HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1679 O~DI~C~ .gOo 1679 NEW A~ ORDINANCE OF ~ GZ~ OF ~~F~E~ AP~NG ~ A~T~O~ 9'~0 T~ CI~ OF ~~F~E~ OF C~T~IN IN~BZ~;'~,~ ~!TO~Y DESIreD AS "B~N P~ NO o 8"~ ~CH ~.$ CONTZGUOUS ~ ~ CZ~ OF ~~FI~0 U~N ~,~ ~ CO~I~D IN T~ W~S~ pu=a~m~ ~ ~he p=~s~ons of an AcC of Le~i~laaure of ~he S~a~a of Caiffomfa, ~ as ~ "Anne~i~ Ac~ of 1913"~ and pur~ to ~e~o~u=~on ~o. 21-~ adopted Council of ~he C~y of ~akersfield on ~he 20Ch ~y of ~rch~ 19~ a sp~c~al election ~a~ held on ~he 16th day of ~y, 1967, ~n certain ~n~bt~ed =er=itoh73, cou~i~uou$ ~o the City of Bakersffeld d~f~ed a~ 'B~on Pa~ck Ho. 8" and which is hereinafter more pa=ticuXarly d~scrfbed ~ ~~S~ at sa~d ~pec~al election t~ foll~fnE question was submitted ~o th~ g~.lffe~ ~lec~ors residtn~ In said CI~ OF ~~X2L~ l~ ~ ~R~ IN SUCH ~ CI~ OF ~k~FX~ ~ PAY ~ ~ED S~IN~ FO~ ~li ACQUISITIONs CONS~UC~ON OR and ~~S~ i~ agpeaTs fr~ ~he canvass of ~he reruns of ~he vo~es cast a~ ~aid ~gecial e~c~fon Z~ a ~jorfty of' all votes =as~ in 8aid cer~i~o~ on ~h~ ~ues~ion of said anne~on and ~he ass~p~ of aa~g ln~eb~e~ne~ favo~ ann~on upon ~he c~a~ned ~n ~he gu~om u~b~e~ and ~~$~ ~.~ a~pe~',~ ~ aaid special alac~ion and all proceed~n~ =~la~fn~ ~h~e~o ~ve be~n conducted ~ric~ly in NO~ T~ffO9~,, .~E ~,T 9~Ai~D by the Council o~ of ~kers~ld~ aa foll~a~ ~bat the ~nne~m~ion of that certain inhabited territory No o 8" b~ and ~h~ ~ame ~ h~by appr~ed up~ ~he ~e~s contained ~ ~he aio~a~d q~a~ which was su~t~d at the special eltctt~ held on ~he 16ch ~y off ~y~ 19670 Said ~e~tto~ ~s described aa folios ~ D~c~p~ton of a parcel of lmm~ ~o be a~exed ~o ~he ft~ld and which ts ~o b~ ~ami~ed as "BE~N P~ ~0, 8", said I ~rcel of land It~t t.m ~ht County of K~, S~aCe of ~ltfo~ta, and being a p. orcton of 8~lon~ 11, 12, 13 and 14, T~sh~p 30 B~gl~g aC Ch~ nor~a~ ~o~r of ~h~ S,1/2 of the N.W.1/4 of the SoW.l/4 of the H.Wol/4 of aa~d SecClon ~2, being a potn~ on ~he co~orac~ boun~ ~ d~fi~d by ~d~nc~ No. 1~73 N~ Series and along ~h~ foll~lag 5 ~o~ra$~ of sa~d O~'di~nce No. 1473 New Serles; ~CE (1) easCe=ly mlom8 ~he north l~ne of ~he S.1/2 of ~he N.W.1/4 of C~ S.W,1/4 of ~cha ~.W.l/4 and along the north line of Trac~ ~o~ ~2X~ ~ maid Trac~ No. 2215 ~p recorded J~a 25, 1959 in Book ~g~ 170 tm ~ office of ~ht C~n~y ~corder of said ~ C~y~ ~o ~h~ nor~h~ co.er of ~C 1 of said Trac~ ~o0 22~.