HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1664 ORDX~A~C~ ~0o 1664 ~ SEtLI~.$ AN OP. DI~L~C~ ~0VI~ ~TIO~I OF I ~a~L OF C~y o~ ~a~rs~e~d on ~he 29~h day o~ ~ove~er~ 1966~ requesting ~~ ~a~d 9e~.=~on ~as sl~e~ by ~ha o~ere of one- la~ ~q~liz~d a~es~m~ roll of ~he Co~y of ~., ~d any o~h~= =~ and ~ ~h~ oEEtc~ oE ~e C~ Clerk of ~ C~y of ~al~rs~eld~ a ~[~an cone~ ~[gn~d by ~he ~rs of ~ ~n ~o~h[rds of ~he value of =he ~er=~o~, ~ said ~erri~ory be eubjec~ed ~o ~a~ion a~e~: ~he c~l~on o~ auch a~.e~ion equall~ wi~h ~he p~op~r~ ~n ~he City of ~al~e=~eld ~o pay ~he bonded of ~a~d C~y t:he~ein de~c~!bed~ as p~v~d~d for ~n Ordl~ce ~o, ~oo ~112, ~ 5e~[es~ im O~nance ~o. 1229, New Se~les~ ~n liab~l~y of ~h~ C~ ~am~g or au~horf~zed on and after ~ of =~le~on of ~a~.~ a~ne~t~on~ and ~h~e Council h~reby de~e~lnes ~ ~a~d cona~n~ ~ e~ed by ~he ~ers of ~:eepec~ ~th ~he p~:ov~0~ o~ Section 35319 of ~he ~ove~n~ Code ou ~ha 5~h ~y o~ D~c~b~ ~966~ pa~ a ~o~u~lon b~tng No~ 78-66~ D~v~on 2~ ~a~ 2~ ~p~ ~ A~icle ~ o~ ~he G~e~en~ Code o~ and geat~n~ ~ ~i~o~ by a~ app~o~e na~ ~d ae~l:in~ ~y~ ~ ~6~h d~y o~ ~~ 1967~ a~ ~h~ hou~ o~ 8:00 p,m, ~~tsld~ ~1~o~ e~ ~h~ day0 hou~ and placa ~h~n and ~~o ~aid ~e~olu~on was published a~ lea~ bu~ no~ o~en~r ~n onc~ a ~.~eek ~n ~e ~ersfteld a n~paper o~ ~eneral c~cula~ion published ~ ~he City of ~a~r~eldv an~ al~o ~ ~e O~ldale ~sv a n~sgaper of c~cula~on 9ubl~h~ ou~a o~ ~he C~t~ o~ Bakersf~eld~ bu~ ~.n ~ving b~n co~l~ed a~ lea~ ~a~n~y days prior ~o ~he da~e s~t proposed annexation ~o ~he 9er~ona tn=f~tl~d ~here~o~ ~n ~i~h subd~visiona (a) and {b) of Section 35311 of 8aid Ood~ and ~P~S~ at the ~i~ set £6r hearing pro~escs~ no ~t~en pro~este ~r~ ~ ~ns~ ~e proposed a~exa~on by any ~ ~~0~ ~ ~ O~A~D ~y Cbc Co~c~ o~ the Cl~y of Bake~sfl~ld~ as ~C~ON lo ~ ~ C~y Co~c~ o~ ~h~ C~y of ~ers~e~d hereby ~pprov2~ ~ ~~o~ ~o and ~clus~on ~h~n ~ha ~nco~ora~ad ~rr~o~y d~s~na~ad a~ '~0~ C~~Y ~0o 2**; and ~ ~s h~eby ~ur~her ordained ~ ~ai~ ~rr~ory be an~ ~he ~a~ ~ hereby a~exed ~o ~a~d C~y~ ~ ~a~ ~e~r~,~o~ ~s described as A ~arce[ of land o[~d i~ ~h~ County of [e~ Sta~e of and being a po=~on o~ ~he North on~ohal~ of Section 32~ To~hip ~ou~h~ ~nsa 28 ~a~ ~oDo~o and more ~r~cularly de~cr[bed as ~lnn~n~ a~ ~h~ poin~ of ~r~c~on of ~:he sase rtgh~ of ~ay l~ne of ~ou~h ~n~ S=re~ ~-~h ~h~ ~ou~h r~h~ of ~ay line of Fo~o~c Avenue~ ~a~d po~n~ a~l~o be~n~ ~ vo~n~ of tn~er~ec~on of the eouth !~ne o~ ~he north 30 fee~ o~ ~he ~ I/~ of ~ha ~ 1/4 of said SecCioa 32 w~h ~ha ea~ l~ne o~ ~he w~ 30 ~ee~ o~ ~he ~ 1/2 o~ sa~d Section 32~ and also b~ a po~n~ on ~h~ ~9o~a~ ~o~da~ o~ ~he C~y o~ Cal[~o~[a ~ a~ d~[n~ by Order.ante ~o. 89~ ~ ~e~-~ Ser~ee; ~5 f~ ~rly of ~he w~ line of ~lock 1~ and ex~ension fo~ record Jan~ 12~ ~90~ o~, 9aEc 100 of Book 1~ Official of ~ County ~ Califo~;%a ~ 468 and 469 of Book 1~oo ~13!0 Official ~cerd of l[ern Co~0 ~fo~la~ ~atd poin~ of intersection al~o bm~g on ~he Co~o~a~e ~da~ of ~he Ci~ of ~a~e~field~ Ca~tfo~ia~ a~ defied by ~C~ (4) aou~h~=~y a~on~ ~he ~a~ r~h~ of ~ay line of aa~d Co~y ~a~ ~o. 1321 an~ alo~ ea~d Co~ o~a=~ ~ . y ~o tn~ereec= a l~ne parallel ~[~h~ ~[a~an~ 30 faa~ no~he=lE of ~he $ou~h 1ina oE ~he ~ 1/4 of the ~ ~CE (5) ~,~e.te~rl~F alomg the I~sC named parallel line a distance of o~ ~ S~cC~on 32; ~C~ (6) ~ou~h~ a~o~ ~h~ last ns~d east line co ~he po~nt ~a~d p~rc~l of land co~t~a 7o~6 ~cr~ ~ or les~, upon ~h~ =o~l~ion o~ ~he ann~C~on o~ ~he ~ame Co the C~Cy o~ ~~ff~ld~ b~ ~ub~c~ ~o ~acfon eq~ly wf~h oche~ p~ope~ ~h~ o~,~ of p~p~y~ ~cca~ ~he~ein~ ~he issuance of bonds AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, .HO3KING, J~J~, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: c,,,,'~' ~ . Aff av ! of j os ng ®r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRYIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .t...h..e......1..7..t...h.....d...a.Y....~.f......J..a...n..u...a..?.Ir.~ ................. 19...6...7.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held ~n.....t...h...e.....~..6..t...h.....d...a.y.....~...~.....J...a..n...u..a...~?.y..~ 19.6....7...., which ordinance nu 1664 was mbered ......................................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA~ DESIGNATED AS "UNION CEi/ETERY NO. AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...1...7..t...h...day of .............. .J...a..n...u...a.?.~., .............. ,19....6..7... Notary Public in and for ~:he Comity of Kern, State of Cali/~rnla OFFICIAL SEAL  WALTER W. SMITH NOTAI'~Y PUBLIC- CALIFORNIA PRiH¢;ip~L orr~E IN ~ ~ KERN COtJNTY ........... ~ WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969