has accommodated for this, and believes that the model is probably accurate regarding the current growth rate and where that population is happening. Commissioner Tragish inquired if Staff is satisfied that given the model they are aligned with the tempo of the acceleration of growth in the sphere of influence. Staff responded that they are probably pretty close and that is one of the reasons they need to do a General Plan update. Commissioner Blockley stated that the City is doing the best possible job it can to not only prepare for growth at the current rate, but also to prepare other agencies, including CalTrans and the government who might be funding freeways, with enough information to justify committing funds to construct the roads, which is what the City needs to accommodate the growth. Commissioner Lomas inquired about the form based codes, to which Staff indicated they are hopeful to get funds to pursue this. Commissioner Lomas inquired about the time frames for the oil field ranking and General Plan Updates. Staff indicated the General Plan Update will hopefully be approved in September, and take two to three years. Staff indicated that there is no time table for the oil field ranking, but stated that it probably wont take the consultant long to look at the numbers that the fire department came up with and verify them and make suggestions for change. Commissioner Spencer inquired about the policies of the General Plan Update — justifying expanding developments beyond established urban areas and the leap-frogging effects. Staff stated that he respectfully disagrees that there has been leap-frogging. Staff indicated that in some areas where the services are there yet, they are at or very near the boundaries, and it's the responsibility of the developer to extend the services into the property to serve the development. Staff pointed out that there are a lot of other cities that would accept the growth, and therefore it is more beneficial for Bakersfield to accept the growth. Staff further pointed out that there is a lot of infill projects going on. Commissioner Spencer pointed out that he sees urban decay and deterioration of existing infrastructure that is in the metropolitan Bakersfield area, and is not getting all of the attention that it needs, and yet we are just extending our services that we sorely need. Commissioner Blockley inquired about annexation of urban developed properties, and if any thought has been given to changing the policy. Staff responded that the annexation program and Planning Commission — May 4, 2006 — 5:30 p.m. Page 4 committee is run from the Assistant Manager's office, and they do revisit that issue every once in a while. Currently, with the scarce resources, trying to go out and get those areas that are already built up into the City is a tremendous undertaking, and it currently is not being pursued as a priority to go back in and revisit that issue. Commissioner Lomas inquired if LAFCO is the front runner on annexation and not the City. Staff responded that LAFCO is definitely the front runner, and some changes have been made with regard to the ability to annex islands even if they are inhabited islands. 7. COMMISSION COMMENTS None. 8. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. Dana Cornelius, Recording Secretary JAMES D. MOVIUS, Secretary Planning Director May 24, 2006