~ (balmg Course 6 of ~C2 (2) no=Cha~ly ~8 ~he westerly ~minus of C~Cy Road ~o0 2083 ~o~ as ~ Av~ue~ of 60 fee~ lnC~m~c~ 2h~ mo~h llne of said L~ Avenue (being C~raa ~ of a~.id Ordi~nca); ~CE (3) easterly along Ch~ ~aid north l~e of Lure Aven~ a dls~anc~ ~ Z~0 f~a~ mo=e or less~ ~o tn~ersec~ ~he ~.Wol/4 of ~td 8~ton 12 (being Course 4 of said 300 ~ ~o~ o~ ~ass~ Co ~n~rsec~ ~CE (~) eas~[y ~2.o~ ~.~ ~d no~h line and ~he north of said Sa~on 12 {being Cours~ 2 and 1 of ~ald Ordl~mc~) ~ ~g (6) s~heriy along ~he eas~ l~e ~.f N.W.I/4 of aald Sa~ion 12~ and al~g b~~ am defined by Ord~nce No, 1107 N~ Ser~es, Co ~Cersac~ ch~ notch line of the Sou~h 30 fe~C of the NoW,l/4 of maid SecCton 12~ 2. named north line a~d along ~he co.orate s~the~ly ~h~a~ co.er of ~act No. 1833 as said co.er ~s ~[ao~ on ~he ~p recorded J~e 9, 1955, in Book 8 off ~p~ at ~Se 200 ~n the off[ice o~ the sa~d Co~cy ~co~der~ said po~t being the southeast co~e~ off c~a anne~tton de~inad by Ordinance 1~6~ ~ ~l~ ~nd alon~ the ~oll~tng 3 C~rses said Ord~nc~; · ~aNCR (8) ~.0°0t~38~o~ 253.00 ieeC alon~ the east line of said ann~ton ~o ~ha northeast co.er ~hereoff (being Cours~ 3 o~ aaid Iasc ~d Ordt~nce)l ~NC2 (9) No89~55~22~o~ 307o85 fee~ along the north l~ne o~ said a~~ton ~o ~h~ nor~es~ co.er ~hereof (being Course ~ o~ ~a[d Ordi~nce); ~CE (10) $.0°~38~ 253000 ~ee~ along the vest line o~ said a~~ton ~o ~h~ $ou~es~ comer cher~[, said comer be~g a po~=~ in ~he aforesaid north line o~ the south 30 ~eec o~ ~ha ~o~ol/~ o~ said Sec~t~ 12, and a po~ on ~h~ co.orate bo~~ as defined by Ord[~nce ~o. ~330 N~ Series; ~CE (11) ves~rly along ~a Iasc ~d north l~ne, and alo~ C~ [oll~y~g 7 courses o[ las~ ~d Ordi~nc~, ~he sou~h~aa~ co~$r o[ Trac~ ~o. 2100 as said comer ts ~ho~ on ~he ~p ~cordad July ~3, ~961, tn Book 12 o[ ~ps a~ pages 2t and 25 in ~ oEfice o~ the said Co~ ~~ (12) N.O°02'lO'~o ~ 278.27 ~ee~ along ~he ~s~ bo~~ said Trace ~o0 2400 co the souc~es~ comer o~ ~he ~C~ (13) So89°56~18'20~ ~43o35 ~eeC a~ong C~ s~h 1~ o~ ~ s~ ~o ah~ sou~heaa~ co.ar ~hereo~; ~CR (14) ~.0°02~0~o~ 60o00 ~ee~ along ~he ~sC line off s~ ~o ~h~ ~o~ch~sC comer ~hereo~; ~NCR (15) N. 89°56 ~ ~8~0 ~ 1~3.35 ~ee~ alo~ the notch line ~he ~.~o in,arc,cC the eas~ line o~ said Trace No, 2~00~ ~N~ (16) N.0'02~10~$~o~ 292o00 feet alo~ the Iasc ~med ease line ~o ~ha no~h~ts~ co.er o[ said ~ac~ No. 2~00, said norCh~ comer bel~ a point in the north o~ ~he S.I/~ o~ ~hs S.~.I/~ of the N.