HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1680 BE I:T O~I)A]:I~D by the Council o~- the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION That Section 7.38.030 of the l~nictpal Code of the City of Bal~r~ff. eld be a~ended to read as 7.38.030 ;..xpirat~o~....of ~e~nt_~. ~very such permtt shall exptre annually on the 31sc day of December. SgCT[ON 2. This ordinance ehal! beco=~ efEect[ve thirty d~ys fro~ I HEREBY CI~~ ~hat ~he fore$o[ng Ordfmance was passed and adopted by ~he C~nc~l of ~he C~ o~ ~rsffteld a~ a re~lar ~e~n~ ~reo~ held ~ ~he 19t~ ~y o~ June , ~967, by ~he foll~l~ vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY. HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN. VETTER, WHITTEIdORE NOES: COIJNCILMEN: c._~_.~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: _'~-.~~~ ABSTA,N,NG COUNCILMEN: APPROVED t:h:[a 19t~h c~y o:~ June ,. 1967. APPRO~gD: I8. Hoa STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern } MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on.....t...h...e.....2...0..t...h.....d...a...Y.....°...f.....J...u..n..e..: ............................ 19_.6...7.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....t...h...e...._l..9..t...h.....d...a...Y.....°...f.....J..u...n...e..,. ....... , 19.6...7...., which ordinance was numbered ............. ..1..6...8..0.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAI~IRSFIELD AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 7.38.030 OF CHAPTER 7.38 (MUSIC AND ENTER- TAINMENT IN PLACES WHERE LIi~UOR SERVED). Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...2...0..t...h..day of ............. .J...u..n..e..~ ................... 19....6...7.. Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California OFFICIAL SEAL ! {~ WALTER W. SMITH ~ NOTARY PUBLiC-CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN KERN COUNTY WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969