~.i/~ of said Section 12 ~ ~NCE (17) was~er~y =[o=~ ~h= =a~d no~h ~ne oE T=ac~ Noo 2~00, and ~he no~ ~[n= oE ~ha S.~/2 oE ~he S o~.~/~ oE ~he ~.~.~/~ o~ =m~d ~=c~ ~2= and ~he north ~[ne off as de~ ~y O=d[~nc=e ~o, 1330 and 1397 N~ Ser~es, to tnter~c~ ~he ~esc line oE the ~st 30 Eeet of said SecCion THEHCE (18) .~h~rly ~!ons the last na~ed vest line co ~nCe~aecc ~h~ ~h ~e of ~ N.1/2 of C~ N.1/2 o~ the ~NC~ (1~) eas~rly ~1~ 1~ n~d sou~h 1Erie and ~he sou~h l~u~ off ~ ~. 1/2 off ch~ ~.1/2 o~ the S.~.1/4 of saEd d~n~d by OL~d[n~nces 1~97 and ~2~6 N~ SarEes, EnC~r~cC ~2 ~ rE,he off ~2y lena o~ A~Ce Cbc ~p o~ T~ac~ ~o. 233~ r~corded ~h 2~, 1960 Book 11 off ~p~ ~c pa~e 63 ~ the offEce o~ ch~ Co~Cy ~co~d~, said point o~ [nCersecCEon alas beEn~ the no~C~ co~r o~ an a~cE~ desisted "Coronals ~oo 4" appr~ad ~y 21. 1963, by ~soluc~ 63-2~3 off ~ Board off 5upa~sors o~ said Ke~ Co~y; ~C~ (20) sou~ho~ ~[o~a~ ~ ~ lena si saEd "Coronals No. co En~e~c~ ch~ north 1Ene o~ Tract No. 2521 as a~ on ~[~ ~p r~corded July 12, 1961, En Book 12 of ~p~ ~ p~goa ~9~ 20 and 21, En the o~ce o~ the sa[d ~C~ (21) ~.89°~[7~o, 1~5o36 ~e~C alons the north 1Ene off ~aEd ~rac~ ~o~ 2~21, and al~ ~he co.orate as d~ne~ by O~dEnance No. 13~3 N~ SerEes, Co the nor~h~ co~r o~ saEd Tract No. 2~2~; ~NCE (22) S00'0~e~2'2o, ~0o~4 feeC alons the ~esC 1Erie o~ saEd ~ac~ ~oo 2~1 ~o ~he $ouC~aC co~r Cb~reo~ said soul.sst co~ boEn~ a ps,nC on C~ north lena of Trac~ No o 28~8 aa ah~n on the ~p of said Tract ~C2 (23) N.8~°~'~o, 3~ [ee~ alon~ ~he co.orate b~~ as d~E~d ~y O~d~nce Nos 1327 N~ SerEes and a~on~ ~h~ no~h ~.,~.n~ si Trac~ No. 2438 ~o ~he co~r o~ ~mEd T~c~ No. 2438 a~ sh~ ~ ~ ~p reco~da~ ~ov~b~ 17, 1960 ~ Book 11 o~ ~ps a~ ~CE (24) southerly a~ ~h~ ~es~ ~a of sa~ Trac~ No. 2438 and ~h~ ~o~ly ex~sEon ~h.areo~ ~o in~ersec~ ~he sou~h l~n~ sE 2h~ north 30 ~ee~ o~ saEd Sec~E~ 1~; ~NC~ (25) ~as~r~y m~.o~3 ~ na~d s~h l~ne ~o ~n~ers~c~ ~h~ northerly p~o~on~a~on o~ ~he ~s~ 1Ene sE E1 PoP.ers ~n~ o~ ~0 ff~a~ ~n ~Ed~h ~s saEd E1 Po~rero is on ~ ~p off Tr~c~ No 2263 racorded April 7. 1960, En Book 11 o~ ~ps a~ ~Se 74 ~n the off~ce of the sa~d Co~gy ~cord~r~ sa~d east line of E1 Potters be~nE ~he ~ l~n~ of ~ 2 o~ said Tract No. 2263; prolo~a2~o~ ~h~ ~ l~n~ of ~a~d ~t 2 and the colorama b~~ as d~f~d by Ordt~nce 1355 ~ ~i~ ~o ~h~ s~est co~e~ of said ~C2 (27) N.8Vo57~I~'2.~ 1~9o74 feet al~E the south, l~n~ si sa~d Lo~ 2 ~o ~he ~outh~s~ co.er thereo~, TI-ff~HCE (28) [q.0°02°41*%~'o~ 188o42 fee~: along the ~ Ztne o~ said ~ 2 and ~h~ northerly prolongation thereof Co tnter- sec~ ~he afforesa~ ~ou~h l~ne of ~he north 30 ffee~ of ~CS (29) eas~r~ alon~ ~e la~ ~d south X[ne and alon8 the co~ora~;e bo~ga~ as defined by sa~d Ordi~nce ~C~ (30) northerly alon~ la~ named east line and ~he east l~ne o~ ~ ~as~ 2~0 feet of the Esl/2 of sa~d Section 12 ~o tn~a~aec~ ~he north ltne of the drainage sh~ on ~he ~p of Tract ~o. 2687 recorded N~ber 1962. in Book 13 of ~ps at ~es 79 and 80 tn the of~lc~ of the aaid County ~corder~ said point of intersection betn~ a point on =he co,orate bo~~ ~C~ (31) S.89°54~02'~0~ 10.35 f~e~ alon~ the north line of said s~9 ~o ~he aou~heas~ co,er of Lot 19~ Tract ~o, 2687 (bein~ Course 5 of said Ord~nce)l ~C2 (32) 873~ ~o~ i~0.12 fee~ along ~he ea8~ l~ne of said Lo2 19 ~o ~e nor~heas~ co,er thereof (be~ Course 4 of said O~flinanc~)~ sa~d co,er bein; a point on cu~ concav~ co =he east~ fr~ which zhe radial cen~er bea=a ~.28°23~39'E.~ dtstant 90 ~HC~ (33) No;~he~ly alon~ aa[d cu~e through a c~tral an~le of 91~16~30~ au a=c d[s~nce of 143o37 ~ee~ ~o a potnt off reve~=~ cu~$ from which ~he radial center bears H.60'lg~51~:'Wo~ g~$~an~ 25 feet (betn~ Course 3 of sa~d Ordinance); ~NC2 (3~) no=~herly alon~ aaid cu~a~ concave ~o the ~hFou~h a ~e2~al an~le si 29°~31' an arc of 12~91 [e~ ~o a potn~ of ~an;ency tn the ~est line of ~r~ood $~=ea~. ~f 60 feet tn wtd~h (being Course 2 of =a~d ~o~ 142~ ~ ~e~ie~ and Course 5 o~ Ordinance ~o. 1360 ~ S~s ~o a point; ~C~ (36) along ~ha fol~o~.~in$ 3 c~rses o~ sa~d Ordt~nce No. 13~0 ~ ~a~a~ a~ follows: S. 89~55~22"E.. fee~ ~ ~C~ (37) S.0~04~38'~o~ 62~91 ~eet ~o a poin~ on a cu~a which ~ha ~a~.al cen~er bear~ S.40~40~26'~ dis~n~ 260.99 ~C~ (38) no=~hea~ar'.~y alou~ sa~d cu~e~ concave ~o the eas~ throush a ce~%~zal ansle of 400~6~2~"' an arc dis=ante of ~85.73 fee~ to inter~ec~ ~he eastu~ly line of ~he ~%'.1/2 of ~he S.~ol/~ of sa~d Sectton ~C~ (39) northerly alone lea= named ~s~erly line and the uorpo~aCe boun~ar7 aa defined by Ordinances ~Oo 1360~ ~312 and 1259 He~7 Series to intersect the sou~h 1~ of the north 30 feet of the S.E.1/~ of ~C2 (40) ~as~=ly alomg las~ ~m~d ~outh line and alo~ the co.orate bovndary as defined b~ Ordlnance No. 10~1 Section 1~ ~ ~C~ {41) 8.0e00~52'~o~ 370.40 feet along las: na~d east aai~ eas~ l~n~ b~i~ the west line of a parcel of l~,nd deeded ~o ~ goun:7 of ~ by deed recorded AprL1 12, 1960 in ~ook 3260 a= pages 659 and 660 in the Official ~co~de of aa~d lCe~ ~o~ty~ ~o the sources: co.,er of said 9a~ael (b~ng Course 7 of Ordinance No. 1376 ~~ (~2) a~ong ch~ following 7 Courses of said Ordinance No. 1376 ~eu Se~ ~.89°53~30"E., 299.65 feet along :he ~ou~h ~ue of said ~rcel and the prolon~[o~ ~hereof ~o tntersec: the wes: line of Lot 28 o~ T~a~ ~o. 2385 as ~td Lot ts sh~ ~ the recorded Ap:il 1, 1960 ~n Book 11 of ~ps at pa&e ~P[n :he of[[ce o~ the said C~nty ~corder; ~CE (43) No0°00~30~o ~ 334~93 fee: al~g ~he ~est line of ~a~.d Lo: 28 ~o 2~e b~g[nning of a :angent cu~e, ~vtn& radius of ~0 ~CE (~4) no=:heae~e~i~ along 8a~d cu~e~ concave ~o the south, east through a ~en~Tal angle si 90°05~08" an a:c distance: of 31.~5 ~ee~ ~o a po[n~ o~ ~angency ~n the sou:h 1the o~ :~ uo~h 45 feet o~ the S.E.1/4 o~ said Sectton 12 ~ ltne~ being 2~,"~e ~ou:h r[gh: of way l~ne of Wt~$on ~oad~ ~o ~he beg~nn~g of a :angen: cu~ ~v~g =ad~us of ~0 fee~ ~CE (45) sou~hea~e~],y along said cu~e~ concave ~o Zhe ~es:~ :h~ou~h a ~en:ral angle of 89~e52'' an a~ dis:ante off 31039 ffeez ~o a porn: of tangency In ~he ~es~ ~ne off ~he east 55 f~e~ of t~ S.E.1/~ of Section 1~ ~ ~CE (47) So0o00~30'~ ~ 8~2.53 [eet along las: ~d ~es~ l~[ne ~o tn:~=~ec~ ~he 8ou~h line of sa~d TracZ No. ~CE (48) So 89°~°22'~o~ 2].00 feet along las: ~md souZh line :o ~n~e~e=~ ~he ues~ line of the eaoZ 30 feet ~~ (~9) sou~be:l~ sion& la~: ~mea ~es~ line and ~e west line of t~ ~a~ 30 f~e~ of 8a~d Section 13~ betng ~he west right of ~-~a~ !~ne o~ Sou~h ~ S~ree:~ of 60 fee~ o wid~h,~ and along ~he corporate bounda_~y as defined by O~i~a ~oo 898 and ~322 N~ Se~[es~ ~o ~ha aou~h ll~e off ~he N.l/2 of LoC 1 ~n said Section ~3, ~s ~a~fl Lo~ ~ ~s sh~ on the "Kern Coun~ Sales ~p No o i o~ ~nd~ o~ J. B. ~g~n"~ ~tled fo~ ~ecord ~y 3~ 1889~ ~n ~ha o~ffice o~ ~he ~aid Co~ ~co~er; co~ora~ ~o~mn~ deigned by sa~d Ordinance No. 1322 ~ Se~ ico in~ct the ~est !~ne o~ ~aid Lo~ northerly alo~ the said ~es~ line of Lot ~ and alon~ ~h~ co~o~aCe bo~~ a~ defftned by C~rse 2 of O~di~uc~ ~Oo ~362 N~ Ser~es~ to the nort~est co.er o[ Lo~ ~ said nortl~es~ co~e~' bein~ a point ~ the · ou~h r~h~ of way line of Planz Road, of 60 ~eet ~td~h ~ ~1on~ ch~ fol1~ing 3 courses o~ said Ordnance No. ~362 ~ aar~asl westerly alon~ the north line o~ Lo~ 3 ~ S~cc~on ~3 to intersect t~ vest line of the eas~ 300 fee~ of ~aid ~t 31 south lin~ of ~atd Lot 31 ~s~rly alone Ch~ said ~outh line of Lot 3 and sou~h 1l~ o~ Lo~ 2 as defined by C~rse 5 of said Ordt~mc~ ~o~ 1362 ~ Ser~es and Ordnance ~o, 1322 ~ Sarl~ ~o i~ersec~ the veot l~ne o~ ~he east 30 ~e~ o~ aalfl Section 13~ said ~esC line be~E the ~tsh~ o~ wty 1in~ o~ South H Street, of 60 ~eet in southerly mloag ~ha said west line, said line beths t~ ~a~ XE~e of ~ 15 of "~nds of J. B. ~SEin" ·aid Sec~lo~ ~3~ and alone t~ co.orate boun~ defined by Ordinamc~ No. I491 ~I~ Series, to the 8outhea~ ~o~r of 8a~d Lo~ along thm foll~ing 14 courses of said O~dinance 1491 ~ Se~a: westerly along the south line of ~atd Lo~ 1~ and ~h~ ~outh l~ne of the N.1/2 o~ 14 and 13 of ~O~nd~ o~ J. B. ~n' of said Section 13, ~o tn~e~c~ ~he west line of said ~ 13; sou~ly a!omg ~aid we~ l~e to intersect a l~ne ~,cl% ~he ~ou~h line of the ~.W.1/4 of said Section 1~ said parallel line ~sses chro~h the no~h~a~ co~-aer of Parcel "A" of Altered ~p o~ T~ac~ ~Oo 2263 aa aatd Pascal "A" is sh~ ~ t~ mp recorded OcCobe~ 8~ 1962, in Book 13 of ~p; at pa~e8 57 amd 58 in ~ht office of ~he said Co~ty Recorder; Parcel 'A' ~o ~he nort~e~t co~mer thereof, said ~ra~ a~le o~ 0 15 3~ ~ a~c d~sCance o~ 6o08 ~o~ ~o ~ ~h~h a c~a~ =ngle o~ 30~8~03" an arc dLs~ance o~ 93~06 la~ ~o ghe norC~aa~ co~e~ o~ said Parcel ~C~ (~3) ~.89°55e~0°%~o ~ ~7~o~9 ~eeC ~on~ the no=Ch l~ne ~C~ {~) So0°02°~°~o~ 2008 ~ee~ ~1~ ~ wes~ l~ne o~ said ~2 {65) So89°57°~9=%~0= 3~9030 EeeC alon~ lao~ na~d and ~h~ no~[~ l~ne o~ said Panel °'C" co ~Cer~ec~ the ~aa~e~l~ ~o~~ o~ sa~d Altered ~p o~ Trac~ No. 2263; ~CE (65) no~he~y ~2~g m~d westerly bo~~ ~o ~n~e~sec~ ~CE (67) wez~ezly ~lom~ la~ ~med north l~e ~o in~ersec~ ~ea~ ~E~I~ o~ ~y 1Erie o~ U~S. HEg~ay Rou~e ~C~ (68) ~ou~he~ly al~g ~a~d we~t ~t~h~ of way l~ne sec~ ~he uo~Ch l~ne of a ~el of land described ~ a sran~ dea~ ~ce~o=de~ Au~s~ 29~ 19~7, ~n Book 2837 page 128 oZ ~ne O~tc~al ~cords of said ~e~ Count; ~C~ (69) was~e=ly a~o~ mal~ north l~ne a distance of 417.~9 wes~ 30 f~eC of ~a~d Sec~ 13, =a~d ess= ~ ~a~C ~l~h~ of ~ay l~ne of %7~ble ~ad~ of ~0 feet ~CE (70) no=C~rly= ~pa~i~ fr~ Che co~ora=e bo~~, along Iasc nam~ eas~ line ~o a ps,nc ~ C~ souCh line of ~he north 283032 ffee~ of m~d ~ec~on 13; of the so~ ~in= o~ ~he no~h 30 fee~ and sa~ Sec~ou 13 a~ Sec=~on I~ ~o ~n~eroec~ ~he w~.st S~c~on1~ ~a Ssc~ton 1~ ~o ~n~e~sec~ ~he no~h o~ ~ ~o~ 45 ~a~ o~ ~a~d Section 11~ said potent ~co;fl~d Oc~ob~ ~9~ ~963 aa Doc~ ~o, 63809 ~ook 365~ p~g~ ~85 on O~cial Records; Co~ ~a~ No. 2357 ~o a poin~ on the ~esC rtgh~ of ~ralial~ ~y~aaa~ ~aid point being ~ a cu~e ~hich ~h~ ~ad~l c~n~er bears lt,,80°58~21"E, ~ distant 5125 ~v~ a ~a~iu~ of 5125 fea~ ~hro~h a central angle of 9°51~39' an a~ distance of 881.88 feet; ~CE (76) No0'50~00"~o~ 566077 o~ ~he ~o~o~4 o~ Che S o~/4 of the N.E,1/4 of said Se~on 1Xv aaifl po~n~ o~ in~e=sectton betn~ a point on ~hs ~oL~o~aCs bo~~ a~ defined by Ordinance 1473 ~ ~.~ol/4 of Che S,~ol/~ of the ~.E.1/4 and alon~ a po=~ioa of Co~=~m 7 of ~mid O~di~nce No, ~473 N~ $~=~ee ~o al%e no~thea~ co~ of the S.1/2 of the ~,20~/4 of ~he $.Eoi/~ of ~he ~,E.1/4 of said Section 11~ b~l~S ~he po~ of begging and con.thinS ......... O00 ......... ~ I.~FIB~ C2~.~Y~f ~:h~ ~:h~ [oresot~s Ordinance was pas~a~ ~nd adopl:~ b~ k~ Counc~.l off ~:he Ct.t:y of Bakers£f.e].d al: ,~ AYES: COUNCII,k'IEN HEI$~¥, HOSKING, NOES: COUNCILMEN:_-~- ."~"~'/~'/ STIERN, YETI'ER, WHITriMoII ABSENT COUNCILMEN: A~STAINING COUNCILMEN; Affidavit of ost ng (Ore,trances STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ ..t.~.e......2..3...r..d......d..a...y.....o..~....M...a...y..~. ...................... 19.6..7..... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on......t...h..e.....2..2...n..d......d..a...Y.....°...f....M...a..Y..!. .......... 19.....6..7., which ordinance was numbered ............... .1...6..7...9. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN OI~DINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKEI~SFIELD APPl~OV- ING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF BAKEI~SFIELD OF CEI~TAIN INHABITED TE1L~ITOI~Y DESIGNATED AS "BENTON PAI~K NO. 8"~ ~IICH IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF BAKEI~SFIELD~ UPON THE TEI~MS CONTAINED IN THE QUESTION SUBMITTED AT A SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID TEP~ITOI~Y ON THE 16TH DAY OF MAY~ 1967. · ":'~:' '.~-, -,,~ ', _?'.;.¢ .--:. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -" -' ' '~ 23r~ .... . May~ ~. 67 .............. u~ u& ................................ .~ ............. ~ ~ ......... ................ ............ Notar~ Public in and ~or ~he ~unt7 o~ Kern, Stale of California ..... ~ ................... ~'~axr'"~'~x[ ................ ~:~ WALTER W. SMITH j N~ PRINCIPAL O~FICE IN My Commi~ion ~pires June 8, 1969